Kang-Hyun Shin, Ph.D. - Publications

2003 Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, United States 
Industrial Psychology

21 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2016 Guay RP, Choi D, Oh IS, Mitchell MS, Mount MK, Shin KH. Why people harm the organization and its members: Relationships among personality, organizational commitment, and workplace deviance Human Performance. 29: 1-15. DOI: 10.1080/08959285.2015.1120305  0.365
2014 Lee J, Shin K, SeungGeun B, Heo C. The effectiveness of job embeddedness in turnover studies: A meta-analysis The Korean Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 27: 743-779. DOI: 10.24230/Ksiop.27.4.201411.743  0.335
2014 SeungGeun B, Shin K, Lee J, Heo C. Who Can Enjoy the Unavoidable Emotional Labor: A moderation of self-monitoring The Korean Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 27: 719-742. DOI: 10.24230/Ksiop.27.4.201411.719  0.376
2014 Kim Y, Shin K, Lee S. he Relations between Personality Factors and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors mediated by Job-satisfaction: Meta-analytic regression Analysis The Korean Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 27: 643-682. DOI: 10.24230/Ksiop.27.4.201411.643  0.344
2014 Lee J, Shin K, Baeck S, Heo C. The effectiveness of job embeddedness in turnover studies The Korean Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 27: 743-779. DOI: 10.24230/Kjiop.V27I4.743-779  0.304
2014 Kim Y, Lee S, Shin K. The relations between personality factors and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors mediated by job-satisfaction The Korean Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 27: 643-682. DOI: 10.24230/Kjiop.V27I4.643-682  0.311
2014 Oh IS, Guay RP, Kim K, Harold CM, Lee JH, Heo CG, Shin KH. Fit happens globally: A meta-analytic comparison of the relationships of person-environment fit dimensions with work attitudes and performance across East Asia, Europe, and North America Personnel Psychology. 67: 99-152. DOI: 10.1111/Peps.12026  0.329
2013 Heo C, Jo J, Shin K. The role of empathy(emotional contagion, empathic concern) in service relationship The Korean Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 26: 579-597. DOI: 10.24230/Ksiop.26.4.201311.579  0.318
2012 Heo C, Shin K. The influence of Person-Job Fit on burnout and work engagement: The moderating effect of LMX The Korean Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 25: 535-556. DOI: 10.24230/Ksiop.25.3.201208.535  0.34
2012 Heo C, Shin K. The influence of Person-Job Fit on burnout and work engagement The Korean Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 25: 535-556. DOI: 10.24230/Kjiop.V25I3.535-556  0.323
2012 Bourdage JS, Lee K, Lee J, Shin K. Motives for Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Personality Correlates and Coworker Ratings of OCB Human Performance. 25: 179-200. DOI: 10.1080/08959285.2012.683904  0.339
2012 Banks GC, Whelpley CE, Oh IS, Shin K. (How) are emotionally exhausted employees harmful? International Journal of Stress Management. 19: 198-216. DOI: 10.1037/A0029249  0.351
2010 황재선, Heo C, Kim D, Shin K. The effects of job demand and resource on emotional labor: The mediating effect of stress coping strategies The Korean Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 23: 503-523. DOI: 10.24230/Ksiop.23.3.201008.503  0.318
2010 SeungGeun B, Gim W, Ryu J, Han Y, Shin K. The Effect of Emotional Display Rule on Job Attitude: The Mediation of Emotional Labor The Korean Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 23: 27-51. DOI: 10.24230/Ksiop.23.1.201003.27  0.33
2010 Heo C, Shin K, 이철희, Lee J. The Effect of Extraversion and Neuroticism on Emotional Exhaustion : Mediating Effect of Coping Strategies Korean Journal of Health Psychology. 15: 445-462. DOI: 10.17315/Kjhp.2010.15.3.005  0.322
2008 Shin K, Gim W, Kim W, 한영석. Emotional Labor and Job Burnout and Job Engagement: The Moderating Effect of Emotional Intelligence The Korean Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 21: 475-491. DOI: 10.24230/Ksiop.21.3.200808.475  0.339
2007 노혜미, Shin K, Yoo T. The Effect of Emotional Intelligence and Emotional Labor Stratrgy on Job-Related Attitudes: The mediating Effect of Personal Accomplishment The Korean Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 20: 529-550. DOI: 10.24230/Ksiop.20.4.200711.529  0.354
2007 Kim W, Shin K, Heo C, Lee J. Emotional Labor and Burnout: The Moderating Effect of Autonomy and Social Supports Korean Journal of Health Psychology. 12: 905-921. DOI: 10.17315/Kjhp.2007.12.4.014  0.307
2006 Benton SL, Downey RG, Glider PS, Benton SA, Shin K, Newton DW, Arck W, Price A. Predicting negative drinking consequences: examining descriptive norm perception. Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 67: 399-405. PMID 16608149 DOI: 10.15288/Jsa.2006.67.399  0.535
2006 Robertson JM, Benton SL, Newton FB, Downey RG, Marsh PA, Benton SA, Tseng WC, Shin KH. K-state problem identification rating scales for college students Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development. 39: 141-160. DOI: 10.1080/07481756.2006.11909795  0.51
2003 Sinnett ER, Shin KH, Downey RG. The original MMPI and Colligan Norms revisited. Psychological Reports. 93: 515-8. PMID 14650685 DOI: 10.2466/Pr0.2003.93.2.515  0.505
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