People with institution matching "MN VA Medical Center ": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Allen B. Edmundson (Info) Argonne National Laboratory Protein Structure/Function relations, X-ray crystallography jvpardo 2011‑12‑10
Michael A. Kuskowski (Info) University of Minnesota &VAMC biomedical statistics pjpardo 2011‑12‑12
Jose V. Pardo (Info) MN VA Medical Center joshuabuckholtz 2010‑03‑11
Michael I. Posner (Info) University of Oregon, Georgia State attention 2005‑10‑25
Marcus E. Raichle (Info) Washington University Neuroimaging cab 2006‑03‑09
Solomon H. Snyder (Info) Johns Hopkins Neurotransmitters david 2005‑04‑22
Elke Stephan (Info) University of Trier systems biology of gastric distension pjpardo 2011‑12‑12
David H. Zald (Info) Vanderbilt Emotion, Amygdala, Orbitfrontal Cortex, Reward joshuabuckholtz 2007‑08‑05
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