Henry A. Lester, PhD

Neuroscience California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 
Molecular and functional aspects of ion channels, receptors, and transporters
"Henry Lester"
Mean distance: 12.19 (cluster 11)


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Amy M. Hurwitz research assistant 2008-2008 Caltech
Teresa A. Murray research assistant 2008-2009 Caltech
Hongyi Richard Li grad student Caltech
Julien Muffat grad student Caltech
Chris Richards grad student
Anand Kumar Muthusamy grad student 2016-
Amber L. Southwell grad student 2003
Shawnalea J. Frazier grad student 2012 Caltech
Cambrian Y. Liu grad student 2009-2012 Caltech
Weston A. Nichols grad student 2014 Caltech
Nathan Dascal post-doc
Alan L. Goldin post-doc Caltech
Baljit S. Khakh post-doc Caltech
Paulo Kofuji post-doc UMN
Wenmei Shi post-doc Caltech
Amol V Shivange post-doc
Rahul Srinivasan post-doc 2007- Caltech
Michael M. White post-doc 1983-1985 Caltech
Terrance P. Snutch post-doc 1984-1989 Caltech
Pierre Charnet post-doc 1988-1990 Caltech
Michael W. Quick post-doc 1992-1995 Caltech
Kamran Diba post-doc 2003-2004 Caltech
Ryan M. Drenan post-doc 2006-2011 Caltech
Rachel E. Penton post-doc 2009-2013 Caltech
Brandon J. Henderson post-doc 2012-2017 Caltech
Julie M. Miwa research scientist Caltech
Joanna L. Jankowsky research scientist 2003-2008 Caltech


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Erik A. Rodriguez collaborator Caltech (Chemistry Tree)
Elizabeth K. Unger collaborator
Daniel A. Wagenaar collaborator Caltech
Ueli Rutishauser collaborator 2007- Caltech
Norman Davidson collaborator 1983-2002 Caltech
Teresa A. Murray collaborator 2008-2012 Caltech
BETA: Related publications


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Walker NB, Yan Y, Tapia MA, et al. (2023) β2 nAChR activation on VTA DA neurons is sufficient for nicotine reinforcement in rats. Eneuro
Maldifassi MC, Campello HR, Gallagher T, et al. (2023) Human α6β4 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor: heterologous expression and agonist behavior provide insights into the immediate binding site. Molecular Pharmacology
Nichols AL, Blumenfeld Z, Luebbert L, et al. (2023) Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors within Cells: Temporal Resolution in Cytoplasm, Endoplasmic Reticulum, and Membrane. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Beatty ZG, Muthusamy AK, Unger EK, et al. (2022) Fluorescence Screens for Identifying Central Nervous System-Acting Drug-Biosensor Pairs for Subcellular and Supracellular Pharmacokinetics. Bio-Protocol. 12
Nichols AL, Blumenfeld Z, Fan C, et al. (2022) Correction: Fluorescence activation mechanism and imaging of drug permeation with new sensors for smoking-cessation ligands. Elife. 11
Muthusamy AK, Kim CH, Virgil SC, et al. (2022) Three Mutations Convert the Selectivity of a Protein Sensor from Nicotinic Agonists to S-Methadone for Use in Cells, Organelles, and Biofluids. Journal of the American Chemical Society
Nichols AL, Blumenfeld Z, Fan C, et al. (2022) Fluorescence activation mechanism and imaging of drug permeation with new sensors for smoking-cessation ligands. Elife. 11
Mulcahy MJ, Huard SM, Paulo JA, et al. (2021) Protein profiling in the habenula after chronic (-)-menthol exposure in mice. Journal of Neurochemistry
Unger EK, Keller JP, Altermatt M, et al. (2020) Directed Evolution of a Selective and Sensitive Serotonin Sensor via Machine Learning. Cell
Grant S, Muthusamy AK, Collazo A, et al. (2020) Antagonists Pharmacologically Chaperone Opioid Receptors Biophysical Journal. 118: 27a
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