Naomi Havron

2016-2019 Cognitive Science ENS, PSL University, Paris 
"Naomi Havron"
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Havron N, DE Carvalho A, Babineau M, et al. (2023) There might be more to syntactic bootstrapping than being pragmatic: A look at grammatical person and prosody in naturalistic child-directed speech. Journal of Child Language. 1-5
Havron N, Lovcevic I, Kee MZL, et al. (2022) The effect of older sibling, postnatal maternal stress, and household factors on language development in two- to four-year-old children. Developmental Psychology
Loukatou G, Scaff C, Demuth K, et al. (2021) Child-directed and overheard input from different speakers in two distinct cultures. Journal of Child Language. 1-20
Piot L, Havron N, Cristia A. (2021) Socioeconomic status correlates with measures of Language Environment Analysis (LENA) system: a meta-analysis. Journal of Child Language. 1-15
Kolberg L, de Carvalho A, Babineau M, et al. (2021) "The tiger is hitting! the duck too!" 3-year-olds can use prosodic information to constrain their interpretation of ellipsis. Cognition. 104626
Havron N, Arnon I. (2021) Starting Big: The Effect of Unit Size on Language Learning in Children and Adults. Journal of Child Language. 48: 244-260
Cristia A, Farabolini G, Scaff C, et al. (2020) Infant-directed input and literacy effects on phonological processing: Non-word repetition scores among the Tsimane'. Plos One. 15: e0237702
Beretti M, Havron N, Christophe A. (2020) Four- and 5-year-old children adapt to the reliability of conflicting sources of information to learn novel words. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 200: 104927
Havron N, Babineau M, Christophe A. (2020) 18-month-olds fail to use recent experience to infer the syntactic category of novel words. Developmental Science. e13030
Havron N, Scaff C, Carbajal MJ, et al. (2020) Priming syntactic ambiguity resolution in children and adults Language, Cognition and Neuroscience. 1-11
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