Dana H. Ballard
Affiliations: | 1975-2006 | Computer Science and Radiology | University of Rochester, Rochester, NY |
2006- | Computer Science | University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. |
visual system,computational neuroscienceWebsite:
"Dana Harry Ballard" OR "Dana H Ballard"Bio:
(1946 - 2022)
Mean distance: 13.26 (cluster 29)
Sign in to add mentorJack Sklansky | grad student | 1974 | UC Irvine | |
(Hierarchic Recognition of Tumors in Chest Radiographs) |
Sign in to add traineeSihang (Suna) Guo | research assistant | 2019-2021 | UT Austin |
Virginia R. de Sa | grad student | Rochester | |
Andrew McCallum | grad student | University of Massachusetts | |
Jeroen Smeets | grad student | ||
Ruohan Zhang | grad student | 2014- | UT Austin |
Jeff B. Pelz | grad student | 1990-1995 | Rochester |
Rajesh P. Rao | grad student | 1993-1997 | Rochester |
Jessica Bayliss | grad student | 2001 | Rochester |
Zuohua Zhang | grad student | 2003 | Rochester |
Shenghuo Zhu | grad student | 2003 | Rochester |
Nathan Sprague | grad student | 2004 | Rochester |
Chen Yu | grad student | 2004 | Rochester |
Xue Gu | grad student | 2006 | Rochester |
Jonathan M. Shaw | grad student | 2006 | Rochester |
Weilie Yi | grad student | 2006 | Rochester |
Constantin A. Rothkopf | grad student | 2009 | Rochester |
Lijia Liu | grad student | 2013-2021 | UT Austin |
Jochen Triesch | post-doc | UCSD | |
Gregory J. Zelinsky | post-doc | SUNY - Stonybrook | |
Jeroen Smeets | post-doc | 1993-1993 | Rochester |
Janneke F.M. Jehee | post-doc | 2005-2007 | Rochester |
Sign in to add collaboratorJeff B. Pelz | collaborator | 1995-2007 | Rochester Institute of Technology |
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Liu L, Ballard D. (2021) Humans use minimum cost movements in a whole-body task. Scientific Reports. 11: 20081 |
Liu L, Cooper JL, Ballard DH. (2021) Computational Modeling: Human Dynamic Model. Frontiers in Neurorobotics. 15: 723428 |
Ballard DH, Zhang R. (2021) The Hierarchical Evolution in Human Vision Modeling. Topics in Cognitive Science |
Zhang R, Walshe C, Liu Z, et al. (2020) Atari-HEAD: Atari Human Eye-Tracking and Demonstration Dataset. Proceedings of the ... Aaai Conference On Artificial Intelligence. Aaai Conference On Artificial Intelligence. 34: 6811-6820 |
Zhang R, Saran A, Liu B, et al. (2020) Human Gaze Assisted Artificial Intelligence: A Review. Ijcai : Proceedings of the Conference. 2020: 4951-4958 |
Zhang R, Ballard DH. (2020) Parallel Neural Multiprocessing with Gamma Frequency Latencies. Neural Computation. 1-29 |
Liu L, Johnson L, Zohar O, et al. (2019) Humans Use Similar Posture Sequences in a Whole-Body Tracing Task. Iscience. 19: 860-871 |
Zhang R, Zhang S, Tong MH, et al. (2018) Modeling sensory-motor decisions in natural behavior. Plos Computational Biology. 14: e1006518 |
Zhang R, Whritner J, Liu Z, et al. (2018) Modelling complex perception-action choices Journal of Vision. 18: 533 |
Zhang R, Zhang S, Tong M, et al. (2017) Modeling Sensorimotor Behavior through Modular Inverse Reinforcement Learning with Discount Factors Journal of Vision. 17: 1267 |