Anton Beer

Universität Regensburg, Regensburg, Bayern, Germany 
"Anton Beer"
Mean distance: 14.93 (cluster 23)
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Prins D, Plank T, Baseler HA, et al. (2016) Surface-Based Analyses of Anatomical Properties of the Visual Cortex in Macular Degeneration. Plos One. 11: e0146684
Batson MA, Beer AL, Seitz AR, et al. (2011) Spatial shifts of audio-visual interactions by perceptual learning are specific to the trained orientation and eye. Seeing and Perceiving. 24: 579-94
Beer AL, Batson MA, Watanabe T. (2011) Multisensory perceptual learning reshapes both fast and slow mechanisms of crossmodal processing. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience. 11: 1-12
Beer A, Bektashi E, Greenlee MW. (2011) The time-course of perceptual deterioration and perceptual learning Perception. 40: 125-125
Batson M, Beer A, Watanabe T. (2010) Specificity of crossmodal links in exogenous covert orienting Journal of Vision. 7: 877-877
Batson MA, Beer AL, Watanabe T. (2010) Task-irrelevant perceptual learning of crossmodal links in exogenous covert orienting Journal of Vision. 6: 182-182
Beer AL, Watanabe T. (2010) Modulation of visual perceptual learning by sounds Journal of Vision. 6: 173-173
Beer AL, Watanabe T, Ni R, et al. (2009) 3D surface perception from motion involves a temporal-parietal network. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 30: 703-13
Beer AL, Watanabe T. (2009) Specificity of auditory-guided visual perceptual learning suggests crossmodal plasticity in early visual cortex. Experimental Brain Research. 198: 353-61
Beer AL, Röder B. (2004) Attention to motion enhances processing of both visual and auditory stimuli: an event-related potential study. Brain Research. Cognitive Brain Research. 18: 205-25
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