Imperial College London

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
William Welby AbbottNeurotechnology, Eye-movments, Bioengineering, Brain Machine Intefaces20112015 Aldo A. Faisal (grad student)
Ekaterina AbramovaOptimal Control and Reinforcement Learning20102013 Aldo A. Faisal (grad student)
Sascha R.A. AllesChronic pain, sensory neurons, electrophysiology, nociception, ion channels20092010 Yuri Ushkaryov (research assistant)
Paul George AnastasiadesElectrophysiology20082013 Simon Butt (grad student)
Luca A. Annecchino
Tibor Auer Ines R. Violante (post-doc)
Fernando B. Avila-RencoretMedical Devices, Biomedical Engineering, Tissue Engineering, Nanobiotechnology, Clinical Research, Healthcare IT, Rapid Prototyping, CAD, CAM, Robotic Surgery, Medical Robotics Surgery and Cancer Surgery and Cancer2013 Daniel S. Elson (grad student), George Mylonas (grad student)
Bence Bagi2020 Juan Gallego (grad student)
Sivakumar BalasubramanianNeurorehabilitation, Neuromechanics, Movement Analysis2010 etienne burdet (post-doc)
Andre Balogh
Anna BarnardChemical Biology
Daniel Bautista-SalinasRobotics
Pierre Beaulieu Andrew S. Rice (post-doc)
Anthony G BellottiCredit risk, statistics, machine learning
Gabriel BénaSpiking Neural Networks, Neuro-AI, Modular Systems, Multisensory Integration, Continual Learning Electrical and Electronic Engineering2021 Dan F. M. Goodman (grad student)
Aaryan BhatiaComputational modelling Life Sciences Sadra Sadeh (grad student)
Diana Bicazandecision making; sleep; drosophila melanogaster20152018 Giorgio F. Gilestro (grad student), Aldo A. Faisal (grad student)
Valentina Bisio Aeronautics Vito L Tagarielli (grad student)
Cornelius Borck19941997 John Gordon Ralph Jefferys (grad student)
Tunvez Boulic Bioengineering Paul Chadderton (grad student)
Onur Mirac Bozkurt Aeronautics Vito L Tagarielli (grad student)
George Stanley Brayshaw
Philip Bream2007 Simon R. Schultz (post-doc)
Paul C. BressloffApplied Mathematics, Stochastic processes, Biological physics, Theoretical Neuroscience
Stephen Brickley
Matthew T C Browndopamine system, working memory2012 Paul Chadderton (post-doc)
Andre E. Brownbehaviour, genetics, C. elegans
Greyham Bryant
Jasmin CamachoEvolution and development2020 Arkhat Rakhatovich Abzhanov (grad student)
Alison Canty20082010 Vincenzo De Paola (post-doc)
Paul Chadderton
Joanna Chang
Gaelle Chapuis2013 Paul Chadderton (grad student)
themistoklis Charalambous2009 etienne burdet (post-doc)
Susu Chen20112015 Paul Chadderton (grad student)
Anastasia ChristakouIntegrative Neuroscience19961997 Mustafa B. Djamgoz (research assistant)
Claudia Clopath
Alexandre ConinxAction selection, machine learning, reinforcement learning, computational neuroscience, deep learning, autonomous robotics, HRI
Anthony George ConstantinidesDigital signal processing, Engineering EE George Stanley Brayshaw (grad student)
Natalia T. Consul2022 Juan Gallego (grad student)
Nicholas R. CooperEEG, TMS19992003 John H. Gruzelier (grad student)
Ginevra Covoni Aeronautics Vito L Tagarielli (grad student)
Joana P CristóvãoTaxonomy, morphology, biologu Entomology20122019 Christopher Lyal (grad student)
Rory CurtisGAP43, glia, ion channels, regeneration, neurotrophins, GAP-4319851991 Graham P. Wilkin (grad student), Michael R. Hanley (research assistant)
Lancelot Da Costatheoretical neuroscience
Geoffroy Delamare
Isabel Caroline Delgado RuzElectrophysiology, neural circuits, information and coding, analogue versus digital Bioengineering Paul Chadderton (grad student)
Isabel Delgado-RuzComputational Neuroscience20122012 Simon R. Schultz (grad student)
Luke Dickens Computing20112012 Aldo A. Faisal (post-doc)
Helen Doheny19961999 John Gordon Ralph Jefferys (grad student)
William Dudley2020 Aldo A. Faisal (grad student)
Julia T. EbertBioinspired Robotics, Motor Learning Bioengineering20152016 etienne burdet (grad student)
Tobias Egnerattention, cognitive control, visual cognition19992003 John H. Gruzelier (grad student)
Daniel S. Elson Physics Paul French (grad student)
Martín Esparza2024 Juan Gallego (grad student)
Douglas Feitosa ToméComputational Neuroscience20182022 Claudia Clopath (grad student), Sadra Sadeh (collaborator)
Fabio Ferreira Aldo A. Faisal (post-doc)
Barbara Feulnermotor learning, recurrent neural networks, synaptic plasticity, neural dynamics
Theo Flack Chemistry Anna Barnard (grad student)
Cátia Fortunato2020 Juan Gallego (grad student)
Paul French
Juan Gallego
Cecilia Gallego-Carracedo Juan Gallego (grad student)
Peter Galley19881991 John Gordon Ralph Jefferys (grad student)
Hannes Gauch Vito L Tagarielli (grad student)
Constantinos Gavriel2012 Aldo A. Faisal (grad student)
Weijian Ge Aeronautics Vito L Tagarielli (grad student)
Marcus GhoshMultisensory Integration, Spiking Neural Networks Electrical and Electronic Engineering2021 Dan F. M. Goodman (post-doc)
Ciara Gibbs2022 Juan Gallego (grad student)
Jimmie M. GmazNucleus accumbens, decision making2021 Juan Gallego (post-doc)
Caroline Golden2012 Paul Chadderton (grad student)
Dan F. M. Goodmancomputational neuroscience, spiking neural networks, neuroinformatics
Jeremy Green Biochemistry19831987 Brian S. Hartley (grad student)
Francesca Greenstreet2024 Juan Gallego (post-doc)
Max Grogan Aldo A. Faisal (grad student)
Shlomi Haarmotor Learning, motor Control, motor decline, neuroimaging, neurodegeneration, movement disorders Bioengineering20172020 Aldo A. Faisal (post-doc)
George Halikias EEE Greyham Bryant (grad student)
Jinpei Han2022 Aldo A. Faisal (grad student)
Edward C HardingNeuroscience, Biophysics, Sleep, Thermoregulation, Anaesthetics Life Science Life Science20172019 Nick P. Franks (grad student), Nick P. Franks (post-doc), William Wisden (grad student)
Alex J Harston
Peter John HellyerComputational Modelling, Systems Neuroscience, Structural MRI20102015 Richard Wise (grad student)
Duc Ho Aeronautics Vito L Tagarielli (grad student)
Timothy Horbury Andre Balogh (grad student)
Catriona M. Houston20092010 Alistair M. Hosie (post-doc)
Lieven Huang Vincenzo De Paola (post-doc)
Jiaqi Huang Bioengineering20092014 Holger Krapp (grad student)
Abbie Angharad HughesComparative Vision19631964 B. McA Sayers (grad student)
Rajeshwari IyerDopamine neurons, Neurophysiology, Computational modelling MRC Clinical Sciences Centre2012 Aldo A. Faisal (grad student), Mark A. Ungless (grad student)
Johanna S. Jacksonsynaptogenesis, two-photon, neurogenesis, synaptic plasticity Vincenzo De Paola (post-doc)
Noelle Jacobsen
Imad Jaimoukha
Andrew JenkinsGABA receptors, Anesthetic mechanisms, ion channel function19911995 Bill R. Lieb (grad student)
Sarah Jordan19871990 John Gordon Ralph Jefferys (grad student)
Shabnam Kadir2011 Kenneth D. Harris (post-doc)
Balasundaram Kadirvelu2018 Aldo A. Faisal (post-doc)
Genji Kawakita2022 Juan Gallego (grad student)
Angela Kedgley
Evangelos KiskinisCell Biology, Molecular Neuroscience, Motor Control, Neurobiology of Disease Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction2008 Malcolm Parker (grad student)
can kockaldiran Aeronautics Vito L Tagarielli (grad student)
Charalambos Konnaris Bioengineering20152018 Aldo A. Faisal (grad student)
Margarita KottiMachine Learning, Bioinformatics, Speech and Medical Signal Processing
Annapoorna - Kuppuswamymotor control, cortex, TMS, Peter H. Ellaway (grad student)
Danielle Kurtin
Evan P. LeboisNeuroscience Drug Discovery Kurt L. Drickamer (grad student)
Luchen Li
Yong Lian Yong Ching Lim (grad student)
Yong Ching Lim“Digital Signal Processing” EE Anthony George Constantinides (grad student)
Yuxuan Liu2022 Aldo A. Faisal (grad student)
Romy Lorenz Aldo A. Faisal (grad student), Robert Leech (grad student)
Ruxandra M. Lucavisual attention, inhibition of return, consumer behaviour, marketing
Christopher Lyal
Derek R. Marriott astrocytes Graham P. Wilkin (grad student)
Miguel Matos Vito L Tagarielli (grad student), Silvestre T Pinho (grad student)
Gillian A. Matthewsoptogenetics, electrophysiology Mark A. Ungless (grad student)
Will Mayes Ines R. Violante (grad student)
Alison M. McDermott19871991 Graham P. Wilkin (grad student)
Alison McGregor
Feryal Mehraban Pour Behbahani Computing20112015 Aldo A. Faisal (grad student)
R. Chris Miall Richard I. Kitney (post-doc), John Moorhouse (grad student)
Maddalena Miele St Mary's Hospital Marianne Fillenz (grad student)
Renato Mio
Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye
David Murphyneuroendocrinology, transcriptomics, molecular physiology Department of Biochemistry,19801984 Peter Rigby (grad student)
George Mylonas
Myura Nagendran2020 Aldo A. Faisal (grad student)
Fintan Nagle
Federico Nardi Aldo A. Faisal (grad student)
Ali NeishabouriMyelinated axons2010 Aldo A. Faisal (grad student)
Amr NimerNeurosurgery, Artificial Intelligence, Neuronavigation, Movement Disorders, Neoplasms, Medical Education2020 Aldo A. Faisal (grad student)
David J Nutt
Garazi Arana Oiarbide Aldo A. Faisal (grad student)
Michael Okun2010 Kenneth D. Harris (post-doc)
Pavel Orlov
Simona Parrinello
Mehtab Pathan Vito L Tagarielli (grad student)
Sean I. PattersonGAP43 Michael R. Hanley (grad student)
Praveen PaulNeurodegeneration, ALS
Victor PedrosaComputational neuroscience, Synaptic plasticity, plasticity
Elena Phoka2007 Simon R. Schultz (grad student)
Silvestre T Pinho
Benjamin Post Aldo A. Faisal (grad student)
Cathy Pricecognitive neuroscience, language, plasticity Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medicine Richard Wise (post-doc)
David Martin Regan Physics W David Wright (grad student)
Tobias ReichenbachAuditory Neuroscience
Richard ReynoldsOligodendrocytes, MS Graham P. Wilkin (post-doc)
Olena Riabininainsect neurophysiology and neuroethology, olfaction, hearing, vision, navigation MRC20162017 Irene Miguel-Aliaga (post-doc)
Peter Rigby
Arnaud Robert2020 Aldo A. Faisal (grad student)
Jake Rogers
Mostafa Safaie
Aman B. SaleemNeurophysiology, Vision, HIppocampus
Saeid SaneiBiomedical Signal and Image Processing Richard I. Kitney (grad student)
B. McA SayersEngineering in Medicine, Hearing1957 Colin Cherry (grad student)
Judith V. SchweimerSerotonin, Dopamine, Electrophysiology, Mood disorders
Mark Sephton
Zijie ShaElectroceramics
Zijie ShaElectroceramics
Ali Shafti
Reza Sharif Razavianmotor control Bioengineering20182019 Angela Kedgley (post-doc)
Joseph Sollini2011 Paul Chadderton (post-doc)
Jun Ho Song20142015 Paul Chadderton (grad student)
Yichi Song Vito L Tagarielli (grad student)
Meg J Spriggs
David Stansbysolar physics, solar wind, heliosphere Timothy Horbury (grad student)
Mahendran Subramanian Aldo A. Faisal (grad student)
Yann Sweeneycortical network models, neural plasticity Bioengineering2015 Claudia Clopath (post-doc)
Anastasia Sylaidisystems neuroscience, sensorimotor control
Anastasia SylaidiCat area 17, patch system Bioengineering20102015 Aldo A. Faisal (grad student)
Vito L TagarielliSolid Mechanics
Scott V. Taylor Bioengineering Aldo A. Faisal (grad student)
Maria Theologitou Margarita Kotti (grad student)
Andreas A C ThomikNeurotechnology2010 Aldo A. Faisal (grad student)
Alessandro TicchiNeural Noise, Cortical computation, Bayesian Inference, Markov Chain Monte Carlo2012 Aldo A. Faisal (grad student)
Pablo M. Tostado Bioengineering Aldo A. Faisal (grad student)
Arnaud J TournierMachine Learning Computing Electrical and Electronic Engineering20222021 Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye (grad student), Dan F. M. Goodman (post-doc)
Filippo Valdettaro Aldo A. Faisal (grad student)
Richard Vinter
Ines R. ViolanteInhibition, learning disorders
Guy Voichek
Sigourney Waibel Aldo A. Faisal (grad student)
Haolin Wang Aeronautics Vito L Tagarielli (grad student)
Nat Wannas Aldo A. Faisal (grad student)
Alison E. Watts19891992 John Gordon Ralph Jefferys (grad student)
Xiaoxi Wei Aldo A. Faisal (grad student)
Hugo WeissbartLanguage processing, EEG Bioengineering Tobias Reichenbach (grad student)
Ariadne Whitby Simona Parrinello (grad student)
Miles A. WhittingtonNeural networks, neuronal oscillations, epilepsy, schizophrenia19931996 John Gordon Ralph Jefferys (post-doc)
Katharina Wilmes Claudia Clopath (post-doc)
Richard Wise
W David Wright
Yufei Wusensorimotor learning
Zhiwen Ye
Yajun Yu“Digital Signal Processing” EEE Yong Ching Lim (grad student)
Panagiotis Zacharopoulos Vito L Tagarielli (grad student)
Xin ZhangEpisodic Memory
Junyi Zhou Vito L Tagarielli (grad student)
Giuseppe zito Bioengineering Aldo A. Faisal (post-doc)
Argyrios ZolotasControl Systems; Control Engineering; Robust Control; Applied AI; Fault Tolerant Control; Transportation Electronic and Electrical Engineering EEE Imad Jaimoukha (post-doc), Richard Vinter (post-doc)