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Carl W. Cotman, PhD

Neurology University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA 
"Carl Cotman"

Mean distance: 13.65 (cluster 11)
Cross-listing: Alzheimer's Tree


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Michael S. Rafii research assistant UC Irvine
Matthew T Goodus research assistant 2003-2007 UC Irvine
Aileen J. Anderson grad student
Daniel Goldowitz grad student
Oswald Steward grad student UC Irvine
Anne Marion Taylor grad student Caltech
Gary Banker grad student 1973 UC Irvine
Nicole C. Berchtold grad student 2000 UC Irvine
Janet A. Martin grad student 2002 UC Irvine
Christie E. Cesar grad student 2006 UC Irvine
Anna I. Parachikova grad student 2007 UC Irvine
Viorela Pop grad student 2002-2008 UC Irvine
Leila M. Feinberg grad student 2007-2009 UC Irvine
Mathew M. Blurton-Jones post-doc UC Irvine
Elizabeth Head post-doc UC Irvine
Wayne W. Poon post-doc UC Irvine (Chemistry Tree)
John A.P. Rostas post-doc UC Irvine
Jeffrey S. Taube post-doc UC Irvine
J Patrick Kesslak post-doc 1983- UC Irvine
Kristy A. Nielson post-doc 1993-1996 UC Irvine
Robert A Rissman post-doc 2002-2005 UC Irvine School of Medicine
Hayk Davtyan post-doc 2011-2013 UC Irvine
G. Aleph Prieto post-doc 2010-2015 UC Irvine
BETA: Related publications


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Keiser AA, Dong TN, Kramár EA, et al. (2024) Specific exercise patterns generate an epigenetic molecular memory window that drives long-term memory formation and identifies ACVR1C as a bidirectional regulator of memory in mice. Nature Communications. 15: 3836
Belloso-Iguerategui A, Zamarbide M, Merino-Galan L, et al. (2023) Hippocampal synaptic failure is an early event in experimental parkinsonism with subtle cognitive deficit. Brain : a Journal of Neurology
Lautrup S, Myrup Holst C, Yde A, et al. (2023) The role of aging and brain-derived neurotrophic factor signaling in expression of base excision repair genes in the human brain. Aging Cell. e13905
McQuade A, Kang YJ, Hasselmann J, et al. (2023) Author Correction: Gene expression and functional deficits underlie TREM2-knockout microglia responses in human models of Alzheimer's disease. Nature Communications. 14: 1194
Ionescu-Tucker A, Tong L, Berchtold NC, et al. (2022) Inhibiting BDNF Signaling Upregulates Hippocampal H3K9me3 in a Manner Dependent On Aging and Oxidative Stress. Frontiers in Aging. 3: 796087
Prieto GA, Cotman CW. (2022) Early bioenergetic and autophagy impairments at the Parkinson's disease synapse. Brain : a Journal of Neurology
Ionescu-Tucker A, Butler CW, Berchtold NC, et al. (2021) Exercise Reduces H3K9me3 and Regulates Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor and GABRA2 in an Age Dependent Manner. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 13: 798297
McQuade A, Kang YJ, Hasselmann J, et al. (2020) Gene expression and functional deficits underlie TREM2-knockout microglia responses in human models of Alzheimer's disease. Nature Communications. 11: 5370
Rodriguez-Ortiz CJ, Prieto GA, Martini AC, et al. (2020) miR-181a negatively modulates synaptic plasticity in hippocampal cultures and its inhibition rescues memory deficits in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Aging Cell. e13118
Butler CW, Keiser AA, Kwapis JL, et al. (2019) Exercise opens a temporal window for enhanced cognitive improvement from subsequent physical activity. Learning & Memory (Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.). 26: 485-492
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