L. A. Witt
Affiliations: | Psychology | University of Houston, Houston, TX, United States |
"L. Witt"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add traineeSara Jansen Perry | grad student | 2006-2009 | University of Houston |
Emily David | grad student | 2011 | University of Houston |
Mindy M. Krischer | grad student | 2011 | University of Houston |
Mindy Shoss | grad student | 2008-2011 | University of Houston |
Cyrus S. Mirza | grad student | 2013 | University of Houston |
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Perry SJ, Johnson LU, Witt LA, et al. (2021) Equipping soldiers to benefit from goal-focused leadership: The moderating effects of non-discriminatory leader behaviors and workgroup cohesion. Military Psychology : the Official Journal of the Division of Military Psychology, American Psychological Association. 33: 341-355 |
Johnson LU, Rogers A, Stewart R, et al. (2017) Effects of Politics, Emotional Stability, and LMX on Job Dedication: Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies. 24: 1548051816656004 |
Wilson RA, Perry SJ, Witt LA, et al. (2015) The exhausted short-timer: Leveraging autonomy to engage in production deviance Human Relations. 68: 1693-1711 |
Zheng D, Witt LA, Waite E, et al. (2015) Effects of ethical leadership on emotional exhaustion in high moral intensity situations Leadership Quarterly. 26: 732-748 |
David EM, Avery DR, Witt LA, et al. (2015) A time-lagged investigation of the impact of coworker behavior on the effects of demographic dissimilarity Journal of Organizational Behavior. 36: 582-606 |
Shoss MK, Callison K, Witt L. (2014) The Effects of Other-Oriented Perfectionism and Conscientiousness on Helping at Work Applied Psychology. 64: 233-251 |
C. Treadway D, Witt L, Stoner J, et al. (2013) Political skill as a moderator of the relationship between subordinate perceptions of interactional justice and supervisor ratings of interpersonal facilitation American Journal of Business. 28: 233-251 |
Perry SJ, Witt LA, Callison K, et al. (2013) Developing Dedicated Service Employees Journal of Psychological Issues in Organizational Culture. 4: 35-52 |
Shoss MK, Witt LA, Vera D. (2012) When does adaptive performance lead to higher task performance? Journal of Organizational Behavior. 33: 910-924 |
Perry SJ, Rubino C, Witt LA. (2011) General job performance of first-line supervisors: the role of conscientiousness in determining its effects on subordinate exhaustion. Stress and Health : Journal of the International Society For the Investigation of Stress. 27: e83-93 |