Andrew Schofield, PHD

School of Psychology University of Birmingham, Birmingham, England, United Kingdom 
visual perceptio
"Andrew Schofield"
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Georgeson MA, Schofield AJ. (2016) Binocular functional architecture for detection of contrast-modulated gratings. Vision Research
Dövencioğlu D, Ban H, Schofield AJ, et al. (2013) Perceptual integration for qualitatively different 3-D cues in the human brain. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 25: 1527-41
Dövencioğlu DN, Welchman AE, Schofield AJ. (2013) Perceptual learning of second order cues for layer decomposition. Vision Research. 77: 1-9
Sun P, Schofield AJ. (2012) Two operational modes in the perception of shape from shading revealed by the effects of edge information in slant settings. Journal of Vision. 12
Schofield AJ, Rock PB, Georgeson MA. (2011) Sun and sky: Does human vision assume a mixture of point and diffuse illumination when interpreting shape-from-shading? Vision Research. 51: 2317-30
Sun P, Schofield AJ. (2011) The efficacy of local luminance amplitude in disambiguating the origin of luminance signals depends on carrier frequency: further evidence for the active role of second-order vision in layer decomposition. Vision Research. 51: 496-507
Schofield AJ, Rock PB, Sun P, et al. (2010) What is second-order vision for? Discriminating illumination versus material changes. Journal of Vision. 10: 2
Schofield A, Rock P, Sun P, et al. (2010) The role of second-order vision in discriminating shading versus material changes Journal of Vision. 9: 58-58
Georgeson MA, Yates TA, Schofield AJ. (2009) Depth propagation and surface construction in 3-D vision. Vision Research. 49: 84-95
Georgeson MA, Yates TA, Schofield AJ. (2008) Discriminating depth in corrugated stereo surfaces: facilitation by a pedestal is explained by removal of uncertainty. Vision Research. 48: 2321-8
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