Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Arturo Alvarez-BuyllaNeural stem cells Fernando Nottebohm (grad student)
Frank Brink Jr. excitation, response and recovery in nerve fibers
Merrill Wallace ChaseImmunology, ABO antigens, cell mediated immunity1932 Karl Landsteiner (research scientist)
Stephen J ClarkEvolution Animal Behavior19791987 Peter R. Marler (grad student)
Eric H. DavidsonGene regulatory networks, Sea urchins1963 Alfred E. Mirsky (grad student)
Bernard D. Davisbacterial genetics19451947 René Dubos (research scientist)
Setsurou Ebashi Fritz Albert Lipmann (post-doc)
Alan FinkelsteinIon-Conducting Channels Incorporated into Planar Lipid Bilayer Membranes Alexander Mauro (grad student)
Albert Fischertissue culture19201922 Simon Flexner (research scientist), Alexis Carrel (research scientist)
Louis Barkhouse FlexnerAnatomy Leonor Michaelis (research assistant)
Clara Franzini-Armstrongexcitation-contraction coupling19611963 Keith R. Porter (post-doc)
Jack A. GrebbSchizophrenia, substance abuse and signal transduction
Harvey GrillNeural control of nutrient intake19741977 Carl Pfaffmann (post-doc)
Michael HeidelbergerImmunology19211923 Walter A. Jacobs (research scientist), Donald D. Van Slyke (research scientist)
Elwood Henneman David C. Lloyd (post-doc)
Bertil HilleIon channels Alexander Mauro (grad student)
C. H.W. Hirsprotein chemistry
Henry G. KunkelImmunology19451946 Charles Lee Hoagland (research scientist)
Karl LandsteinerHematology, biochemistry
Henry A. LesterMolecular and functional aspects of ion channels, receptors, and transporters19671971 Floyd Ratliff (grad student)
David C. Lloyd19341938 John Carew Eccles (grad student)
Jacques LoebParthenogenesis
Kenneth P. MackieCannabinoid receptors and signaling Paul Greengard (post-doc)
Alexander MauroBiophysics
Bruce S. McEwenendocrinology, psychology1964 Alfred E. Mirsky (grad student)
Archibald McIntyresensory receptors, spinal cord David C. Lloyd (post-doc)
Leonor Michaelisoxidation-reduction processes
Alfred E. MirskyMolecular biology
Divakar S. Mithalcalcium, neurodevelopment, chemokines20012002 Robert Darnell (research assistant)
Kent L. Nastiukapoptosis19921996 David F. Clayton (grad student), Angus C. Nairn (post-doc)
Sanford L. Palayneurocytology, synaptic structure Keith R. Porter (post-doc)
George D. PappasStructure of synapses Keith R. Porter (post-doc)
Luca ParolariNeuroscience
Keith R. PorterEM, organelles Albert Claude (research scientist)
Peter Satirmicrotubule function, cytoskeletal integration Keith R. Porter (grad student)
Charles F. StevensSynaptic Transmission Frank Brink Jr. (grad student)
Sohail Tavazoie
Torsten TeorellTransport phenomena in membranes Winthrop J. V. Osterhout (post-doc), Leonor Michaelis (post-doc)
Floyd J. ThompsonSpinal cord, Motor control Hiroshi Asanuma (post-doc)
Paul A. WeissZoology
Jay M. Weiss Neal E. Miller (grad student)
James F. WilsonNeurospora genetics Edward Tatum (grad student)
Manuel ZimmerNeural Development, C. Elegans2004 Cori Bargmann (post-doc)
Kathryn ZimmermanDevelopment