Jack A. Grebb, MD

Associate Professor of Psychiatry New York University, New York, NY, United States 
 Associate Professor of Neuroscience Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, New York, NY, United States 
 Medical School University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, United States 
 Psychiatry University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 
 1992 Post-Doctoral Fellow National Institute of Mental Health National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 
 1992-1993 Clinical Research - Psychiatry Abbott Laboratories, Irving, TX, United States 
 1993-2003 Clinical Research - Psychiatry and Neurology Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies 
 2003-2007 Clinical Research - Psychiatry Bristol-Myer Squibb 
Schizophrenia, substance abuse and signal transduction
"Jack Grebb"

Jack A. Grebb, M.D. (1953-2007)
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Coric V, Feldman HH, Oren DA, et al. (2010) Multicenter, randomized, double-blind, active comparator and placebo-controlled trial of a corticotropin-releasing factor receptor-1 antagonist in generalized anxiety disorder. Depression and Anxiety. 27: 417-25
Crowley WF, Sherwood L, Salber P, et al. (2004) Clinical research in the United States at a crossroads: proposal for a novel public-private partnership to establish a national clinical research enterprise. Jama. 291: 1120-6
Sung NS, Crowley WF, Genel M, et al. (2003) Central challenges facing the national clinical research enterprise. Jama. 289: 1278-87
Gheuens J, Grebb JA. (1998) Comments on article by Tran and associates, "Double-blind comparison of olanzapine versus risperidone in treatment of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders". Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology. 18: 176-9
Schooler NR, Tollefson GD, Tran PV, et al. (1998) Comments on article by Tran and colleagues, 'double-blind comparison of olanzapine versus risperidone in treatment of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders' (Multiple letters) [4] Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology. 18: 174-179
Gutierrez-Esteinou R, Grebb JA. (1997) Risperidone: an analysis of the first three years in general use. International Clinical Psychopharmacology. 12: S3-10
Grebb JA. (1997) XX Meeting of the Collegium Internationale Psychopharmacologicum (CIMP) and the X World Congress of Psychiatry (WCP): Introduction International Clinical Psychopharmacology. 12: S1
Nordstedt C, Gandy SE, Alafuzoff I, et al. (1991) Alzheimer beta/A4 amyloid precursor protein in human brain: aging-associated increases in holoprotein and in a proteolytic fragment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 88: 8910-4
Gandy SE, Grebb JA, Rosen N, et al. (1990) General assay for phosphoproteins in cerebrospinal fluid: a candidate marker for paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration. Annals of Neurology. 28: 829-33
Grebb JA, Girault JA, Ehrlich M, et al. (1990) Chronic treatment of rats with SCH-23390 or raclopride does not affect the concentrations of DARPP-32 or its mRNA in dopamine-innervated brain regions. Journal of Neurochemistry. 55: 204-7
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