National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
William J. Adelman Jr.Squid giant axon, sodium currents, gating currents Kenneth S. Cole (research scientist)
Ichio AokiMRI LFMI Alan P. Koretsky (post-doc)
Kari (Rich) Ashmont School of Biological & Health Systems Engineering Bradley Greger (grad student)
Sanaz Attaripour Isfahanimovement disorders, human motor control, ataxia HMCS Mark Hallett (grad student)
Constance Woodruff Atwellvisual development
Oluwole O. AwosikaNeurorehabilitation, Spinal Cord Injury, Stroke Leonardo G. Cohen (post-doc), Mark Hallett (post-doc), Mary K. Floeter (post-doc)
Aron K. BarbeyHuman learning and inference Jordan Grafman (post-doc)
Molly Baumhauerelectrophysiology, memory, cognition
William C. Benzing
Heysol Bermudez Judith Walters (grad student)
Sonia K. Bhangoochemokines, pain Fletcher A. White (collaborator)
Craig Blacksone
Dvir Blivis Developmental Neurobiology Section20082016 Michael J. O'Donovan (post-doc)
Susan Y BookheimerLearning & Memory, Neuroimaging William Theodore (post-doc), Paul Fedio (post-doc)
Joaquim Pereira Brasil-Netotranscranial magnetic stimulation, direct current transcranial stimulation, perception, plasticity of the central nervous system19901993 Mark Hallett (post-doc), Leonardo G. Cohen (research scientist)
Ethan R. BuchMotor system, Stroke2011 Leonardo G. Cohen (post-doc), Sunbin Sylvie Song (collaborator), Alissa Fourkas (collaborator)
Robert E. Burke19691974 Karl Frank (research scientist), Anders Lundberg (collaborator)
Barrington G. Burnett Kenneth H. Fischbeck (post-doc)
Khalaf BusharaMotor Control/Cerebellum Mark Hallett (post-doc)
Robert J. Buteraneural control of respiration, pattern generation, computational neuroscience19961999 Jeffrey C. Smith (post-doc)
Heather A. Cameronadult neurogenesis, plasticity, behavior, stress19952001 Ronald D.G. McKay (post-doc)
Pablo Celnik Leonardo G. Cohen (post-doc)
Andres E. ChavezSynaptic transmission20032007 Jeffrey S. Diamond (grad student)
Bo-Shiun ChenNMDA receptors Katherine Roche (post-doc)
Yan-min Chen
Daofen Chen
Seungsoo Chungcerebral cortex plasticity DSPU John T. Isaac (post-doc)
Leonardo G. CohenCortical Plasticity, Stroke Rehabilitation Mark Hallett (post-doc)
Andy A. ColeSynaptic Ultrastructure2007 Thomas S. Reese (grad student)
Emma LR Compton-Daw20062009 Joseph A. Mindell (post-doc)
Katherine ConantNeuroimmunology, MMPs Eugene O. Major (post-doc)
Liviu C. Craciunspinal cord, spasticity, ionic channels Mary K. Floeter (post-doc)
Patricia Curran Joseph A. Mindell (research assistant)
Olga Dal MonteNeuroscience20102011 Jordan Grafman (grad student)
Eran Dayanbrain connectivity, network neuroscience, motor systems, neuromodulation Leonardo G. Cohen (post-doc)
Maire Pierre Deiberneuroimaging, event-related potentials Mark Hallett (post-doc)
Claire Delaville Judith Walters (post-doc)
Jeffrey S. DiamondSynaptic Physiology
Michael A. DimyanHuman Neurophysiology, Neurorehabilitation, Learning & Memory Mark Hallett (research assistant), Leonardo G. Cohen (post-doc)
Sean D. Donevan Michael A. Rogawski (post-doc)
Jean-Claude DreherNeuroeconomics Jordan Grafman (post-doc)
Millicent Dugich-Djordjevicneurotrophins; stem cells19941998 Ronald D.G. McKay (post-doc)
Kristin Briana Dupre Judith Walters (post-doc)
Jeff H. DuynfMRI
Rebekah Coleman EvansBasal Ganglia Zayd M. Khaliq (post-doc)
Paul Fedio
Kenneth H. Fischbeck
Mary K. Floeterclinical neurophysiology
Alissa Fourkasmotor imagery, neurophysiology, motor learning2006 Leonardo G. Cohen (post-doc)
Karl FrankNeurophysiology
John H. Freemaneyeblink conditioning19961997 Daniel L. Alkon (post-doc), Bernard G. Schreurs (post-doc)
Brita FritschModulation of neuroplasticity, non-invasive brainstimulation20062008 Michael A. Rogawski (post-doc), Leonardo G. Cohen (post-doc)
Brandy FuremanNeuroscience
Harold GainerNeurochemisty/Neuroendocrinology
Maciej Gasior Michael A. Rogawski (research scientist)
James W. GnadtCognitive and motor physiology, Visual System, Neurotechnology
Vinod Goel Jordan Grafman (post-doc)
Fred Goodwin Irwin J. Kopin (post-doc)
Jordan GrafmanBehavior Cognition Language, Brain Imaging, Disease, Learning & Memory, Systems Neuroscience
Dustin M. GrahamTaste20032003 Ralph Nelson (research assistant)
Austin R. GravesElectrophysiology and in vivo imaging20052007 Joseph A. Mindell (research assistant)
William N. GrimesRetinal physiology, Synaptic physiology, Dendritic integration20032010 Jeffrey S. Diamond (grad student)
Travis A. HageNeuroscience Biology, Physiology Biology Zayd M. Khaliq (post-doc)
Mark Hallettphysiology of human voluntary movement and its pathophysiology
Michelle Harris-Loveneuroplasticity, neurophysiology, neurorehabilitation, motor system, stroke20042008 Leonardo G. Cohen (post-doc)
Adam L. HartmanEpilepsy Michael A. Rogawski (post-doc)
Gal HaspelNeuroethology NINDS20072013 Michael J. O'Donovan (post-doc)
Thomas G. HazelNeural stem cells, cell therapy19941999 Ronald D.G. McKay (post-doc)
Norman Hershkowitz Michael A. Rogawski (post-doc)
John HeuserEM, Vesicular Trafficking19701972 Thomas S. Reese (post-doc)
Ramona R. Hicks
Miguel HolmgrenMolecular Neurophysiology2007 Teresa Giraldez (collaborator)
Madeline Hsiang2022 Joshua A. Gordon (grad student)
Donald R. Humphreybehavioral neurophysiology Karl Frank (post-doc)
B. Ian HutchinsData science, machine learning, informatics, bibliometrics, neuroscience Cellular and Developmental Neurobiology Section20102013 Susan Wray (post-doc)
Vijeth IyengarEpisodic Memory Jordan Grafman (research assistant)
Kory J. Johnson
Michelle E. JonesResearch training
Jean-Sebastien JouhanneauBrain states, Synaptic Plasticity20022009 John T. Isaac (grad student)
Bechara KacharStructural Cell Biology Thomas S. Reese (post-doc)
Panagiotis Kassavetis
Justin M. KerrNeuroscience2012 Jeffrey S. Diamond (post-doc)
Caroline Kertzman
Zayd M. Khaliq
Rohan KheraNeurophysiology, movement disorders, stroke, immunology, public health Mark Hallett (research scientist)
Kristine M. KnutsonfMRI, cognitive neuroscience20112010 Jordan Grafman (research scientist), Eric Wassermann (research scientist)
Etienne KoechlinCognitive Neuroscience Jordan Grafman (post-doc)
Tushar G. Kokate Michael A. Rogawski (post-doc)
Irwin J. KopinDopamine, Parkinson's Disease
Alan P. KoretskyMRI methods
Stephen J. KornDirector of Training and Career Development
Walter J. KoroshetzNeurology, stroke, neurotoxicity, Huntington's disease
W. Wade Kothmannretina, gap junctions2010 Jeffrey S. Diamond (post-doc)
David A. KupferschmidtNeuroplasticity, Endocannabinoids, Addiction, Stress Integrative Neuroscience Section2017 Joshua A. Gordon (research scientist)
Annapoorna - Kuppuswamymotor control, cortex, TMS,20092010 Leonardo G. Cohen (post-doc)
Dennis Landis Thomas S. Reese (post-doc)
Story C. Landis
G David Lange
Lawrence L. Latourstroke
Harold Lecarion channels
William C. Lemon20022005 Benjamin White (research scientist)
Sarah LevyExecutive function; fMRI2009 Leonardo G. Cohen (research assistant)
Andrew P. LiebermanMechanisms of neurodegeneration in Kennedy's Disease.19982001 Kenneth H. Fischbeck (grad student)
Peter T. LinMotor Control20052008 Mark Hallett (post-doc)
Yuan Liuchannel, synapse, circuits, computational neuroscience, neuroinformatics
Shuxi Liusynaptic plasticity
Codrin I. LunguMovement Disorders
Mary Jo J. Maciejewskivision, plasticity, cortical brain injury, amblyopia, fMRI, perimetry19982000 Lawrence L. Latour (research assistant)
Barbara S. Mallon
Greg C. MathewsGABA physiology Jeffrey S. Diamond (post-doc)
Louis D. MatzelNeuroscience Daniel L. Alkon (post-doc)
Richard C. McCartyStress and Hypertension Irwin J. Kopin (post-doc)
Ronald D.G. McKaystem cells
Julian P. Meeksolfaction, vomeronasal system, hippocampus20002000 Jeffrey S. Diamond (research assistant)
Lorin S. Milescu Jeffrey C. Smith (post-doc)
Kyung-Tai Mincellular and molecular neuroscience
Joseph A. MindellPhysical principles governing membrane-protein function
Murtaza Mogrioptogenetics20052006 Jeffrey C. Smith (research assistant)
Lance Molnar Judith Walters (post-doc)
Eric Mooshagianvisuomotor integration, spatial representation, eye-hand coordination, bimanual coordination laterality, hemispheric specilaization20082011 Eric Wassermann (post-doc)
Catherine Morrisbiophysics Harold Lecar (post-doc)
Fatta B. NahabNeuroimaging, Movement Disorders, Tremors20042008 Mark Hallett (post-doc)
TrangKimberly Thu NguyenGPCRs, neurodegeneration, glia Neurogenetics20132015 Kenneth H. Fischbeck (research assistant)
Michael J. O'Donovan
Desmond J. OathesEmotion, Anxiety, Depression Leonardo G. Cohen (grad student)
Nicholas W. OeschSynaptic Physiology, Dendritic Physiology, Retinal Physiology, Sensory biology 20082014 Jeffrey S. Diamond (post-doc)
Shigeo Okabe Ronald D.G. McKay (post-doc)
James Leland OldsHippocampus19871995 Daniel L. Alkon (post-doc)
Jeremiah D. Osteen20062007 Joseph A. Mindell (research assistant)
David M. PanchisionDevelopment, stem cells19942003 Ronald D.G. McKay (post-doc)
Angele Parent19971999 Michael A. Rogawski (research scientist)
Monica Perez Leonardo G. Cohen (post-doc)
Emily Petruscircuit plasticity
Fabian Philippartsubstantia nigra
James M. PickelDevelopment, stem cells, transgenic mice19942002 Ronald D.G. McKay (post-doc)
Traian Popamovement disorders, plasticity, motor control2014 Mark Hallett (research scientist)
Ben Porterauditory cortex2011 Alan P. Koretsky (post-doc)
Lucas Pozzo-MillerSynapses, BDNF, MeCP2, Rett Syndrome19951998 Thomas S. Reese (post-doc)
Michael W Preston20172019 Judith Walters (research assistant)
James B. Ranck, Jr. William F. Windle (post-doc)
Caroline Rauffenbart2015 Leonardo Belluscio (research assistant)
Doodipala S. Reddy Michael A. Rogawski (post-doc)
Thomas S. ReeseSynapses, Axonal transport
Daniel S. Reichvisual system, multiple sclerosis, neuroimaging
Janine ReisMotor learning, noninvasive brain stimulation
Jong M. Rhoepilepsy, neuropharmacology, ketogenic diet Michael A. Rogawski (post-doc)
Katherine Roche
Renae Monique Ryan20052007 Joseph A. Mindell (post-doc)
Andrea Sawczuk Review19901993 Marc D. Binder (grad student)
Heidi SchambraTMS in stroke Leonardo G. Cohen (post-doc)
Annalisa ScimemiSynaptic transmission20052010 Jeffrey S. Diamond (post-doc)
Shahriar SheikhbahaeiNeuron-Glia Interactions
Zu-Hang Shengaxonal trafficking and synaptic function
Mette SkinbjergD2 dopamine receptors, cell culture, PET imaging
Jeffrey C. Smithneural control of respiration Ilya A. Rybak (collaborator)
Surjo R. SoekadarNeuroscience20082011 Leonardo G. Cohen (post-doc)
Samantha S. SoldanNeuroscience Biology, Virology Biology Neuroimmunology19962001 Steven Jacobson (grad student)
Vishnu SreekumarMemory, Decision-Making, Learning2016 Kareem A. Zaghloul (post-doc)
Elise F. Stanleypresynaptic, calcium channel, synaptic vesicle, calcium domains19841992 William J. Adelman Jr. (research scientist)
Adam D. Steellearning, memory, reward,fmri CNS20122014 Eric Wassermann (research assistant)
Randall R. StewartChannels, Transporters, Signaling systems
Lorenz StuderStem cells19962001 David M. Panchision (collaborator), Ronald D.G. McKay (post-doc)
Xiao-Ping Sunpresynaptic ion channels19941999 Elise F. Stanley (post-doc)
Yujie Sun Zayd M. Khaliq (research assistant)
Ben G. SzaroNeurofilaments, CNS Regeneration19841990 Harold Gainer (post-doc)
Viviane TabarStem cells Ronald D.G. McKay (post-doc)
Tina T. TangNMDA receptors, schizophrenia20052009 Katherine Roche (grad student)
Rahilla Tarfa Zayd M. Khaliq (grad student)
Carol Taylor-BurdsGnRH neurons Susan Wray (post-doc)
William Theodore
Jason Tucciarone Alan P. Koretsky (research assistant)
Peter van GelderenfMRI
Ivan VelascoStem cells, Neurodegenerative disorders, Dopaminergic neuron differentiation, Regeneration. Laboratory of Molecular Biology20002003 Ronald D.G. McKay (post-doc)
Judith WaltersBasal ganglia, dopamine
Steven WarachBrain Imaging, Stroke Diagnostics and Therapeutics
Eric Wassermann
Alexander R. WeissBrain machine interfacing, neurophysiology, electrophysiology, cognitive neurophysiology Neurophysiological Pharmacology Section20122018 Judith Walters (grad student)
Taco R. Werkman Michael A. Rogawski (post-doc)
Christopher Glenn WilsonNeural control of breathing19962001 Jeffrey C. Smith (post-doc)
George F. WittenbergRehabilitation, Motor Cortex19982000 Leonardo G. Cohen (post-doc)
Ling M. Wong
Alynda Noel Wood20122014 Leonardo Belluscio (research assistant)
Clinton B Wright20012003 Ralph L Sacco (grad student)
Carolyn Wan-hsun Wusensorimotor plasticity, neuroimaging20042008 Alan P. Koretsky (post-doc), Leonardo G. Cohen (post-doc)
Rachel WurzmanBasal Ganglia, Striatum Judith Walters (research assistant), Mark Hallett (research assistant)
Lei Xuesynaptic transmission Ling-Gang Wu (post-doc)
Roland Zahn Jordan Grafman (post-doc)
Abraham Zangen Mark Hallett (post-doc)
ManHua Zhu Zayd M. Khaliq (research assistant)