Nathan P. Podsakoff, Ph.D.

2007 University of Florida, Gainesville, Gainesville, FL, United States 
Management Business Administration, Industrial Psychology
"Nathan Podsakoff"
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Jeffrey LePine grad student 2007 UF Gainesville
 (Challenge and hindrance stressors in the workplace: Tests of linear, curvilinear, and moderated relationships with employee strains, satisfaction, and performance.)
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Chawla N, MacGowan RL, Gabriel AS, et al. (2019) Unplugging or staying connected? Examining the nature, antecedents, and consequences of profiles of daily recovery experiences. The Journal of Applied Psychology
Podsakoff NP, Spoelma TM, Chawla N, et al. (2019) What predicts within-person variance in applied psychology constructs? An empirical examination. The Journal of Applied Psychology
Podsakoff PM, Podsakoff NP. (2019) Experimental designs in management and leadership research: Strengths, limitations, and recommendations for improving publishability The Leadership Quarterly. 30: 11-33
Podsakoff PM, Podsakoff NP, Mishra P, et al. (2018) Can Early-Career Scholars Conduct Impactful Research? Playing “Small Ball” Versus “Swinging for the Fences” Academy of Management Learning & Education. 17: 496-531
Gabriel AS, Podsakoff NP, Beal DJ, et al. (2018) Experience Sampling Methods: A Discussion of Critical Trends and Considerations for Scholarly Advancement Organizational Research Methods. 22: 969-1006
Podsakoff PM, MacKenzie SB, Podsakoff NP. (2016) Recommendations for Creating Better Concept Definitions in the Organizational, Behavioral, and Social Sciences Organizational Research Methods. 19: 159-203
Podsakoff NP, Maynes TD, Whiting SW, et al. (2015) One (rating) from many (observations): Factors affecting the individual assessment of voice behavior in groups. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 100: 1189-202
Methot JR, Lepine JA, Podsakoff NP, et al. (2015) Are Workplace Friendships a Mixed Blessing? Exploring Tradeoffs of Multiplex Relationships and their Associations with Job Performance Personnel Psychology
Slaughter JE, Christian MS, Podsakoff NP, et al. (2014) On the Limitations of Using Situational Judgment Tests to Measure Interpersonal Skills: The Moderating Influence of Employee Anger Personnel Psychology. 67: 847-885
Podsakoff NP, Podsakoff PM, Mackenzie SB, et al. (2014) Consequences of unit-level organizational citizenship behaviors: A review and recommendations for future research Journal of Organizational Behavior. 35: S87-S119
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