Nadia Chernyak

University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA 
"Nadia Chernyak"
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Schwartz F, Chernyak N. (2024) The good, the rich, and the powerful: How young children compensate victims of moral transgressions depending on moral character, wealth, and social dominance. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 247: 106045
Chernyak N. (2023) The emergence of young children's tolerance for inequality: With age, children stop showing numerically sensitive fairness. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 238: 105785
Midgette AJ, Ma D, Stowe LM, et al. (2023) US and Chinese preschoolers normalize household labor inequality. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 120: e2301781120
Fish LR, Hildebrand L, Chernyak N, et al. (2023) Who's the winner? Children's math learning in competitive and collaborative scenarios. Child Development
Wong A, Cordes S, Harris PL, et al. (2023) Being nice by choice: The effect of counterfactual reasoning on children's social evaluations. Developmental Science. e13394
Hurst MA, Shaw A, Chernyak N, et al. (2020) Giving a larger amount or a larger proportion: Stimulus format impacts children's social evaluations. Developmental Psychology
Chernyak N. (2020) Number-based sharing: Conversation about quantity in the context of resource distribution Early Childhood Research Quarterly. 50: 90-96
Chernyak N, Turnbull V, Gordon R, et al. (2020) Counting promotes proportional moral evaluation in preschool-aged children Cognitive Development. 56: 100969
McLoughlin N, Leech KA, Chernyak N, et al. (2019) Conflicting perspectives mediate the relation between parents' and preschoolers' self-referent mental state talk during collaboration. The British Journal of Developmental Psychology
Chernyak N, Leimgruber KL, Dunham YC, et al. (2019) Paying Back People Who Harmed Us but Not People Who Helped Us: Direct Negative Reciprocity Precedes Direct Positive Reciprocity in Early Development. Psychological Science. 956797619854975
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