Maggie Bruck

McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada 
Developmental Psychology
"Maggie Bruck"
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Bruck M, Kelley K, Poole DA. (2016) Children's reports of body touching in medical examinations: The benefits and risks of using body diagrams Psychology, Public Policy, and Law. 22: 1-11
Lytle N, London K, Bruck M. (2015) Young children's ability to use two-dimensional and three-dimensional symbols to show placements of body touches and hidden objects. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 134: 30-42
Buck JA, Warren AR, Bruck M, et al. (2014) How common is "common knowledge" about child witnesses among legal professionals? Comparing interviewers, public defenders, and forensic psychologists with laypeople. Behavioral Sciences & the Law. 32: 867-83
Bruck M, Ceci SJ. (2013) Expert testimony in a child sex abuse case: Translating memory development research. Memory (Hove, England)
Poole DA, Bruck M. (2012) Divining Testimony? The Impact of Interviewing Props on Children's Reports of Touching. Developmental Review : Dr. 32: 165-180
Poole DA, Bruck M, Pipe ME. (2011) Forensic Interviewing Aids: Do Props Help Children Answer Questions About Touching? Current Directions in Psychological Science. 20: 11-15
London K, Bruck M, Poole DA, et al. (2011) The development of metasuggestibility in children Applied Cognitive Psychology. 25: 146-155
Bruck M. (2009) Human figure drawings and children's recall of touching. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Applied. 15: 361-74
London K, Bruck M, Melnyk L. (2009) Post-event information affects children's autobiographical memory after one year. Law and Human Behavior. 33: 344-55
Roy AK, Vasa RA, Bruck M, et al. (2008) Attention bias toward threat in pediatric anxiety disorders. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 47: 1189-96
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