Winston Liu
Affiliations: | 2018- | Neurobiology | Duke University, Durham, NC |
"Winston Liu"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorGovind Bhagavatheeshwaran | research assistant | 2011-2015 | NIH, NINDS | |
Steven Jacobson | research assistant | 2012-2015 | NIH, NINDS | |
Daniel S. Reich | research assistant | 2012-2015 | NIH, NINDS | |
Diego V. Bohórquez | grad student | 2018- | Duke | |
(MD PhD) |
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Liu WW, Bohórquez DV. (2022) The neural basis of sugar preference. Nature Reviews. Neuroscience |
Buchanan KL, Rupprecht LE, Kaelberer MM, et al. (2022) The preference for sugar over sweetener depends on a gut sensor cell. Nature Neuroscience |
Middleton DM, Shahrampour S, Krisa L, et al. (2021) Correlations of diffusion tensor imaging and clinical measures with spinal cord cross-sectional area measurements in pediatric spinal cord injury patients. The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. 1-8 |
Kaelberer MM, Rupprecht LE, Liu WW, et al. (2020) Neuropod Cells: Emerging Biology of the Gut-Brain Sensory Transduction. Annual Review of Neuroscience |
Buchanan KL, Kaelberer MM, Liu WW, et al. (2019) 1083 – Gut Sensing of Nutrient Caloric Content Gastroenterology. 156: S-229 |
Liu W, Nair G, Vuolo L, et al. (2014) In vivo imaging of spinal cord atrophy in neuroinflammatory diseases. Annals of Neurology. 76: 370-8 |