People with institution matching "Hamilton College": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Lillian Behm (Info) Yale cognitive development lillianbehm 2024‑08‑21
Marian E. Berryhill (Info) University of Nevada Visual memory, attention berryhil 2007‑11‑12
George A. Gescheider (Info) Hamilton College Vibrotactile Psychophysics berryhil 2007‑11‑19
Kristiana Marie Hubley (Info) NYU Center For Neural Science, Brandeis, Hamilton College Fear BrianMSweis 2022‑02‑13
Alexandra List (Info) Hamilton College vision, audition neuroz 2006‑06‑30
Daniel Lustberg (Info) Emory Neuropharmacology dlustberg 2017‑11‑07
Siobhan Robinson (Info) Hamilton College learning, dopamine buccidj 2010‑06‑28
Jon A. Sefcek (Info) Hamilton College Ethology and Evolutionary Psychology lennonjon 2009‑07‑28
Matthew R. Silver (Info) MIT Decision Making, Category Learning, Working Memory, Systems-level Modeling matthewrsilver 2012‑02‑14
Charles James Smith (Info) SUNY Buffalo emhull 2008‑09‑09
Douglas A. Weldon (Info) Hamilton College Superior colliculus, olfactory learning dweldon 2011‑04‑28
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