Jeffrey LePine

University of Florida, Gainesville, Gainesville, FL, United States 
Management Business Administration, Industrial Psychology
"Jeffrey LePine"
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Rich BL, Lepine JA, Crawford ER. (2010) Job Engagement: Antecedents and Effects on Job Performance Academy of Management Journal. 53: 617-635
Lepine JA, Erez A, Johnson DE. (2002) The nature and dimensionality of organizational citizenship behavior: a critical review and meta-analysis. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 87: 52-65
LePine JA, Van Dyne L. (2001) Voice and cooperative behavior as contrasting forms of contextual performance: evidence of differential relationships with big five personality characteristics and cognitive ability. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 86: 326-36
Wagner JA, LePine JA. (1999) Effects of Participation on Performance and Satisfaction: Additional Meta-Analytic Evidence Psychological Reports. 84: 719-725
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