Laurie Chassin, Ph.D. - Publications

Psychology Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, United States 

233 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2024 Georgeson AR, Waddell JT, Paxton L, Chassin L. Disaggregating within- and between-person associations to test the aversive transmission of alcohol use in late adolescence through adulthood. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors : Journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors. PMID 38661658 DOI: 10.1037/adb0001013  0.407
2023 Waddell JT, Sternberg A, Eisenberg N, Chassin L. Longitudinal Relations Among Parental Substance Use Disorder and Adolescent Drinking Behavior: The Role of Temperament, Negative Urgency, and Maternal Parenting. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. PMID 37864729 DOI: 10.1007/s10964-023-01886-4  0.413
2023 Wang FL, Klei L, Devlin B, Molina BSG, Chassin L. Heritable Composite Phenotypes Defined by Combinations of Conduct Problem, Depression, and Temperament Features: Contributions to risk for Alcohol Problems. Research On Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. PMID 37773317 DOI: 10.1007/s10802-023-01129-x  0.668
2023 Blake A, Chassin L. Grandparent alcohol use disorder and grandparent-grandchild relationships. Journal of Family Psychology : Jfp : Journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43). PMID 37199943 DOI: 10.1037/fam0001116  0.73
2023 Waddell JT, Chassin L. Multilevel longitudinal relations among impulsive traits, positive expectancies, and binge drinking from late adolescence to adulthood: A developmental test of acquired preparedness. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research. PMID 36977505 DOI: 10.1111/acer.15064  0.349
2023 Blake AJ, Mackinnon DP, Waddell J, Chassin L. Parent-child separation and intergenerational transmission of substance use and disorder: Testing across three generations. Development and Psychopathology. 1-12. PMID 36700356 DOI: 10.1017/S0954579422000876  0.727
2022 Lee MR, Yeung EW, Littlefield AK, Stephenson A, Kady A, Kwan T, Chassin L, Sher KJ. A life span developmental investigation of marriage and problem-drinking reduction. Development and Psychopathology. 1-11. PMID 36286325 DOI: 10.1017/S0954579422000827  0.513
2022 Waddell JT, Jager J, Chassin L. Maturing out of alcohol and cannabis co-use: A test of patterns and personality predictors. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research. PMID 35994040 DOI: 10.1111/acer.14898  0.398
2022 Waddell JT, Elam KK, Chassin L. Multidimensional Impulsive Personality Traits Mediate the Effect of Parent Substance Use Disorder on Adolescent Alcohol and Cannabis Use. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. PMID 35048255 DOI: 10.1007/s10964-021-01556-3  0.381
2021 Modak P, Hutslar C, Polk R, Atkinson E, Fisher L, Macy J, Chassin L, Presson C, Finn PR, Brown JW. Neural bases of risky decisions involving nicotine vapor versus monetary reward. Neuroimage. Clinical. 32: 102869. PMID 34768145 DOI: 10.1016/j.nicl.2021.102869  0.575
2021 Waddell JT, Sternberg A, Grimm KJ, Chassin L. Do Alcohol Consequences Serve as Teachable Moments? A Test of Between- and Within-Person Reciprocal Effects From College Age to Adulthood. Journal of Studies On Alcohol and Drugs. 82: 647-658. PMID 34546912  0.324
2021 Blake AJ, McNeish D, Chassin L. Heterogeneity in effects of parent-child separation on young-adult substance use disorder. Journal of Family Psychology : Jfp : Journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43). PMID 34060892 DOI: 10.1037/fam0000880  0.811
2021 Waddell JT, Blake AJ, Chassin L. Relations between impulsive personality traits, alcohol and cannabis co-use, and negative alcohol consequences: A test of cognitive and behavioral mediators. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 225: 108780. PMID 34049097 DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2021.108780  0.767
2021 Waddell JT, Sternberg A, Bui L, Ruof AR, Blake AJ, Grimm KJ, Elam KK, Eisenberg N, Chassin L. Relations Between Child Temperament and Adolescent Negative Urgency in a High-Risk Sample. Journal of Research in Personality. 90. PMID 33424044 DOI: 10.1016/j.jrp.2020.104056  0.793
2020 Ruof AK, Elam KK, Chassin L. Maternal Influences on Effortful Control in Adolescence: Developmental Pathways to Externalizing Behaviors. Social Development (Oxford, England). 29: 411-426. PMID 33041537 DOI: 10.1111/Sode.12409  0.437
2020 Blake A, Smyth H, Sternberg A, Waddell J, Chassin L. Alcohol Use Disorder and Parental Alcohol Use Disorder as Predictors of Reproductive Timing. Journal of Studies On Alcohol and Drugs. 81: 575-583. PMID 33028470  0.796
2020 Elam KK, Sternberg A, Waddell JT, Blake AJ, Chassin L. Mother and Father Prescription Opioid Misuse, Alcohol Use Disorder, and Parent Knowledge in Pathways to Adolescent Alcohol Use. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. PMID 32542579 DOI: 10.1007/S10964-020-01266-2  0.828
2020 Jones CB, Meier MH, Corbin WE, Chassin L. Adolescent executive cognitive functioning and trait impulsivity as predictors of young-adult risky drinking and alcohol-related problems. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors : Journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors. PMID 32496076 DOI: 10.1037/Adb0000636  0.503
2020 Waddell JT, Blake AJ, Sternberg A, Ruof A, Chassin L. Effects of Observable Parent Alcohol Consequences and Parent Alcohol Disorder on Adolescent Alcohol Expectancies. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research. PMID 32105357 DOI: 10.1111/Acer.14298  0.822
2019 Chaplin TM, Poon JA, Thompson JC, Hansen A, Dziura SL, Turpyn CC, Niehaus CE, Sinha R, Chassin L, Ansell EB. Sex-Differentiated Associations among Negative Parenting, Emotion-Related Brain Function, and Adolescent Substance Use and Psychopathology Symptoms. Social Development (Oxford, England). 28: 637-656. PMID 31602097 DOI: 10.1111/Sode.12364  0.403
2019 Rothenberg WA, Sternberg A, Blake A, Waddell J, Chassin L, Hussong A. Identifying adolescent protective factors that disrupt the intergenerational transmission of cannabis use and disorder. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors : Journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors. PMID 31524418 DOI: 10.1037/Adb0000511  0.834
2019 Sternberg A, Hill ML, Suk HW, Meier M, Chassin L. Exploring Cannabis-Specific Parenting as a Mechanism of the Intergenerational Transmission of Cannabis Use and Cannabis Use Disorder. Journal of Studies On Alcohol and Drugs. 80: 32-41. PMID 30807272 DOI: 10.15288/Jsad.2019.80.32  0.462
2018 Macy JT, O'Rourke HP, Seo DC, Presson CC, Chassin L. Adolescent tolerance for deviance, cigarette smoking trajectories, and premature mortality: A longitudinal study. Preventive Medicine. PMID 30594535 DOI: 10.1016/J.Ypmed.2018.12.023  0.698
2018 Hartman JD, Corbin WR, Chassin L, Doane LD. The Comprehensive Early Drinking History Form: A Novel Measure of Early Alcohol Exposure. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research. PMID 30589444 DOI: 10.1111/Acer.13948  0.464
2018 Pearce LD, Hayward GM, Chassin L, Curran PJ. The Increasing Diversity and Complexity of Family Structures for Adolescents. Journal of Research On Adolescence : the Official Journal of the Society For Research On Adolescence. 28: 591-608. PMID 30197489 DOI: 10.1111/Jora.12391  0.623
2018 Elam KK, Chassin L, Pandika D. Polygenic risk, family cohesion, and adolescent aggression in Mexican American and European American families: Developmental pathways to alcohol use. Development and Psychopathology. 1-14. PMID 30168407 DOI: 10.1017/S0954579418000901  0.502
2018 Rogers AA, Elam KK, Chassin L, Sternberg A, Bui L. Proximal and Distal Effects of Sensation Seeking and Parenting Environments on Alcohol Use Trajectories from Early Adolescence to Early Adulthood. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. PMID 29905884 DOI: 10.1007/S10964-018-0874-X  0.556
2018 Sternberg A, Pandika D, Elam KK, Chassin L. The relation of parent alcohol disorder to young adult drinking outcomes mediated by parenting: Effects of developmentally limited versus persistent parent alcohol disorder. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 188: 224-231. PMID 29783094 DOI: 10.1016/J.Drugalcdep.2018.03.027  0.486
2018 Wang FL, Chassin L. Negative Urgency Mediates the Relation between Genetically-Influenced Serotonin Functioning and Alcohol Problems. Clinical Psychological Science : a Journal of the Association For Psychological Science. 6: 106-122. PMID 29354329 DOI: 10.1177/2167702617733817  0.339
2017 King KM, Littlefield AK, McCabe CJ, Mills KL, Flournoy J, Chassin L. Longitudinal modeling in developmental neuroimaging research: Common challenges, and solutions from developmental psychology. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. PMID 29395939 DOI: 10.1016/J.Dcn.2017.11.009  0.634
2017 Hill M, Sternberg A, Suk HW, Meier MH, Chassin L. The Intergenerational Transmission of Cannabis Use: Associations Between Parental History of Cannabis Use and Cannabis Use Disorder, Low Positive Parenting, and Offspring Cannabis Use. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors : Journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors. PMID 29189023 DOI: 10.1037/Adb0000333  0.455
2017 Rothenberg WA, Hussong AM, Chassin L. Intergenerational Continuity in High-Conflict Family Environments: Investigating a Mediating Depressive Pathway. Developmental Psychology. PMID 29058932 DOI: 10.1037/Dev0000419  0.578
2017 Burns AR, Hussong AM, Solis JM, Curran PJ, McGinley JS, Bauer DJ, Chassin L, Zucker RA. Examining Cohort Effects in Developmental Trajectories of Substance Use. International Journal of Behavioral Development. 41: 621-631. PMID 29056800 DOI: 10.1177/0165025416651734  0.805
2017 Wang FL, Chassin L, Lee M, Haller M, King K. Roles of Response Inhibition and Gene-Environment Interplay in Pathways to Adolescents' Externalizing Problems. Journal of Research On Adolescence : the Official Journal of the Society For Research On Adolescence. 27: 258-277. PMID 28876522 DOI: 10.1111/Jora.12270  0.805
2017 Elam KK, Chassin L, Lemery-Chalfant K, Pandika D, Wang FL, Bountress K, Dick D, Agrawal A. Affiliation with substance-using peers: Examining gene-environment correlations among parent monitoring, polygenic risk, and children's impulsivity. Developmental Psychobiology. PMID 28561888 DOI: 10.1002/Dev.21529  0.424
2017 Wang FL, Chassin L, Bates JE, Dick D, Lansford JE, Pettit GS, Dodge KA. Serotonin functioning and adolescents' alcohol use: A genetically informed study examining mechanisms of risk. Development and Psychopathology. 1-21. PMID 28534453 DOI: 10.1017/S095457941700058X  0.44
2017 Rothenberg WA, Hussong AM, Chassin L. Modeling Trajectories of Adolescent-Perceived Family Conflict: Effects of Marital Dissatisfaction and Parental Alcoholism. Journal of Research On Adolescence : the Official Journal of the Society For Research On Adolescence. 27: 105-121. PMID 28498533 DOI: 10.1111/Jora.12259  0.699
2017 Menary KR, Corbin WR, Chassin L. Associations between early internalizing symptoms and speed of transition through stages of alcohol involvement. Development and Psychopathology. 1-13. PMID 28397620 DOI: 10.1017/S0954579417000384  0.394
2017 Rothenberg WA, Solis JM, Hussong AM, Chassin L. Profiling Families in Conflict: Multigenerational Continuity in Conflict Predicts Deleterious Adolescent and Adult Outcomes. Journal of Family Psychology : Jfp : Journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43). PMID 28368204 DOI: 10.1037/Fam0000319  0.587
2017 Jensen M, Chassin L, Gonzales NA. Neighborhood Moderation of Sensation Seeking Effects on Adolescent Substance Use Initiation. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. PMID 28220280 DOI: 10.1007/S10964-017-0647-Y  0.504
2017 Elam KK, Chassin L, Eisenberg N, Spinrad TL. Marital stress and children's externalizing behavior as predictors of mothers' and fathers' parenting. Development and Psychopathology. 1-14. PMID 28065187 DOI: 10.1017/S0954579416001322  0.423
2016 Elam KK, Wang FL, Bountress K, Chassin L, Pandika D, Lemery-Chalfant K. Predicting substance use in emerging adulthood: A genetically informed study of developmental transactions between impulsivity and family conflict. Development and Psychopathology. 28: 673-88. PMID 27427799 DOI: 10.1017/S0954579416000249  0.461
2016 Wang FL, Pandika D, Chassin L, Lee M, King K. Testing the Relations Among Family Disorganization, Delay Discounting, and Adolescent Alcohol Use: A Genetically Informed Study. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research. PMID 26926310 DOI: 10.1111/Acer.12999  0.778
2016 Mansion AD, Chassin L. The Effect of Race/Ethnicity on the Relation between Substance Use Disorder Diagnosis and Substance Use Treatment Receipt among Male Serious Adolescent Offenders. Children and Youth Services Review. 61: 237-244. PMID 26806995 DOI: 10.1016/J.Childyouth.2015.12.023  0.368
2016 Bountress K, Chassin L, Lemery-Chalfant K. Parent and peer influences on emerging adult substance use disorder: A genetically informed study. Development and Psychopathology. 1-22. PMID 26753847 DOI: 10.1017/S095457941500125X  0.468
2016 Bountress K, Chassin L, Presson CC, Jackson C. The Effects of Peer Influences and Implicit and Explicit Attitudes on Smoking Initiation in Adolescence Merrill-Palmer Quarterly. 62: 335-358. DOI: 10.13110/Merrpalmquar1982.62.4.0335  0.693
2016 Rothenberg WA, Hussong AM, Chassin L. Modeling Trajectories of Adolescent-Perceived Family Conflict: Effects of Marital Dissatisfaction and Parental Alcoholism Journal of Research On Adolescence. DOI: 10.1111/jora.12259  0.67
2016 Chassin L, Colder CR, Hussong AM, Sher KJ. Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders Development and Psychopathology. 1-65. DOI: 10.1002/9781119125556.Devpsy319  0.601
2015 Macy JT, Chassin L, Presson CC, Yeung E. Exposure to graphic warning labels on cigarette packages: Effects on implicit and explicit attitudes towards smoking among young adults. Psychology & Health. 1-15. PMID 26442992 DOI: 10.1080/08870446.2015.1104309  0.653
2015 Monahan KC, King KM, Shulman EP, Cauffman E, Chassin L. The effects of violence exposure on the development of impulse control and future orientation across adolescence and early adulthood: Time-specific and generalized effects in a sample of juvenile offenders. Development and Psychopathology. 27: 1267-83. PMID 26439073 DOI: 10.1017/S0954579414001394  0.674
2015 Wang FL, Chassin L, Eisenberg N, Spinrad TL. Effortful Control Predicts Adolescent Antisocial-Aggressive Behaviors and Depressive Symptoms: Co-Occurrence and Moderation by Impulsivity. Child Development. 86: 1812-29. PMID 26286709 DOI: 10.1111/Cdev.12406  0.336
2015 Nichter B, Chassin L. Separate dimensions of anxiety differentially predict alcohol use among male juvenile offenders. Addictive Behaviors. 50: 144-8. PMID 26135335 DOI: 10.1016/J.Addbeh.2015.06.031  0.447
2015 Feldstein Ewing SW, Filbey FM, Loughran TA, Chassin L, Piquero AR. Which matters most? Demographic, neuropsychological, personality, and situational factors in long-term marijuana and alcohol trajectories for justice-involved male youth. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors : Journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors. 29: 603-12. PMID 26030166 DOI: 10.1037/Adb0000076  0.457
2015 Rothenberg WA, Hussong AM, Chassin L. Intergenerational continuity in high-conflict family environments. Development and Psychopathology. 1-16. PMID 26018605 DOI: 10.1017/S0954579415000450  0.599
2015 Lee MR, Chassin L, MacKinnon DP. Role transitions and young adult maturing out of heavy drinking: evidence for larger effects of marriage among more severe premarriage problem drinkers. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research. 39: 1064-74. PMID 26009967 DOI: 10.1111/Acer.12715  0.522
2015 Bountress K, Chassin L. Risk for behavior problems in children of parents with substance use disorders. The American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. 85: 275-86. PMID 25985113 DOI: 10.1037/Ort0000063  0.38
2015 Wang FL, Chassin L, Geiser C, Lemery-Chalfant K. Erratum to: Mechanisms in the relation between GABRA2 and adolescent externalizing problems. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. PMID 25941094 DOI: 10.1007/S00787-015-0716-2  0.351
2015 Macy JT, Li J, Xun P, Presson CC, Chassin L. Dual Trajectories of Cigarette Smoking and Smokeless Tobacco Use From Adolescence to Midlife Among Males in a Midwestern US Community Sample. Nicotine & Tobacco Research : Official Journal of the Society For Research On Nicotine and Tobacco. PMID 25847287 DOI: 10.1093/Ntr/Ntv070  0.703
2015 Wang FL, Chassin L, Geiser C, Lemery-Chalfant K. Mechanisms in the relation between GABRA2 and adolescent externalizing problems. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. PMID 25804982 DOI: 10.1007/S00787-015-0703-7  0.448
2015 Macy JT, Chassin L, Presson CC, Sherman JW. Changing implicit attitudes toward smoking: results from a web-based approach-avoidance practice intervention. Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 38: 143-52. PMID 25059750 DOI: 10.1007/S10865-014-9585-2  0.655
2015 Stein GL, Hussong AM, Chassin L. An Examination of the Leaving Home Transition for Children of Alcoholics and Their Families: A Comparison of Latino and Non-Latino European Americans Journal of Family Issues. 36: 784-804. DOI: 10.1177/0192513X13498592  0.745
2015 Rothenberg WA, Hussong AM, Chassin L. Intergenerational continuity in high-conflict family environments Development and Psychopathology. DOI: 10.1017/S0954579415000450  0.506
2014 Curran PJ, McGinley JS, Bauer DJ, Hussong AM, Burns A, Chassin L, Sher K, Zucker R. A Moderated Nonlinear Factor Model for the Development of Commensurate Measures in Integrative Data Analysis. Multivariate Behavioral Research. 49: 214-231. PMID 25960575 DOI: 10.1080/00273171.2014.889594  0.766
2014 Presson CC, Chassin L, Macy JT. Parent-adolescent drug use discussions: studying content and affective processes. The Journal of Adolescent Health : Official Publication of the Society For Adolescent Medicine. 55: 721-2. PMID 25459226 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jadohealth.2014.09.010  0.697
2014 Haller M, Wang FL, Bountress K, Chassin L. The Interactive Effects of Effort to Regulate Alcohol Use, Anxiety Disorders, and Affective Disorders on Long-Term Remission from Alcohol Dependence. Addiction Research & Theory. 22: 371-379. PMID 25342947 DOI: 10.3109/16066359.2013.856885  0.613
2014 Wright KA, Kim B, Chassin L, Losoya SH, Piquero AR. Ecological context, concentrated disadvantage, and youth reoffending: identifying the social mechanisms in a sample of serious adolescent offenders. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 43: 1781-99. PMID 25146466 DOI: 10.1007/S10964-014-0173-0  0.411
2014 Haller M, Chassin L. Risk pathways among traumatic stress, posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms, and alcohol and drug problems: a test of four hypotheses. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors : Journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors. 28: 841-51. PMID 24933396 DOI: 10.1037/A0035878  0.604
2014 Chassin L, Presson CC, Macy JT. Adolescent susceptibility to smoking: the importance of an international perspective. The Journal of Adolescent Health : Official Publication of the Society For Adolescent Medicine. 54: 119-20. PMID 24445179 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jadohealth.2013.11.014  0.714
2014 Curran PJ, McGinley JS, Bauer DJ, Hussong AM, Burns A, Chassin L, Sher K, Zucker R. A Moderated Nonlinear Factor Model for the Development of Commensurate Measures in Integrative Data Analysis Multivariate Behavioral Research. 49: 214-231. DOI: 10.1080/00273171.2014.889594  0.757
2013 Bountress K, Haller MM, Chassin L. The Indirect Effects of Parent Psychopathology on Offspring Affective Disorder Through Difficulty During the Leaving Home Transition. Emerging Adulthood (Print). 1: 196-206. PMID 28936372 DOI: 10.1177/2167696813477089  0.65
2013 Chassin L, Sher KJ, Hussong A, Curran P. The developmental psychopathology of alcohol use and alcohol disorders: research achievements and future directions. Development and Psychopathology. 25: 1567-84. PMID 24342856 DOI: 10.1017/S0954579413000771  0.74
2013 Lee MR, Chassin L, Villalta IK. Maturing out of alcohol involvement: transitions in latent drinking statuses from late adolescence to adulthood. Development and Psychopathology. 25: 1137-53. PMID 24229554 DOI: 10.1017/S0954579413000424  0.608
2013 Bauer DJ, Howard AL, Baldasaro RE, Curran PJ, Hussong AM, Chassin L, Zucker RA. A trifactor model for integrating ratings across multiple informants. Psychological Methods. 18: 475-93. PMID 24079932 DOI: 10.1037/A0032475  0.651
2013 Handley ED, Chassin L. Alcohol-specific parenting as a mechanism of parental drinking and alcohol use disorder risk on adolescent alcohol use onset. Journal of Studies On Alcohol and Drugs. 74: 684-93. PMID 23948527 DOI: 10.15288/Jsad.2013.74.684  0.758
2013 Macy JT, Chassin L, Presson CC. Predictors of health behaviors after the economic downturn: a longitudinal study. Social Science & Medicine (1982). 89: 8-15. PMID 23726210 DOI: 10.1016/J.Socscimed.2013.04.020  0.597
2013 Macy JT, Chassin L, Presson CC. Association between work-family conflict and smoking quantity among daily smokers. Nicotine & Tobacco Research : Official Journal of the Society For Research On Nicotine and Tobacco. 15: 1867-72. PMID 23709611 DOI: 10.1093/Ntr/Ntt071  0.659
2013 Chassin L, Piquero AR, Losoya SH, Mansion AD, Schubert CA. Joint consideration of distal and proximal predictors of premature mortality among serious juvenile offenders. The Journal of Adolescent Health : Official Publication of the Society For Adolescent Medicine. 52: 689-96. PMID 23415755 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jadohealth.2012.11.018  0.379
2013 Macy JT, Chassin L, Presson CC. The association between implicit and explicit attitudes toward smoking and support for tobacco control measures. Nicotine & Tobacco Research : Official Journal of the Society For Research On Nicotine and Tobacco. 15: 291-6. PMID 22581941 DOI: 10.1093/Ntr/Nts117  0.666
2013 Bountress K, Haller MM, Chassin L. The Indirect Effects of Parent Psychopathology on Offspring Affective Disorder Through Difficulty During the Leaving Home Transition Emerging Adulthood. 1: 196-206. DOI: 10.1177/2167696813477089  0.536
2013 Haller M, Chassin L. The influence of PTSD symptoms on alcohol and drug problems: Internalizing and externalizing pathways Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. 5: 484-493. DOI: 10.1037/A0029335  0.612
2013 Chassin L, Presson C, Il-Cho Y, Lee M, Macy J. Developmental Factors in Addiction: Methodological Considerations The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Addiction Psychopharmacology. 5-26. DOI: 10.1002/9781118384404.ch1  0.643
2013 Chassin L, Hussong A, Barrera M, Molina BSG, Trim R, Ritter J. Adolescent Substance Use Handbook of Adolescent Psychology: Second Edition. 665-696. DOI: 10.1002/9780471726746.ch21  0.78
2012 Sherman SJ, Chassin L, Sherman JW, Presson CC, Macy JT. Psicologia Sociale. 2012: 7-30. PMID 24765213 DOI: 10.1482/36754  0.57
2012 Haller M, Chassin L. A test of adolescent internalizing and externalizing symptoms as prospective predictors of type of trauma exposure and posttraumatic stress disorder. Journal of Traumatic Stress. 25: 691-9. PMID 23129251 DOI: 10.1002/Jts.21751  0.581
2012 Hussong AM, Huang W, Serrano D, Curran PJ, Chassin L. Testing whether and when parent alcoholism uniquely affects various forms of adolescent substance use. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. 40: 1265-76. PMID 22886384 DOI: 10.1007/S10802-012-9662-3  0.83
2012 Chassin L, Lee MR, Cho YI, Wang FL, Agrawal A, Sher KJ, Lynskey MT. Testing multiple levels of influence in the intergenerational transmission of alcohol disorders from a developmental perspective: the example of alcohol use promoting peers and μ-opioid receptor M1 variation. Development and Psychopathology. 24: 953-67. PMID 22781865 DOI: 10.1017/S0954579412000478  0.593
2012 Kristjansson SD, Agrawal A, Lynskey MT, Chassin LA. Marijuana expectancies and relationships with adolescent and adult marijuana use. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 126: 102-10. PMID 22682980 DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2012.04.024  0.392
2012 Zoloto A, Nagoshi CT, Presson C, Chassin L. Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms and depression symptoms as mediators in the intergenerational transmission of smoking. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 126: 147-55. PMID 22682659 DOI: 10.1016/J.Drugalcdep.2012.05.003  0.688
2012 Macy JT, Chassin L, Presson CC. Smoking behaviors and attitudes during adolescence prospectively predict support for tobacco control policies in adulthood. Nicotine & Tobacco Research : Official Journal of the Society For Research On Nicotine and Tobacco. 14: 871-9. PMID 22193576 DOI: 10.1093/Ntr/Ntr301  0.698
2011 Haller M, Chassin L. The Unique Effects of Parental Alcohol and Affective Disorders, Parenting, and Parental Negative Affect on Adolescent Maladjustment. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly (Wayne State University. Press). 57. PMID 23761947 DOI: 10.1353/Mpq.2011.0014  0.688
2011 Handley ED, Chassin L, Haller MM, Bountress KE, Dandreaux D, Beltran I. Do executive and reactive disinhibition mediate the effects of familial substance use disorders on adolescent externalizing outcomes? Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 120: 528-42. PMID 21668077 DOI: 10.1037/A0024162  0.776
2011 Agrawal A, Lynskey MT, Heath AC, Chassin L. Developing a genetically informative measure of alcohol consumption using past-12-month indices. Journal of Studies On Alcohol and Drugs. 72: 444-52. PMID 21513681 DOI: 10.15288/Jsad.2011.72.444  0.425
2010 Lee MR, Chassin L, Mackinnon D. The effect of marriage on young adult heavy drinking and its mediators: results from two methods of adjusting for selection into marriage. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors : Journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors. 24: 712-8. PMID 21198229 DOI: 10.1037/A0020983  0.559
2010 Chassin L, Presson CC, Sherman SJ, Seo DC, Macy JT. Implicit and explicit attitudes predict smoking cessation: moderating effects of experienced failure to control smoking and plans to quit. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors : Journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors. 24: 670-9. PMID 21198227 DOI: 10.1037/A0021722  0.657
2010 Haller M, Handley E, Chassin L, Bountress K. Developmental cascades: linking adolescent substance use, affiliation with substance use promoting peers, and academic achievement to adult substance use disorders. Development and Psychopathology. 22: 899-916. PMID 20883589 DOI: 10.1017/S0954579410000532  0.809
2010 Eisenberg N, Haugen R, Spinrad TL, Hofer C, Chassin L, Zhou Q, Kupfer A, Smith CL, Valiente C, Liew J. Relations of Temperament to Maladjustment and Ego Resiliency in At-Risk Children. Social Development (Oxford, England). 19: 577-600. PMID 20567606 DOI: 10.1111/J.1467-9507.2009.00550.X  0.379
2010 Haller MM, Chassin L. The reciprocal influences of perceived risk for alcoholism and alcohol use over time: evidence for aversive transmission of parental alcoholism. Journal of Studies On Alcohol and Drugs. 71: 588-96. PMID 20553668 DOI: 10.15288/Jsad.2010.71.588  0.662
2010 Chassin L, Dmitrieva J, Modecki K, Steinberg L, Cauffman E, Piquero AR, Knight GP, Losoya SH. Does adolescent alcohol and marijuana use predict suppressed growth in psychosocial maturity among male juvenile offenders? Psychology of Addictive Behaviors : Journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors. 24: 48-60. PMID 20307112 DOI: 10.1037/A0017692  0.495
2010 Chassin L, Macy JT, Seo DC, Presson CC, Sherman SJ. The Association between Membership in the Sandwich Generation and Health Behaviors: A Longitudinal Study. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. 31: 38-46. PMID 20161605 DOI: 10.1016/J.Appdev.2009.06.001  0.638
2010 Hussong AM, Huang W, Curran PJ, Chassin L, Zucker RA. Parent alcoholism impacts the severity and timing of children's externalizing symptoms. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. 38: 367-80. PMID 20084453 DOI: 10.1007/S10802-009-9374-5  0.742
2009 Knight GP, Vargas-Chanes D, Losoya SH, Cota-Robles S, Chassin L, Lee JM. Acculturation and Enculturation Trajectories Among Mexican-American Adolescent Offenders. Journal of Research On Adolescence : the Official Journal of the Society For Research On Adolescence. 19: 625-653. PMID 20300539 DOI: 10.1111/J.1532-7795.2009.00614.X  0.398
2009 Sherman SJ, Chassin L, Presson C, Seo DC, Macy JT. The Intergenerational Transmission of Implicit and Explicit Attitudes Toward Smoking. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 45: 313. PMID 20126293 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jesp.2008.09.012  0.69
2009 Handley ED, Chassin L. Intergenerational transmission of alcohol expectancies in a high-risk sample. Journal of Studies On Alcohol and Drugs. 70: 675-82. PMID 19737491 DOI: 10.15288/Jsad.2009.70.675  0.71
2009 King KM, Molina BS, Chassin L. Prospective relations between growth in drinking and familial stressors across adolescence. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 118: 610-22. PMID 19685957 DOI: 10.1037/A0016315  0.843
2009 Mauricio AM, Little M, Chassin L, Knight GP, Piquero AR, Losoya SH, Vargas-Chanes D. Juvenile offenders' alcohol and marijuana trajectories: risk and protective factor effects in the context of time in a supervised facility. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 38: 440-53. PMID 19636756 DOI: 10.1007/S10964-008-9324-5  0.409
2009 Little M, Handley E, Leuthe E, Chassin L. The impact of parenthood on alcohol consumption trajectories: variations as a function of timing of parenthood, familial alcoholism, and gender. Development and Psychopathology. 21: 661-82. PMID 19338703 DOI: 10.1017/S0954579409000352  0.757
2009 Chassin L, Knight G, Vargas-Chanes D, Losoya SH, Naranjo D. Substance use treatment outcomes in a sample of male serious juvenile offenders. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. 36: 183-94. PMID 18657942 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jsat.2008.06.001  0.495
2008 Chassin L. Juvenile justice and substance use. The Future of Children / Center For the Future of Children, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation. 18: 165-83. PMID 21338002 DOI: 10.1353/Foc.0.0017  0.362
2008 Losoya SH, Knight GP, Chassin L, Little M, Vargas-Chanes D, Mauricio A, Piquero A. TRAJECTORIES OF ACCULTURATION AND ENCULTURATION IN RELATION TO HEAVY EPISODIC DRINKING AND MARIJUANA USE IN A SAMPLE OF MEXICAN AMERICAN SERIOUS JUVENILE OFFENDERS. Journal of Drug Issues. 38: 171-198. PMID 20198119 DOI: 10.1177/002204260803800108  0.438
2008 Hussong AM, Bauer DJ, Huang W, Chassin L, Sher KJ, Zucker RA. Characterizing the life stressors of children of alcoholic parents. Journal of Family Psychology : Jfp : Journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43). 22: 819-32. PMID 19102603 DOI: 10.1037/A0013704  0.635
2008 Handley ED, Chassin L. Stress-induced drinking in parents of adolescents with externalizing symptomatology: the moderating role of parent social support. The American Journal On Addictions / American Academy of Psychiatrists in Alcoholism and Addictions. 17: 469-77. PMID 19034738 DOI: 10.1080/10550490802408795  0.731
2008 Chassin L, Presson C, Seo DC, Sherman SJ, Macy J, Wirth RJ, Curran P. Multiple trajectories of cigarette smoking and the intergenerational transmission of smoking: a multigenerational, longitudinal study of a Midwestern community sample. Health Psychology : Official Journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association. 27: 819-28. PMID 19025278 DOI: 10.1037/0278-6133.27.6.819  0.84
2008 King KM, Molina BS, Chassin L. A state-trait model of negative life event occurrence in adolescence: predictors of stability in the occurrence of stressors. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology : the Official Journal For the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, American Psychological Association, Division 53. 37: 848-59. PMID 18991134 DOI: 10.1080/15374410802359643  0.819
2008 Trim RS, Chassin L. Neighborhood socioeconomic status effects on adolescent alcohol outcomes using growth models: exploring the role of parental alcoholism. Journal of Studies On Alcohol and Drugs. 69: 639-48. PMID 18781238 DOI: 10.15288/Jsad.2008.69.639  0.536
2008 King KM, Chassin L. Adolescent stressors, psychopathology, and young adult substance dependence: a prospective study. Journal of Studies On Alcohol and Drugs. 69: 629-38. PMID 18781237 DOI: 10.15288/Jsad.2008.69.629  0.726
2008 Curran PJ, Hussong AM, Cai L, Huang W, Chassin L, Sher KJ, Zucker RA. Pooling data from multiple longitudinal studies: the role of item response theory in integrative data analysis. Developmental Psychology. 44: 365-80. PMID 18331129 DOI: 10.1037/0012-1649.44.2.365  0.656
2008 Little M, Weaver SR, King KM, Liu F, Chassin L. Historical change in the link between adolescent deviance proneness and marijuana use, 1979-2004. Prevention Science : the Official Journal of the Society For Prevention Research. 9: 4-16. PMID 18317927 DOI: 10.1007/S11121-008-0084-Y  0.711
2008 Hussong A, Bauer D, Chassin L. Telescoped trajectories from alcohol initiation to disorder in children of alcoholic parents. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 117: 63-78. PMID 18266486 DOI: 10.1037/0021-843X.117.1.63  0.701
2008 Hussong AM, Flora DB, Curran PJ, Chassin LA, Zucker RA. Defining risk heterogeneity for internalizing symptoms among children of alcoholic parents. Development and Psychopathology. 20: 165-93. PMID 18211733 DOI: 10.1017/S0954579408000084  0.808
2008 Hussong AM, Cai L, Curran PJ, Flora DB, Chassin LA, Zucker RA. Disaggregating the distal, proximal, and time-varying effects of parent alcoholism on children's internalizing symptoms. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. 36: 335-46. PMID 17891557 DOI: 10.1007/S10802-007-9181-9  0.81
2007 Hussong AM, Wirth RJ, Edwards MC, Curran PJ, Chassin LA, Zucker RA. Externalizing symptoms among children of alcoholic parents: Entry points for an antisocial pathway to alcoholism. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 116: 529-42. PMID 17696709 DOI: 10.1037/0021-843X.116.3.529  0.827
2007 Rose JS, Chassin L, Presson C, Sherman SJ, Stein MD, Col N. A latent class typology of young women smokers. Addiction (Abingdon, England). 102: 1310-9. PMID 17624981 DOI: 10.1111/J.1360-0443.2007.01889.X  0.666
2007 Macy JT, Seo DC, Chassin L, Presson CC, Sherman SJ. Prospective predictors of long-term abstinence versus relapse among smokers who quit as young adults. American Journal of Public Health. 97: 1470-5. PMID 17600248 DOI: 10.2105/Ajph.2006.101386  0.668
2007 Trim RS, Meehan BT, King KM, Chassin L. The relation between adolescent substance use and young adult internalizing symptoms: findings from a high-risk longitudinal sample. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors : Journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors. 21: 97-107. PMID 17385959 DOI: 10.1037/0893-164X.21.1.97  0.755
2007 King KM, Chassin L. A prospective study of the effects of age of initiation of alcohol and drug use on young adult substance dependence. Journal of Studies On Alcohol and Drugs. 68: 256-65. PMID 17286344 DOI: 10.15288/Jsad.2007.68.256  0.738
2007 Cauffman E, Piquero AR, Kimonis E, Steinberg L, Chassin L, Fagan J. Legal, individual, and environmental predictors of court disposition in a sample of serious adolescent offenders. Law and Human Behavior. 31: 519-35. PMID 17245634 DOI: 10.1007/S10979-006-9076-2  0.351
2007 Chassin L, Presson CC, Rose J, Sherman SJ. What is addiction? Age-related differences in the meaning of addiction. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 87: 30-8. PMID 16930860 DOI: 10.1016/J.Drugalcdep.2006.07.006  0.728
2007 Chassin L, Presson C, Morgan-Lopez A, Sherman SJ. "Deviance proneness" and adolescent smoking 1980 versus 2001: Has there been a "hardening" of adolescent smoking? Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. 28: 264-276. DOI: 10.1016/J.Appdev.2007.02.005  0.724
2006 King KM, Meehan BT, Trim RS, Chassin L. Marker or mediator? The effects of adolescent substance use on young adult educational attainment. Addiction (Abingdon, England). 101: 1730-40. PMID 17156172 DOI: 10.1111/J.1360-0443.2006.01507.X  0.77
2006 King KM, Meehan BT, Trim RS, Chassin L. Substance use and academic outcomes: Synthesizing findings and future directions. Addiction (Abingdon, England). 101: 1688-9. PMID 17156166 DOI: 10.1111/J.1360-0443.2006.01695.X  0.727
2006 Chassin L, Handley ED. Parents and families as contexts for the development of substance use and substance use disorders. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors : Journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors. 20: 135-7; discussion 14. PMID 16784356 DOI: 10.1037/0893-164X.20.2.135  0.689
2006 Zhou Q, King KM, Chassin L. The roles of familial alcoholism and adolescent family harmony in young adults' substance dependence disorders: mediated and moderated relations. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 115: 320-31. PMID 16737396 DOI: 10.1037/0021-843X.115.2.320  0.738
2006 Trim RS, Leuthe E, Chassin L. Sibling influence on alcohol use in a young adult, high-risk sample. Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 67: 391-8. PMID 16608148 DOI: 10.15288/Jsa.2006.67.391  0.487
2006 Smith CL, Eisenberg N, Spinrad TL, Chassin L, Morris AS, Kupfer A, Liew J, Cumberland A, Valiente C, Kwok OM. Children's coping strategies and coping efficacy: relations to parent socialization, child adjustment, and familial alcoholism. Development and Psychopathology. 18: 445-69. PMID 16600063 DOI: 10.1017/S095457940606024X  0.417
2006 Krosnick JA, Chang L, Sherman SJ, Chassin L, Presson C. The effects of beliefs about the health consequences of cigarette smoking on smoking onset Journal of Communication. 56: S18-S37. DOI: 10.1111/J.1460-2466.2006.00281.X  0.66
2005 Flora DB, Chassin L. Changes in drug use during young adulthood: the effects of parent alcoholism and transition into marriage. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors : Journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors. 19: 352-62. PMID 16366807 DOI: 10.1037/0893-164X.19.4.352  0.663
2005 Chassin L, Presson CC, Rose J, Sherman SJ, Davis MJ, Gonzalez JL. Parenting style and smoking-specific parenting practices as predictors of adolescent smoking onset. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 30: 333-44. PMID 15863430 DOI: 10.1093/Jpepsy/Jsi028  0.732
2005 Chassin L, Presson CC, Sherman SJ. Adolescent cigarette smoking: a commentary and issues for pediatric psychology. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 30: 299-303. PMID 15863427 DOI: 10.1093/Jpepsy/Jsi025  0.712
2004 Mulvey EP, Steinberg L, Fagan J, Cauffman E, Piquero AR, Chassin L, Knight GP, Brame R, Schubert CA, Hecker T, Losoya SH. THEORY AND RESEARCH ON DESISTANCE FROM ANTISOCIAL ACTIVITY AMONG SERIOUS ADOLESCENT OFFENDERS. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice. 2: 213. PMID 20119505 DOI: 10.1177/1541204004265864  0.39
2004 Hussong AM, Chassin L. Stress and coping among children of alcoholic parents through the young adult transition. Development and Psychopathology. 16: 985-1006. PMID 15704824 DOI: 10.1017/S0954579404040106  0.691
2004 Chassin L, Fora DB, King KM. Trajectories of alcohol and drug use and dependence from adolescence to adulthood: the effects of familial alcoholism and personality. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 113: 483-98. PMID 15535782 DOI: 10.1037/0021-843X.113.4.483  0.721
2004 King KM, Chassin L. Mediating and moderated effects of adolescent behavioral undercontrol and parenting in the prediction of drug use disorders in emerging adulthood. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors : Journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors. 18: 239-49. PMID 15482079 DOI: 10.1037/0893-164X.18.3.239  0.736
2004 Trim RS, Chassin L. Drinking restraint, alcohol consumption and alcohol dependence among children of alcoholics. Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 65: 122-5. PMID 15000511 DOI: 10.15288/Jsa.2004.65.122  0.432
2004 Baker TB, Brandon TH, Chassin L. Motivational influences on cigarette smoking. Annual Review of Psychology. 55: 463-91. PMID 14744223 DOI: 10.1146/Annurev.Psych.55.090902.142054  0.404
2004 Carle AC, Chassin L. Resilience in a community sample of children of alcoholics: Its prevalence and relation to internalizing symptomatology and positive affect Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. 25: 577-595. DOI: 10.1016/J.Appdev.2004.08.005  0.357
2003 Chassin L, Presson CC, Sherman SJ, Kim K. Historical changes in cigarette smoking and smoking-related beliefs after 2 decades in a midwestern community. Health Psychology : Official Journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association. 22: 347-53. PMID 12940390 DOI: 10.1037/0278-6133.22.4.347  0.694
2003 Chassin L, Presson CC, Sherman SJ. Parental smoking cessation and adolescent smoking: a commentary on Bricker et al. Addiction (Abingdon, England). 98: 595-6; discussion 59. PMID 12751973 DOI: 10.1046/J.1360-0443.2003.T01-8-00396.X  0.697
2003 Morgan-Lopez AA, Gonzalez Castro F, Chassin L, MacKinnon DP. A mediated moderation model of cigarette use among Mexican American youth. Addictive Behaviors. 28: 583-9. PMID 12628629 DOI: 10.1016/S0306-4603(01)00262-3  0.441
2003 Sherman SJ, Rose JS, Koch K, Presson CC, Chassin L. Implicit and explicit attitudes toward cigarette smoking: The effects of context and motivation Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. 22: 13-39. DOI: 10.1521/Jscp.  0.661
2002 Chassin L, Presson CC, Sherman SJ, Kim K. Long-term psychological sequelae of smoking cessation and relapse. Health Psychology : Official Journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association. 21: 438-43. PMID 12211510 DOI: 10.1037/0278-6133.21.5.438  0.659
2002 Chassin L, Presson C, Rose J, Sherman SJ, Prost J. Parental smoking cessation and adolescent smoking. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 27: 485-96. PMID 12177249 DOI: 10.1093/Jpepsy/27.6.485  0.717
2002 Presson CC, Chassin L, Sherman SJ. Psychosocial antecedents of tobacco chipping. Health Psychology : Official Journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association. 21: 384-92. PMID 12090681 DOI: 10.1037//0278-6133.21.4.384  0.707
2002 Hussong AM, Chassin L. Parent alcoholism and the leaving home transition. Development and Psychopathology. 14: 139-57. PMID 11893090 DOI: 10.1017/S0954579402001086  0.686
2002 Chassin L, Pitts SC, Prost J. Binge drinking trajectories from adolescence to emerging adulthood in a high-risk sample: predictors and substance abuse outcomes. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 70: 67-78. PMID 11860058 DOI: 10.1037/0022-006X.70.1.67  0.506
2001 Chassin L, Presson CC, Rose JS, Sherman SJ. From adolescence to adulthood: age-related changes in beliefs about cigarette smoking in a midwestern community sample. Health Psychology : Official Journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association. 20: 377-86. PMID 11570652 DOI: 10.1037/0278-6133.20.5.377  0.643
2001 DeLucia C, Belz A, Chassin L. Do adolescent symptomatology and family environment vary over time with fluctuations in paternal alcohol impairment? Developmental Psychology. 37: 207-16. PMID 11269389 DOI: 10.1037//0012-1649.37.2.207  0.801
2000 Loukas A, Krull JL, Chassin L, Carle AC. The relation of personality to alcohol abuse/dependence in a high-risk sample Journal of Personality. 68: 1153-1175. PMID 11130736 DOI: 10.1111/1467-6494.00130  0.461
2000 Proescholdbell RJ, Chassin L, MacKinnon DP. Home smoking restrictions and adolescent smoking Nicotine and Tobacco Research. 2: 159-167. PMID 11072454 DOI: 10.1080/713688125  0.451
2000 Chassin L, Presson CC, Pitts SC, Sherman SJ. The natural history of cigarette smoking from adolescence to adulthood in a midwestern community sample: multiple trajectories and their psychosocial correlates. Health Psychology : Official Journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association. 19: 223-31. PMID 10868766 DOI: 10.1037/0278-6133.19.3.223  0.701
2000 Leonard KE, Das Eiden R, Wong MM, Zucker RA, Puttler LI, Fitzgerald HE, Hussong A, Chassin L, Mudar P. Developmental perspectives on risk and vulnerability in alcoholic families. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research. 24: 238-40. PMID 10698378 DOI: 10.1097/00000374-200002000-00016  0.651
2000 Marshal MP, Chassin L. Peer Influence on Adolescent Alcohol Use: The Moderating Role of Parental Support and Discipline Applied Developmental Science. 4: 80-88. DOI: 10.1207/S1532480Xads0402_3  0.763
1999 Colder CR, Chassin L. The psychosocial characteristics of alcohol users versus problem users: data from a study of adolescents at risk. Development and Psychopathology. 11: 321-48. PMID 16506537 DOI: 10.1017/S0954579499002084  0.69
1999 Chassin L, Pitts SC, DeLucia C. The relation of adolescent substance use to young adult autonomy, positive activity involvement, and perceived competence. Development and Psychopathology. 11: 915-32. PMID 10624732 DOI: 10.1017/S0954579499002382  0.811
1999 McGrath CE, Watson AL, Chassin L. Academic achievement in adolescent children of alcoholics Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 60: 18-26. PMID 10096305 DOI: 10.15288/Jsa.1999.60.18  0.537
1999 Chassin L, Pitts SC, DeLucia C, Todd M. A longitudinal study of children of alcoholics: predicting young adult substance use disorders, anxiety, and depression. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 108: 106-19. PMID 10066997 DOI: 10.1037/0021-843X.108.1.106  0.805
1999 Rose JS, Chassin L, Pressen CC, Sherman SJ. Peer influences on adolescent cigarette smoking: A prospective sibling analysis Merrill-Palmer Quarterly. 45: 62-84.  0.371
1998 Hussong AM, Curran PJ, Chassin L. Pathways of risk for accelerated heavy alcohol use among adolescent children of alcoholic parents. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. 26: 453-66. PMID 9915652 DOI: 10.1023/A:1022699701996  0.777
1998 Stice E, Barrera M, Chassin L. Prospective differential prediction of adolescent alcohol use and problem use: examining the mechanisms of effect. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 107: 616-28. PMID 9830249 DOI: 10.1037//0021-843X.107.4.616  0.64
1998 Chassin L, Presson CC, Todd M, Rose JS, Sherman SJ. Maternal socialization of adolescent smoking: the intergenerational transmission of parenting and smoking. Developmental Psychology. 34: 1189-201. PMID 9823504 DOI: 10.1037/0012-1649.34.6.1189  0.728
1998 Chassin L, Presson CC, Rose JS, Sherman SJ. Maternal socialization of adolescent smoking: Intergenerational transmission of smoking-related beliefs Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. 12: 206-216. DOI: 10.1037/0893-164X.12.3.206  0.696
1998 Fearnow M, Chassin L, Presson CC, Sherman SJ. Determinants of parental attempts to deter their children's cigarette smoking Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. 19: 453-468. DOI: 10.1016/S0193-3973(99)80050-1  0.706
1998 Pillow DR, Barrera M, Chassin L. Using cluster analysis to assess the effects of stressful life events: Probing the impact of parental alcoholism on child stress and substance use Journal of Community Psychology. 26: 361-380. DOI: 10.1002/(Sici)1520-6629(199807)26:4<361::Aid-Jcop5>3.0.Co;2-W  0.397
1997 Hussong AM, Chassin L. Substance use initiation among adolescent children of alcoholics: Testing protective factors Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 58: 272-279. PMID 9130219 DOI: 10.15288/Jsa.1997.58.272  0.723
1997 Curran PJ, Stice E, Chassin L. The relation between adolescent alcohol use and peer alcohol use: a longitudinal random coefficients model. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 65: 130-40. PMID 9103742 DOI: 10.1037/0022-006X.65.1.130  0.74
1997 Colder CR, Chassin L, Stice EM, Curran PJ. Alcohol expectancies as potential mediators of parent alcoholism effects on the development of adolescent heavy drinking Journal of Research On Adolescence. 7: 349-374. DOI: 10.1207/S15327795Jra0704_1  0.772
1997 Colder CR, Chassin L. Affectivity and impulsivity: Temperament risk for adolescent alcohol involvement Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. 11: 83-97. DOI: 10.1037/0893-164X.11.2.83  0.69
1996 Chassin L, DeLucia C. Drinking During Adolescence. Alcohol Health and Research World. 20: 175-180. PMID 31798168  0.795
1996 Chassin L, Presson CC, Rose JS, Sherman SJ. The natural history of cigarette smoking from adolescence to adulthood: demographic predictors of continuity and change. Health Psychology : Official Journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association. 15: 478-84. PMID 8973929 DOI: 10.1037/0278-6133.15.6.478  0.722
1996 Rose JS, Chassin L, Presson CC, Sherman SJ. Prospective predictors of quit attempts and smoking cessation in young adults. Health Psychology : Official Journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association. 15: 261-8. PMID 8818672 DOI: 10.1037/0278-6133.15.4.261  0.675
1996 Curran PJ, Chassin L. A longitudinal study of parenting as a protective factor for children of alcoholics. Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 57: 305-13. PMID 8709589 DOI: 10.15288/Jsa.1996.57.305  0.598
1996 Chassin L, Curran PJ, Hussong AM, Colder CR. The relation of parent alcoholism to adolescent substance use: a longitudinal follow-up study. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 105: 70-80. PMID 8666713 DOI: 10.1037/0021-843X.105.1.70  0.833
1996 Rowe DC, Chassin L, Presson C, Sherman SJ. Parental Smoking and the “Epidemic” Spread of Cigarette Smoking1 Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 26: 437-454. DOI: 10.1111/J.1559-1816.1996.Tb01858.X  0.703
1996 Todd M, Chassin L, Presson CC, Sherman SJ. Role stress, role socialization, and cigarette smoking: Examining multiple roles and moderating variables Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. 10: 211-221. DOI: 10.1037/0893-164X.10.4.211  0.643
1996 Rose JS, Chassin L, Presson CC, Sherman SJ. Demographic factors in adult smoking status: Mediating and moderating influences Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. 10: 28-37. DOI: 10.1037/0893-164X.10.1.28  0.664
1996 Molina BSG, Chassin L. The parent-adolescent relationship at puberty: Hispanic ethnicity and parent alcoholism as moderators Developmental Psychology. 32: 675-686. DOI: 10.1037/0012-1649.32.4.675  0.493
1996 Molina BSG, Chassin L. The parent–adolescent relationship at puberty: Hispanic ethnicity and parent alcoholism as moderators. Developmental Psychology. 32: 675-686. DOI: 10.1037/0012-1649.32.4.675  0.722
1996 Chassin L, DeLucia C. Drinking during adolescence Alcohol Research and Health. 20: 175-180.  0.769
1996 Rowe DC, Chassin L, Presson C, Sherman SJ. Parental smoking and the "epidemic" spread of cigarette smoking Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 26: 437-454.  0.649
1995 Barrera M, Li SA, Chassin L. Effects of parental alcoholism and life stress on hispanic and non-hispanic caucasian adelescents: A prospective study American Journal of Community Psychology. 23: 479-507. PMID 8546108 DOI: 10.1007/Bf02506965  0.522
1994 Reese FL, Chassin L, Molina BSG. Alcohol expectancies in early adolescents: Predicting drinking behavior from alcohol expectancies and parental alcoholism Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 55: 276-284. PMID 8022174 DOI: 10.15288/Jsa.1994.55.276  0.743
1994 Molina BS, Chassin L, Curran PJ. A comparison of mechanisms underlying substance use for early adolescent children of alcoholics and controls. Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 55: 269-75. PMID 8022173 DOI: 10.15288/Jsa.1994.55.269  0.803
1994 Hussong AM, Chassin L. The stress-negative affect model of adolescent alcohol use: Disaggregating negative affect Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 55: 707-718. PMID 7861800 DOI: 10.15288/Jsa.1994.55.707  0.689
1994 Chassin L, Presson CC, Sherman SJ, Mulvenon S. Family History of Smoking and Young Adult Smoking Behavior Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. 8: 102-110. DOI: 10.1037/0893-164X.8.2.102  0.669
1993 Colder CR, Chassin L. The stress and negative affect model of adolescent alcohol use and the moderating effects of behavioral undercontrol Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 54: 326-333. PMID 8487542 DOI: 10.15288/Jsa.1993.54.326  0.672
1993 Barrera M, Chassin L, Rogosch F. Effects of Social Support and Conflict on Adolescent Children of Alcoholic and Nonalcoholic Fathers Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 64: 602-612. PMID 8473977 DOI: 10.1037/0022-3514.64.4.602  0.518
1993 Chassin L, Pillow DR, Curran PJ, Molina BS, Barrera M. Relation of parental alcoholism to early adolescent substance use: a test of three mediating mechanisms. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 102: 3-19. PMID 8436697 DOI: 10.1037/0021-843X.102.1.3  0.823
1993 Barrera M, Li SA, Chassin L. Ethnic group differences in vulnerability to parental alcoholism and life stress: A study of Hispanic and non-hispanic Caucasian adolescents American Journal of Community Psychology. 21: 15-35. PMID 8213646 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00938205  0.526
1993 Stice E, Barrera M, Chassin L. Relation of parental support and control to adolescents' externalizing symptomatology and substance use: a longitudinal examination of curvilinear effects. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. 21: 609-29. PMID 8126316 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00916446  0.674
1993 Chassin L, Barrera M. Substance Use Escalation and Substance Use Restraint Among Adolescent Children of Alcoholics Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. 7: 3-20. DOI: 10.1037/0893-164X.7.1.3  0.492
1992 Chassin L, Barrera M, Bech K, Kossak-Fuller J. Recruiting a community sample of adolescent children of alcoholics: A comparison of three subject sources Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 53: 316-319. PMID 1619925 DOI: 10.15288/Jsa.1992.53.316  0.41
1992 Chassin L, Presson CC, Sherman SJ, Edwards DA. The natural history of cigarette smoking and young adult social roles. Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 33: 328-47. PMID 1464718 DOI: 10.2307/2137312  0.704
1992 Chassin L, Presson CC, Sherman SJ, Edwards DA. Parent educational attainment and adolescent cigarette smoking. Journal of Substance Abuse. 4: 219-34. PMID 1458040 DOI: 10.1016/0899-3289(92)90031-R  0.725
1992 Rowe DC, Chassin L, Presson CC, Edwards D, Sherman SJ. An “Epidemic” Model of Adolescent Cigarette Smoking Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 22: 261-285. DOI: 10.1111/J.1559-1816.1992.Tb01539.X  0.683
1991 Chassin L, Presson CC, Sherman SJ, Edwards DA. Four pathways to young-adult smoking status: adolescent social-psychological antecedents in a midwestern community sample. Health Psychology : Official Journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association. 10: 409-18. PMID 1765036 DOI: 10.1037//0278-6133.10.6.409  0.707
1991 Chassin L, Rogosch F, Barrera M. Substance Use and Symptomatology Among Adolescent Children of Alcoholics Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 100: 449-463. PMID 1757658 DOI: 10.1037/0021-843X.100.4.449  0.521
1991 Chassin L, Rogosch F, Barrera M. Substance use and symptomatology among adolescent children of alcoholics. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 100: 449-463. DOI: 10.1037/0021-843X.100.4.449  0.397
1990 Rogosch F, Chassin L, Sher KJ. Personality variables as mediators and moderators of family history risk for alcoholism: Conceptual and methodological issues Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 51: 310-318. PMID 2359303 DOI: 10.15288/Jsa.1990.51.310  0.387
1990 Chassin L, Presson CC, Sherman SJ, Edwards DA. The natural history of cigarette smoking: predicting young-adult smoking outcomes from adolescent smoking patterns. Health Psychology : Official Journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association. 9: 701-16. PMID 2286181 DOI: 10.1037/0278-6133.9.6.701  0.712
1990 Chassin L, Presson CC, Sherman SJ. Social Psychological Contributions to the Understanding and Prevention of Adolescent Cigarette Smoking Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 16: 133-151. DOI: 10.1177/0146167290161010  0.702
1989 Chassin L, Presson CC, Sherman SJ, Steinberg L. Adolescent smokeless tobacco use: Future research needs Nci Monographs. 101-105. PMID 2654649  0.674
1988 Chassin L, Mann LM, Sher KJ. Self-Awareness Theory, Family History of Alcoholism, and Adolescent Alcohol Involvement Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 97: 206-217. PMID 3385074 DOI: 10.1037/0021-843X.97.2.206  0.461
1988 Chassin L, Presson CC, Sherman SJ, Margolis S. The social image of smokeless tobacco use in three different types of teenagers Addictive Behaviors. 13: 107-112. PMID 3364218 DOI: 10.1016/0306-4603(88)90034-2  0.675
1988 Chassin L, Presson CC, Sherman SJ. "Constructive" vs. "Destructive" deviance in adolescent health-related behaviors Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 18: 245-262. DOI: 10.1007/Bf02139039  0.689
1987 Mann LM, Chassin L, Sher KJ. Alcohol Expectancies and the Risk for Alcoholism Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 55: 411-417. PMID 3597957 DOI: 10.1037/0022-006X.55.3.411  0.392
1987 Chassin L, Presson CC, Sherman SJ, McGrew J. The changing smoking environment for middle and high school students: 1980-1983 Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 10: 581-593. PMID 3437448 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00846656  0.675
1986 Chassin L, Presson CC, Sherman SJ, Montello D, McGrew J. Changes in Peer and Parent Influence During Adolescence. Longitudinal Versus Cross-Sectional Perspectives on Smoking Initiation Developmental Psychology. 22: 327-334. DOI: 10.1037/0012-1649.22.3.327  0.718
1985 Chassin L, Presson C, Sherman SJ, McLaughlin L, Gioia D. Psychosocial correlates of adolescent smokeless tobacco use. Addictive Behaviors. 10: 431-5. PMID 4091076 DOI: 10.1016/0306-4603(85)90041-3  0.679
1985 Chassin LA, Presson CC, Sherman SJ. Stepping Backward in Order to Step Forward. An Acquisition-Oriented Approach to Primary Prevention Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 53: 612-622. PMID 4056178 DOI: 10.1037//0022-006X.53.5.612  0.53
1985 Chassin L, Tetzloff C, Hershey M. Self-image and social-image factors in adolescent alcohol use Journal of Studies On Alcohol. 46: 39-47. PMID 3974234 DOI: 10.15288/Jsa.1985.46.39  0.404
1984 Chassin L, Presson CC, Sherman SJ. Cognitive and social influence factors in adolescent smoking cessation Addictive Behaviors. 9: 383-390. PMID 6532145 DOI: 10.1016/0306-4603(84)90038-8  0.694
1984 Presson CC, CHassin L, Sherman SJ, Olshavsky R, Bensenberg M, Corty E. Predictors of adolescents' intentions to smoke: Age, sex, race, and regional differences International Journal of the Addictions. 19: 503-519. PMID 6490231 DOI: 10.3109/10826088409057200  0.672
1984 Chassin L, Presson CC, Sherman SJ. Cigarette Smoking and Adolescent Psychosocial Development Basic and Applied Social Psychology. 5: 295-315. DOI: 10.1207/S15324834Basp0504_4  0.717
1984 Sherman SJ, Presson CC, Chassin L. Mechanisms Underlying the False Consensus Effect Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 10: 127-138. DOI: 10.1177/0146167284101015  0.549
1984 Chassin L, Presson CC, Sherman SJ, Corty E, Olshavsky RW. Predicting the Onset of Cigarette Smoking in Adolescents: A Longitudinal Study1 Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 14: 224-243. DOI: 10.1111/J.1559-1816.1984.Tb02233.X  0.661
1984 Sherman SJ, Chassin L, Presson CC, Agostinelli G. The role of the evaluation and similarity principles in the false consensus effect Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 47: 1244-1262. DOI: 10.1037/0022-3514.47.6.1244  0.577
1983 Sherman SJ, Presson CC, Chassin L, Corty E, Olshavsky R. The False Consensus Effect in Estimates of Smoking Prevalence Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 9: 197-207. DOI: 10.1177/0146167283092003  0.621
1982 Sherman SJ, Presson CC, Chassin L, Bensenberg M, Corty E, Olshavsky RW. Smoking Intentions in Adolescents Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 8: 376-383. DOI: 10.1177/0146167282082030  0.629
1982 Barton J, Chassin L, Presson CC, Sherman SJ. Social image factors as motivators of smoking initiation in early and middle adolescence. Child Development. 53: 1499-1511. DOI: 10.1111/J.1467-8624.1982.Tb03472.X  0.698
1981 Chassin L, Presson CC, Young RD, Light R. Self-concepts of institutionalized adolescents: A framework for conceptualizing labeling effects Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 90: 143-151. PMID 7288004 DOI: 10.1037/0021-843X.90.2.143  0.63
1981 Chassin L, Eason BJ, Young RD. Identifying with a Deviant Label: The Validation of a Methodology Social Psychology Quarterly. 44: 31. DOI: 10.2307/3033860  0.303
1981 Chassin L, Corty E, Presson CC, Olshavsky RW, Bensenberg M, Sherman SJ. Predicting Adolescents' Intentions to Smoke Cigarettes Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 22: 445. DOI: 10.2307/2136684  0.688
1981 Chassin L, Presson CC, Sherman SJ, Corty E, Olshavsky RW. Self-Images and Cigarette Smoking in Adolescence Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 7: 670-676. DOI: 10.1177/014616728174025  0.676
1980 Chassin L, Young RD, Light R. Evaluations of treatment techniques by delinquent and disturbed adolescents1 Journal of Clinical Child Psychology. 9: 220-223. DOI: 10.1080/15374418009532994  0.385
Show low-probability matches.