Marko Nardini

University College London, London, United Kingdom 
"Marko Nardini"
Mean distance: 13.94 (cluster 23)
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Scheller M, Nardini M. (2023) Correctly establishing evidence for cue combination via gains in sensory precision: Why the choice of comparator matters. Behavior Research Methods
Negen J, Slater H, Nardini M. (2023) Sensory augmentation for a rapid motor task in a multisensory environment. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience
Negen J, Bird LA, Slater H, et al. (2023) Multisensory perception and decision-making with a new sensory skill. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance. 49: 600-622
Negen J, Slater H, Bird LA, et al. (2022) Internal biases are linked to disrupted cue combination in children and adults. Journal of Vision. 22: 14
Negen J, Bird LA, Nardini M. (2021) An adaptive cue selection model of allocentric spatial reorientation. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance. 47: 1409-1429
Aston S, Negen J, Nardini M, et al. (2021) Central tendency biases must be accounted for to consistently capture Bayesian cue combination in continuous response data. Behavior Research Methods
Petrini K, Denis G, Love SA, et al. (2020) Combining the senses: The role of experience- and task-dependent mechanisms in the development of audiovisual simultaneity perception. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance
Kiryakova RK, Aston S, Beierholm UR, et al. (2020) Bayesian transfer in a complex spatial localization task. Journal of Vision. 20: 17
Negen J, Bird LA, King E, et al. (2020) The Difficulty of Effectively Using Allocentric Prior Information in a Spatial Recall Task. Scientific Reports. 10: 7000
Negen J, Bou Ali L, Chere B, et al. (2019) Coding Locations Relative to One or Many Landmarks in Childhood. Plos Computational Biology. 15: e1007380
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