Kristi L. Haik, Ph.D. - Publications

2000 Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI, United States 
Experimental Psychology, Neuroscience Biology, Toxicology

7 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2015 Hall AM, Hemmer R, Spaulding R, Wetzel HN, Curcio J, Sabel BA, Henrich-Noack P, Pixley S, Hopkins T, Boyce RL, Schultheis PJ, Haik KL. Cytotoxicity and apoptotic gene expression in an in vitro model of the blood-brain barrier following exposure to poly(butylcyanoacrylate) nanoparticles. Journal of Drug Targeting. 1-37. PMID 26707984 DOI: 10.3109/1061186X.2015.1132222  0.347
2013 Hemmer R, Hall A, Spaulding R, Rossow B, Hester M, Caroway M, Haskamp A, Wall S, Bullen HA, Morris C, Haik KL. Analysis of biotinylated generation 4 poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrimer distribution in the rat brain and toxicity in a cellular model of the blood-brain barrier. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland). 18: 11537-52. PMID 24048286 DOI: 10.3390/Molecules180911537  0.303
2013 Schultheis PJ, Fleming SM, Clippinger AK, Lewis J, Tsunemi T, Giasson B, Dickson DW, Mazzulli JR, Bardgett ME, Haik KL, Ekhator O, Chava AK, Howard J, Gannon M, Hoffman E, et al. Atp13a2-deficient mice exhibit neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, limited α-synuclein accumulation and age-dependent sensorimotor deficits. Human Molecular Genetics. 22: 2067-82. PMID 23393156 DOI: 10.1093/Hmg/Ddt057  0.395
2010 Curran C, Altenhofen E, Evans A, Floyd R, Kamau-Cheggeh C, Kraemer S, Hays B, Haik K. Genetic susceptibility to PCB-induced motor dysfunction Neurotoxicology and Teratology. 32: 508. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ntt.2010.04.044  0.337
2008 Haik KL, Shear DA, Hargrove C, Patton J, Mazei-Robison M, Sandstrom MI, Dunbar GL. 7-nitroindazole attenuates 6-hydroxydopamine-induced spatial learning deficits and dopamine neuron loss in a presymptomatic animal model of Parkinson's disease. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology. 16: 178-89. PMID 18489022 DOI: 10.1037/1064-1297.16.2.178  0.564
2000 Shear DA, Haik KL, Dunbar GL. Creatine reduces 3-nitropropionic-acid-induced cognitive and motor abnormalities in rats. Neuroreport. 11: 1833-7. PMID 10884028 DOI: 10.1097/00001756-200006260-00007  0.562
2000 Haik KL, Shear DA, Schroeder U, Sabel BA, Dunbar GL. Quinolinic acid released from polymeric brain implants causes behavioral and neuroanatomical alterations in a rodent model of Huntington's disease. Experimental Neurology. 163: 430-9. PMID 10833318 DOI: 10.1006/Exnr.2000.7384  0.577
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