University of Birmingham

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Neil AlbertMotor learning and skill, Cognition for/from actions20072009 R. Chris Miall (post-doc)
Harriet A. AllenVision
Mate Aller Psychology20142018 Uta Noppeney (grad student)
Caroline Anderson20002004 John Gordon Ralph Jefferys (grad student)
Brandon AshinoffVisual Attention, ADHD, Depth Perception
Daniela Balslev20072009 R. Chris Miall (post-doc)
Dimitris Bampasakis
Marom Bikson20002003 John Gordon Ralph Jefferys (post-doc)
David Booth
Zuner A. Bortolotto Graham L. Collingridge (post-doc)
Enrico Bracci19972001 John Gordon Ralph Jefferys (post-doc)
Davide Calebiro Metabolism and Systems Science20072017 Martin J. Lohse (post-doc)
Wei-Chih Chang20102013 John Gordon Ralph Jefferys (grad student), John Gordon Ralph Jefferys (post-doc)
Antonios I. ChristouDevelopmental Cognitive Neuroscience; Developmental Psychopathology; Neurosensitivity; Differential Susceptibility20142016 R. Chris Miall (post-doc)
Simon Colling
John H. Coote
Rhodri CusackNeuroimaging, Visual and auditory imagery and memory19941997 Brian Roberts (grad student)
Jacqueline Deans20022009 John Gordon Ralph Jefferys (post-doc)
Davide Deflorio School of Psychology2019 Massimiliano Di Luca (grad student)
Massimiliano Di LucaPerception, Psychophysics, Multisensory perception, Time perception, Haptics School of Psychology2011 Alan M. Wing (research scientist)
Ruth Empson19971998 John Gordon Ralph Jefferys (post-doc)
Margaret Esiri Ian CM MacLennan (grad student)
Barry EverittMotivation Joe Herbert (grad student)
Alex Ferecsko2008 Attila Sik (post-doc)
Ambra Ferrarimultisensory processes, prediction, learning, plasticity, communication
Charlotte R. FlavellMemory
Michele Fornaciai2014 Massimiliano Di Luca (grad student)
Lucy Foss20102013 Attila Sik (grad student), John Gordon Ralph Jefferys (grad student)
John Fox19972007 John Gordon Ralph Jefferys (post-doc)
Joe Galea R. Chris Miall (grad student)
Alessio Gallina School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences20132018 S. Jayne Garland (grad student)
Elia GattiPsychophysic, Affective computing20142018 Massimiliano Di Luca (research scientist)
Peggy GerardinColor vision, shape processing, saccadic adaptation20062007 Zoe Kourtzi (post-doc)
Kalbinder Gil20102013 John Gordon Ralph Jefferys (grad student)
Kalbinder Kaur Gill20092012 Andrew D. Powell (grad student), Sila Ultanir (collaborator)
Simon Gladwell19952001 John Gordon Ralph Jefferys (post-doc)
Pedro L. GodoyEvolutionary Biology, Palaeobiology, Macroevolution, Systematics School of Geography, Earth & Environmental Sciences20142018 Richard J. Butler (grad student)
tugce gonulemotions
Rob Grayperception, action, human factors Barrie J. Frost (research assistant), David Martin Regan (grad student)
Stephen P. Hack19982001 John Gordon Ralph Jefferys (grad student)
Shihui Han Glyn Humphreys (post-doc)
Peter Hansen
Robert Hardwick
John HodsollCognitive Neuroscience
Gabriel HornNeural plasticity, learning, development Solly Zuckerman (grad student)
Ninja K. Horr2013 Massimiliano Di Luca (grad student)
Glyn Humphreys
Glyn HumphriesCognitive Science, Cognitive Neuropsychology, Visual Cognition
Rachid Id Bihi20012004 John Gordon Ralph Jefferys (grad student)
Carl P T JacksonMotor control, fMRI20062009 R. Chris Miall (post-doc), Roberta D. Roberts (collaborator)
Premysl Jiruska20052011 John Gordon Ralph Jefferys (post-doc)
John A Kiernan
Nick M KitchenSensorimotor control and adaptation Psychology20132017 R. Chris Miall (grad student)
Ansgar Koeneperception and behavior
Rudiger Ernst Kohlingepilepsy, dystonia, ageing19991999 John Gordon Ralph Jefferys (post-doc)
Arkady KonovalovNeuroeconomics, Decision neuroscience, Experimental economics
Zoe Kourtzivisual cognitive neuroscience Nancy Kanwisher (post-doc)
Krisztina Kovacs2008 Attila Sik (post-doc)
Shuguang KuaiVisual system2009 Zoe Kourtzi (post-doc)
Sheng Livision, brain imaging20062009 Zoe Kourtzi (post-doc)
Min (Susan) Li2013 Massimiliano Di Luca (grad student)
Ramón Hypolito LimaNeuroscience
Arthur J. LugtigheidModeling and psychophysics of 3D vision20092011 Andrew Welchman (grad student), Aidan P. Murphy (collaborator)
Bridget M. LumbDescending control of nociception, PAG John H. Wolstencroft (grad student)
Ian CM MacLennan
Andor Magony2008 Attila Sik (grad student)
Femke Maijvisual system, psychophysics, multi-sensory integration, haptics20112013 Alan M. Wing (post-doc)
Giacomo MazzilliShape-from-shading, Lighting prior, Bayesian modelling
R. Chris Miall
Gareth Liam Morris20112014 Andrew D. Powell (grad student), John Gordon Ralph Jefferys (grad student)
Aidan P. MurphyVisual perception, systems neuroscience, attention, memory20102014 Andrew Welchman (grad student)
Kianoush NazarpourBrain Machine Interface20072009 R. Chris Miall (post-doc)
Aleksandra Pastuszak2013 Kimron Shapiro (grad student)
Matthew L. PattenDisparity, fMRI
Selina A. Pearson
Andrew C Peet
Evgeniy Potapenko20072009 John Gordon Ralph Jefferys (post-doc)
Andrew D. PowellNeuronal networks, epilepsy, mental retardation20032008 John Gordon Ralph Jefferys (post-doc)
Markus Rank20122014 Massimiliano Di Luca (post-doc)
Stéphanie Rattépain19992003 John Gordon Ralph Jefferys (post-doc)
Darren RhodesTime perception, Bayesian Modeling, Psychophysics20122015 Massimiliano Di Luca (grad student)
Roberta D. Roberts
Raffaella Ida Rumiati Glyn Humphreys (grad student)
Pierre-Philippe Saintot20072010 Andrew D. Powell (grad student), John Gordon Ralph Jefferys (grad student)
Islam Salama
Andrew Schofieldvisual perceptio
Nick Scott-SamuelVision Mark A. Georgeson (grad student)
Janina SeubertOlfaction, Multisensory Integration, Schizophrenia, Emotion Glyn Humphreys (grad student)
Kimron Shapiroattention, working memory
Attila SikHippocampus, cortex, neuroanatomy, in vivo electrophysiology
Aree Soontornmalia20032006 John Gordon Ralph Jefferys (grad student)
Ian Stanford19962000 John Gordon Ralph Jefferys (post-doc)
Heidi Statton20002004 John Gordon Ralph Jefferys (grad student)
Zhilin Susocial neuroscience, social learning, social decision-making
Hua-Chun (Drew) Sun20132015 Massimiliano Di Luca (grad student)
Albert Tamburri20082009 Attila Sik (grad student)
Martin Vreugdenhil19972003 John Gordon Ralph Jefferys (post-doc)
Jamie WardSynaesthesia19941997 Cristina Romani (grad student)
Mareen Weber
Andrew Welchmanvision
Alan M. Wing
John H. Wolstencroft
Syanah C WynnEpisodic memory, attention, confidence
Jiaxiang ZhangDecision making, action selection, learning, Neuroimaing Zoe Kourtzi (post-doc)
YANG ZHANGAttention, perception and consciousness Ming Zhang (grad student)
Dadi Zhao Cancer Science20222021 Andrew C Peet (grad student), Andrew C Peet (post-doc)
Johanna M. ZumerMEG, fMRI, attention, multisensory integration