David F. Clayton

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Urbana-Champaign, IL 
Birdsong, Neurogenomics
"David Clayton"
Mean distance: 14.19 (cluster 6)


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Zachary Bell grad student 2013- Queen Mary, University of London
Julia George grad student 1988-1991 Rockefeller
Claudio Mello grad student 1988-1991 Rockefeller
Kent L. Nastiuk grad student 1987-1992 Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research
Amy A. Kruse grad student 2001 UIUC
Richard J. Perrin grad student 1995-2001 UIUC
Kevin H. Park grad student 2002 UIUC
Hui-Yun Cheng grad student 2003 UIUC
Shu Dong grad student 2003-2007 UIUC
Amy Creekmore grad student 2008 UIUC
Linda Hasadsri grad student 2008 UIUC
Sufang Huang grad student 2008 UIUC
Sanjeewa G. Rupasinghe grad student 2008 UIUC
Kensey R. Amaya grad student 2010 UIUC
Daniel H. Barnett grad student 2010 UIUC
Ya-Chi Lin grad student 2006-2011 UIUC
Sarah E. London post-doc 2005- UIUC
Julia George post-doc 1992-1997 UIUC
Christopher N. Balakrishnan post-doc 2008-2011 UIUC (Evolution Tree)


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Arthur Palmer Arnold collaborator UIUC
John C. Wingfield collaborator University of Washington
Peter M. Yau collaborator 2003-2008 UIUC (Chemistry Tree)
BETA: Related publications


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Zandberg L, Morfi V, George JM, et al. (2024) Bird song comparison using deep learning trained from avian perceptual judgments. Plos Computational Biology. 20: e1012329
Kraft FH, Crino OL, Adeniran-Obey SO, et al. (2024) Parental developmental experience affects vocal learning in offspring. Scientific Reports. 14: 13787
Hofmeister NR, Stuart KC, Warren WC, et al. (2023) Concurrent invasions of European starlings in Australia and North America reveal population-specific differentiation in shared genomic regions. Molecular Ecology
Rhie A, McCarthy SA, Fedrigo O, et al. (2021) Towards complete and error-free genome assemblies of all vertebrate species. Nature. 592: 737-746
Yip PK, Schmitzberger M, Al-Hasan M, et al. (2020) Serotonin expression in the song circuitry of adult male zebra finches. Neuroscience
George JM, Bell ZW, Condliffe D, et al. (2019) Acute social isolation alters neurogenomic state in songbird forebrain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Lansverk AL, Schroeder KM, London SE, et al. (2019) The variability of song variability in zebra finch () populations. Royal Society Open Science. 6: 190273
Clayton DF, Anreiter I, Aristizabal M, et al. (2019) The role of the genome in experience-dependent plasticity: Extending the analogy of the genomic action potential. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Bell ZW, Lovell P, Mello CV, et al. (2019) Urotensin-related gene transcripts mark developmental emergence of the male forebrain vocal control system in songbirds. Scientific Reports. 9: 816
Mello CV, Clayton DF. (2015) The opportunities and challenges of large-scale molecular approaches to songbird neurobiology. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 50: 70-6
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