Bradley K. Formaker

1985-1990 Psychobiology University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 
"Bradley Formaker"
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Frank ME, Goyert HF, Formaker BK, et al. (2012) Effects of selective adaptation on coding sugar and salt tastes in mixtures. Chemical Senses. 37: 701-9
Formaker BK, Hettinger TP, Savoy LD, et al. (2012) Amiloride-sensitive and amiloride-insensitive responses to NaCl + acid mixtures in hamster chorda tympani nerve. Chemical Senses. 37: 603-12
Ishii A, Koide T, Takahashi A, et al. (2011) B6-MSM consomic mouse strains reveal multiple loci for genetic variation in sucrose octaacetate aversion. Behavior Genetics. 41: 716-23
Formaker BK, Lin H, Hettinger TP, et al. (2009) Responses of the hamster chorda tympani nerve to sucrose+acid and sucrose+citrate taste mixtures. Chemical Senses. 34: 607-16
Hettinger TP, Formaker BK, Frank ME. (2007) Cycloheximide: no ordinary bitter stimulus. Behavioural Brain Research. 180: 4-17
Frank ME, Formaker BK, Hettinger TP. (2005) Peripheral gustatory processing of sweet stimuli by golden hamsters. Brain Research Bulletin. 66: 70-84
Formaker BK, Stapleton JR, Roper SD, et al. (2004) Responses of the rat chorda tympani nerve to glutamate-sucrose mixtures. Chemical Senses. 29: 473-82
Frank ME, Formaker BK, Hettinger TP. (2003) Taste responses to mixtures: analytic processing of quality. Behavioral Neuroscience. 117: 228-35
Formaker BK, Frank ME. (2000) Taste function in patients with oral burning. Chemical Senses. 25: 575-81
Formaker BK, Mott AE, Frank ME. (1998) The effects of topical anesthesia on oral burning in burning mouth syndrome. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 855: 776-80
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