Janna M. Gottwald

2012-2016 Psychology Uppsala University, Uppsala, Uppsala län, Sweden 
Motor & Cognitive Development, Embodied Cognitive Science, Infancy
"Janna M. Gottwald"
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Gustaf Gredebäck grad student 2012-2016 Uppsala
Claes von Hofsten grad student 2012-2016 Uppsala
Dorothy Cowie post-doc 2018-2018 Durham University
Birgit Elsner research scientist 2011-2012 Potsdam University
Olga Pollatos research scientist 2011-2012 Ulm University


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Lilianne Eninger collaborator 2019- Stockholm University
Linda Forssman collaborator 2019- Uppsala
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Cowie D, Gottwald JM, Bird LA, et al. (2022) The role of hand size in body representation: a developmental investigation. Scientific Reports. 12: 19281
Forssman L, Gottwald JM. (2022) The impact of interactive book sharing on child cognitive and socio-cognitive development (the REaL trial): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 23: 802
van den Berg L, Libertus K, Nyström P, et al. (2022) A Pre-registered sticky mittens study: active training does not increase reaching and grasping in a swedish context. Child Development
Dewe H, Gottwald J, Bird LA, et al. (2021) My virtual self: the role of movement in children's sense of embodiment. Ieee Transactions On Visualization and Computer Graphics
Gottwald JM, Bird LA, Keenaghan S, et al. (2020) The Developing Bodily Self: How Posture Constrains Body Representation in Childhood. Child Development
Mowbray R, Gottwald JM, Zhao M, et al. (2019) The development of visually guided stepping. Experimental Brain Research
Gottwald JM, Gredebäck G, Lindskog M. (2019) Two-step actions in infancy-the TWAIN model. Experimental Brain Research
Gottwald JM. (2018) Measuring Prospective Motor Control in Action Development Journal of Motor Learning and Development. 6: S126-S137
Gottwald JM, De Bortoli Vizioli A, Lindskog M, et al. (2017) Infants prospectively control reaching based on the difficulty of future actions: To what extent can infants' multiple-step actions be explained by Fitts' law? Developmental Psychology. 53: 4-12
Gottwald JM, Achermann S, Marciszko C, et al. (2016) An Embodied Account of Early Executive-Function Development. Psychological Science. 27: 1600-1610
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