Year |
Citation |
Score |
2020 |
Schneider B. People management in work organizations Organizational Dynamics. 100789. DOI: 10.1016/J.Orgdyn.2020.100789 |
0.331 |
2019 |
Schneider B, Bowen DE. Perspectives on the Organizational Context of Frontlines: A Commentary: Journal of Service Research. 22: 3-7. DOI: 10.1177/1094670518816160 |
0.464 |
2019 |
Pulakos ED, Kantrowitz T, Schneider B. What leads to organizational agility: It’s not what you think. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research. 71: 305-320. DOI: 10.1037/Cpb0000150 |
0.344 |
2018 |
Schneider B. Being Competitive in the Talent Management Space Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 11: 231-236. DOI: 10.1017/Iop.2018.10 |
0.33 |
2017 |
Schneider B, González-Romá V, Ostroff C, West MA. Organizational Climate and Culture: Reflections on the History of the Constructs in JAP. The Journal of Applied Psychology. PMID 28125256 DOI: 10.1037/Apl0000090 |
0.413 |
2014 |
Bowen DE, Schneider B. A Service Climate Synthesis and Future Research Agenda Journal of Service Research. 17: 5-22. DOI: 10.1177/1094670513491633 |
0.498 |
2013 |
Schneider B, Ehrhart MG, Macey WH. Organizational climate and culture. Annual Review of Psychology. 64: 361-88. PMID 22856467 DOI: 10.1146/annurev-psych-113011-143809 |
0.593 |
2013 |
Schneider B, Macey WH, Young SA. The climate for service: A review of the construct with implications for achieving clv goals Customer Lifetime Value: Reshaping the Way We Manage to Maximize Profits. 5: 111-132. DOI: 10.1300/J366V05N02_07 |
0.481 |
2012 |
Schneider B, Ehrhart MG, Macey WH. A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Future: The Focus on Organizational Competitive Advantage Lost Out Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 5: 96-101. DOI: 10.1111/J.1754-9434.2011.01411.X |
0.618 |
2011 |
Ehrhart KH, Witt LA, Schneider B, Perry SJ. Service employees give as they get: internal service as a moderator of the service climate-service outcomes link. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 96: 423-31. PMID 21142340 DOI: 10.1037/A0022071 |
0.436 |
2009 |
Mayer DM, Ehrhart MG, Schneider B. Service Attribute Boundary Conditions of the Service Climate–Customer Satisfaction Link Academy of Management Journal. 52: 1034-1050. DOI: 10.5465/Amj.2009.44635617 |
0.64 |
2009 |
Schneider B, Bowen DE. Modeling the Human Side of Service Delivery Service Science. 1: 154-168. DOI: 10.1287/Serv.1.3.154 |
0.451 |
2009 |
Schneider B, Macey WH, Lee WC, Young SA. Organizational service climate drivers of the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) and financial and market performance Journal of Service Research. 12: 3-14. DOI: 10.1177/1094670509336743 |
0.452 |
2008 |
Macey WH, Schneider B. The Meaning of Employee Engagement Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 1: 3-30. DOI: 10.1111/J.1754-9434.2007.0002.X |
0.351 |
2008 |
Macey WH, Schneider B. Engaged in Engagement: We Are Delighted We Did It Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 1: 76-83. DOI: 10.1111/J.1754-9434.2007.00016.X |
0.365 |
2008 |
0.419 |
2007 |
Salvaggio AN, Schneider B, Nishii LH, Mayer DM, Ramesh A, Lyon JS. Manager personality, manager service quality orientation, and service climate: test of a model. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 92: 1741-50. PMID 18020810 DOI: 10.1037/0021-9010.92.6.1741 |
0.463 |
2007 |
Mayer DM, Nishii LH, Schneider B, Goldstein H. The precursors and products of justice climates: Group leader antecedents and employee attitudinal consequences. Personnel Psychology. 60: 929-963. DOI: 10.1111/J.1744-6570.2007.00096.X |
0.364 |
2007 |
Schneider B, Taylor S, Fleenor J, Goldstein H, Smith B. The issue of homogeneity within organizations Leadership in Action. 13: 7-8. DOI: 10.1002/Lia.4070130402 |
0.306 |
2007 |
Schneider B. Evolution of the study and practice of personality at work Human Resource Management. 46: 583-610. DOI: 10.1002/Hrm.20183 |
0.37 |
2005 |
Schneider B, Ehrhart MG, Mayer DM, Saltz JL, Niles-Jolly K. Understanding organization-customer links in service settings. Academy of Management Journal. 48: 1017-1032. DOI: 10.5465/Amj.2005.19573107 |
0.646 |
2004 |
Schneider B. Welcome to the world of services management Academy of Management Perspectives. 18: 144-150. DOI: 10.5465/Ame.2004.13835918 |
0.442 |
2003 |
Schneider B, Hanges PJ, Smith DB, Salvaggio AN. Which comes first: employee attitudes or organizational financial and market performance? The Journal of Applied Psychology. 88: 836-51. PMID 14516248 DOI: 10.1037/0021-9010.88.5.836 |
0.351 |
2003 |
Schneider B, Hayes SC, Lim BC, Raver JL, Godfrey EG, Huang M, Nishii LH, Ziegert JC. The human side of strategy: Employee experiences of strategic alignment in a service organization Organizational Dynamics. 32: 122-141. DOI: 10.1016/S0090-2616(03)00014-7 |
0.427 |
2002 |
Schneider B, Salvaggio AN, Subirats M. Climate strength: a new direction for climate research. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 87: 220-9. PMID 12002951 DOI: 10.1037/0021-9010.87.2.220 |
0.403 |
2002 |
Chung BG, Schneider B. Serving multiple masters: role conflict experienced by service employees Journal of Services Marketing. 16: 70-87. DOI: 10.1108/08876040210419424 |
0.468 |
2000 |
White SS, Schneider B. Climbing the Commitment Ladder: The Role of Expectations Disconfirmation on Customers’ Behavioral Intentions Journal of Service Research. 2: 240-253. DOI: 10.1177/109467050023002 |
0.463 |
2000 |
Schneider B. Brand image from the inside out: Linking internal organisation design to customer satisfaction Journal of Brand Management. 7: 233-240. DOI: 10.1057/Bm.2000.9 |
0.455 |
1999 |
Schneider B, Ehrhart KH, Ehrhart MG. Understanding high school student leaders, i Leadership Quarterly. 13: 275-299. DOI: 10.1016/S1048-9843(02)00100-5 |
0.574 |
1998 |
Schneider B, White SS, Paul MC. Linking Service Climate and Customer Perceptions of Service Quality: Test of a Causal Model Journal of Applied Psychology. 83: 150-163. PMID 9577232 DOI: 10.1037/0021-9010.83.2.150 |
0.463 |
1998 |
Schneider B, Paul MC, White SS. Too Much of a Good Thing: A Multiple-Constituency Perspective on Service Organization Effectiveness Journal of Service Research. 1: 93-102. DOI: 10.1177/109467059800100108 |
0.475 |
1997 |
Schneider B, Holcombe KM, White SS. Lessons learned about service quality: What it is, how to manage it, and how to become a service quality organization. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research. 49: 35-50. DOI: 10.1037/1061-4087.49.1.35 |
0.393 |
1996 |
Schneider B, Ashworth SD, Higgs AC, Carr L. Design, validity, and use of strategically focused employee attitude surveys Personnel Psychology. 49: 695-705. DOI: 10.1111/J.1744-6570.1996.Tb01591.X |
0.333 |
1996 |
Schneider B, Brief AP, Guzzo RA. Creating a climate and culture for sustainable organizational change Organizational Dynamics. 24: 7-19. DOI: 10.1016/S0090-2616(96)90010-8 |
0.324 |
1995 |
Schneider B, Goldstiein HW, Smith DB. The ASA framework: An update. Personnel Psychology. 48: 747-773. DOI: 10.1111/J.1744-6570.1995.Tb01780.X |
0.36 |
1994 |
Schneider B. HRM - A Service Perspective: Towards a Customer-focused HRM International Journal of Service Industry Management. 5: 64-76. DOI: 10.1108/09564239410051911 |
0.462 |
1994 |
Schneider B, Hanges PJ, Goldstein HW, Braverman EP. Do customer service perceptions generalize? The case of student and chair ratings of faculty effectiveness Journal of Applied Psychology. 79: 685-690. DOI: 10.1037//0021-9010.79.5.685 |
0.36 |
1993 |
Schneider B, Chung B, Yusko KP. Service Climate for Service Quality Current Directions in Psychological Science. 2: 197-200. DOI: 10.1111/1467-8721.Ep10769774 |
0.411 |
1993 |
Schneider B, Bowen DE. The service organization: Human resources management is crucial Organizational Dynamics. 21: 39-52. DOI: 10.1016/0090-2616(93)90032-V |
0.407 |
1993 |
Schneider B, Chung B. Service management: Strategy and Leadership in Service Business, 2nd edn. Richard Normann, Wiley, Chichester, 1991 Journal of Organizational Behavior. 14: 294-297. DOI: 10.1002/Job.4030140309 |
0.425 |
1992 |
Schneider B, Wheeler JK, Cox JF. A passion for service: Using content analysis to explicate service climate themes. Journal of Applied Psychology. 77: 705-716. DOI: 10.1037/0021-9010.77.5.705 |
0.421 |
1991 |
Rentsch JR, Schneider B. Expectations for Postcombination Organizational Life: A Study of Responses to Merger and Acquisition Scenarios1 Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 21: 233-252. DOI: 10.1111/J.1559-1816.1991.Tb02725.X |
0.344 |
1989 |
Bowen DE, Siehl C, Schneider B. A Framework for Analyzing Customer Service Orientations in Manufacturing Academy of Management Review. 14: 75-95. DOI: 10.5465/Amr.1989.4279005 |
0.465 |
1989 |
Schneider B, Konz AM. Strategic job analysis Human Resource Management. 28: 51-63. DOI: 10.1002/Hrm.3930280104 |
0.303 |
1987 |
Schneider B. The People Make The Place Personnel Psychology. 40: 437-453. DOI: 10.1111/J.1744-6570.1987.Tb00609.X |
0.38 |
1987 |
Wagner JA, Schneider B. Legal Regulation And The Constraint Of Constituent Satisfaction Journal of Management Studies. 24: 189-200. DOI: 10.1111/J.1467-6486.1987.Tb00943.X |
0.404 |
1985 |
Schneider B, Bowen DE. Employee and customer perceptions of service in banks: Replication and extension. Journal of Applied Psychology. 70: 423-433. DOI: 10.1037/0021-9010.70.3.423 |
0.476 |
1983 |
Schneider B, Reichers AE. On the Etiology of Climates. Personnel Psychology. 36: 19-39. DOI: 10.1111/J.1744-6570.1983.Tb00500.X |
0.355 |
1980 |
Schneider B. Employee and Customer Perceptions of Service in Banks. Administrative Science Quarterly. 25: 252. DOI: 10.2307/2392454 |
0.477 |
1980 |
Schneider B. The service organization: Climate is crucial Organizational Dynamics. 9: 52-65. DOI: 10.1016/0090-2616(80)90040-6 |
0.512 |
1979 |
Parkington JJ, Schneider B. Some Correlates of Experienced Job Stress: A Boundary Role Study Academy of Management Journal. 22: 270-281. DOI: 10.5465/255589 |
0.335 |
1978 |
0.35 |
1975 |
SCHNEIDER B. ORGANIZATIONAL CLIMATES: AN ESSAY Personnel Psychology. 28: 447-479. DOI: 10.1111/J.1744-6570.1975.Tb01386.X |
0.357 |
1975 |
Schneider B. Organizational climate: Individual preferences and organizational realities revisited Journal of Applied Psychology. 60: 459-465. DOI: 10.1037/H0076919 |
0.337 |
1975 |
Schneider B, Snyder RA. Some relationships between job satisfaction and organization climate Journal of Applied Psychology. 60: 318-328. DOI: 10.1037/H0076756 |
0.38 |
1974 |
Schneider B, Alderfer CP. Erratum: Three Studies of Measures of Need Satisfaction in Organizations Administrative Science Quarterly. 19: 255. DOI: 10.2307/2393897 |
0.33 |
1974 |
Dieterly DL, Schneider B. The effect of organizational environment on perceived power and climate: A laboratory study☆ Organizational Behavior and Human Performance. 11: 316-337. DOI: 10.1016/0030-5073(74)90023-3 |
0.345 |
1973 |
Schneider B. Three Studies of Measures of Need Satisfaction in Organizations Administrative Science Quarterly. 18: 489. DOI: 10.2307/2392201 |
0.343 |
1973 |
Schneider B. The perception of organizational climate: The customer's view Journal of Applied Psychology. 57: 248-256. DOI: 10.1037/H0034724 |
0.461 |
1972 |
Hall DT, Schneider B. Correlates of organizational identification as a function of career pattern and organizational type. Administrative Science Quarterly. 17: 340. DOI: 10.2307/2392147 |
0.393 |
1972 |
Schneider B, Hall DT. Toward specifying the concept of work climate: A study of Roman Catholic diocesan priests Journal of Applied Psychology. 56: 447-455. DOI: 10.1037/H0033756 |
0.359 |
1972 |
Schneider B. Organizational climate: Individual preferences and organizational realities. Journal of Applied Psychology. 56: 211-217. DOI: 10.1037/H0033103 |
0.368 |
1970 |
Hall DT, Schneider B, Nygren HT. Personal factors in organizational identification. Administrative Science Quarterly. 15: 176. DOI: 10.2307/2391488 |
0.461 |
1970 |
Schneider B, Bartlett CJ. Individual Differences And Organizational Climate Ii: Measurement Of Organizational Climate By The Multi-Trait, Multi-Rater Matrix Personnel Psychology. 23: 493-512. DOI: 10.1111/J.1744-6570.1970.Tb01368.X |
0.32 |
1968 |
Schneider B, Bartlett CJ. Individual differences and organizational climate: I. The research plan and questionnaire development. Personnel Psychology. 21: 323-333. DOI: 10.1111/J.1744-6570.1968.Tb02033.X |
0.342 |
Show low-probability matches. |