People with institution matching "Lafayette College": Advanced Search | |||||
Name | Institution | Area | Added by | Date | Gabrielle B. Britton (Info) | Lafayette College | Psychology | rivogel | 2005‑11‑01 | James R. Dearworth (Info) | Lafayette College | Visual Neuroscience | dearworth | 2008‑07‑16 | Lisa Ann Gabel (Info) | Lafayette College, University of Connecticut | trapanij | 2015‑10‑16 | Haldan Keffer Hartline (Info) | Rockefeller | Limulus, visual system, biophysics | david | 2005‑02‑08 | Wendy Hill (Info) | Lafayette College | Lyssa12 | 2008‑06‑28 | Isabella Maita (Info) | Rutgers, New Brunswick/Piscataway | mood, anxiety, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis | isabellamaita | 2022‑09‑18 | Erin M. Murray (Info) | University of Rochester Medical Center | emurr13 | 2024‑09‑13 | Elaine Reynolds (Info) | Lafayette College | fly model | Lyssa12 | 2008‑06‑28 | Alyssa Picchini Schaffer (Info) | Columbia | Hippocampal Neurogenesis | Lyssa12 | 2007‑04‑03 | Grayson O. Sipe (Info) | University of Rochester Medical Center, MIT, Penn State | glial biology, neuromodulation, arousal, addiction | GOSIPE | 2015‑04‑09 | Eric A. Stauffer (Info) | UVA | jeffholt | 2008‑07‑21 | Tamara M. Stawicki (Info) | Lafayette College | Molecular Neuroscience, Genetics | Caliack | 2008‑04‑01 |
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