Amr Nimer

Imperial College London, London, England, United Kingdom 
Neurosurgery, Artificial Intelligence, Neuronavigation, Movement Disorders, Neoplasms, Medical Education
"Amr Nimer"
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Ali Ayyad grad student University of Mainz
Michael Gaab grad student University of Hannover
Axel Stadie grad student University of Mainz
Aldo A. Faisal grad student 2020- Imperial College London
 (PhD supervisor)
Alexander L. Green grad student 2014-2016 Oxford
 (MSc supervisor)
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Sponton LS, Archavlis E, Conrad J, et al. (2024) The classical supraorbital minicraniotomy to approach the areas of origin of anterior skull base meningiomas: Anatomical nuances influencing accessibility, operability, and frontal lobe retraction. Surgical Neurology International. 15: 168
Sponton LS, Archavlis E, Conrad J, et al. (2023) Variants of the anterior subtemporal approach to the Gasserian ganglion and related structures: an anatomical study with relevant implications for keyhole surgery. World Neurosurgery
Serrano Sponton L, Oehlschlaegel F, Nimer A, et al. (2022) The Endoscopic-Assisted Supraorbital Approach for Resection of Anterior Skull Base Meningiomas: A Large Single-Center Retrospective Surgical Study. Journal of Neurological Surgery. Part B, Skull Base. 84: 349-360
Serrano Sponton L, Alhoobi M, Archavlis E, et al. (2022) Endoscopic-assisted paramedian supracerebellar infratentorial approach to the posterior portion of the third ventricle. Anatomical study and surgical cases. Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences
Sponton LS, Shaaban AT, Archavlis E, et al. (2022) Two-stage endoscopic assisted approach for large pineal region and falcotentorial meningioma: first stage paramedian supracerebellar infratentorial approach, second stage interhemispheric occipital transtentorial approach: surgical cases and anatomical study. Neurosurgical Review
Sponton LS, Ayyad A, Alhoobi M, et al. (2021) Endoscopic-assisted microsurgical paramedian supracerebellar infratentorial approach to the posterior third ventricle. An anatomical morphometrical study and technical note with illustrative surgical cases Brain and Spine. 1: 100606
Sponton LS, Oehlschlaegel F, Ayyad A, et al. (2021) The supraorbital approach for resection of meningiomas of the anterior skull base: a large retrospective surgical and anatomical study Brain and Spine. 1: 100557
Ihssen BA, Willmann JH, Nimer A, et al. (2019) Effect of in vitro aging by water immersion and thermocycling on the mechanical properties of PETG aligner material. Journal of Orofacial Orthopedics = Fortschritte Der Kieferorthopadie : Organ/Official Journal Deutsche Gesellschaft Fur Kieferorthopadie. 80: 292-303
Serrano LE, Archavlis E, Ayyad A, et al. (2019) The approach angle to the interoptic triangle limits surgical workspace when targeting the contralateral internal carotid artery. Acta Neurochirurgica
Serrano LE, Archavlis E, Ayyad A, et al. (2019) Comprehensive anatomic assessment of ipsilateral pterional vs. contralateral subfrontal approaches to the internal carotid's ophthalmic segment: A cadaveric study and 3D simulation. World Neurosurgery
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