
Brian A. Wandell

Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 
"Brian Wandell"
Mean distance: 12.36 (cluster 29)
Cross-listing: PsychTree


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R Duncan Luce grad student 1977 UC Irvine
Edward N. Pugh post-doc 1978 Penn


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Jonathan Sage Beier research assistant 2000-2001 Stanford
Rehan Khan grad student Stanford
Yoichiro Masuda grad student Stanford
Allen B. Poirson grad student Stanford
Andreas M. Rauschecker grad student 2007- Stanford
Thom Carney grad student 1983 Stanford
Laurence T. Maloney grad student 1979-1985 Stanford
David H. Brainard grad student 1989 Stanford
E. J. Chichilnisky grad student 1989-1995 Stanford
Peter B. Catrysse grad student 2003 Stanford
Jeffrey M. DiCarlo grad student 2003 Stanford
Alyssa A. Brewer grad student 2000-2005 Stanford
David E. Nadell grad student 2006 Stanford
Feng Xiao grad student 2006 Stanford
Junjie Liu grad student 2000-2006 Stanford
Anthony Sherbondy grad student 2008 Stanford
Stephen A. Engel post-doc Stanford
Dora Hermes post-doc
Hiroshi Horiguchi post-doc Stanford
Netta Levin post-doc Stanford
Keith Main post-doc Stanford
Aviv Mezer post-doc Stanford
Antony B. Morland post-doc Stanford
Lynn A. Olzak post-doc Stanford
Alex R. Wade post-doc Smith Kettlewell
Jonathan Winawer post-doc Stanford
Kaoru Amano post-doc 2007- Stanford
Ariel Rokem post-doc 2011- Stanford
Heidi A. Baseler post-doc 1996-1999 Stanford
Serge O. Dumoulin post-doc 2005-2008 Stanford
Kendrick Norris Kay post-doc 2009-2013 Stanford
Franco Pestilli post-doc 2011-2014 Stanford
Hiromasa Takemura post-doc 2012-2015 Stanford
Michal Ben-Shahar Chechik research scientist Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University
Robert F. Dougherty research scientist Stanford
Lee Michael Perry research scientist Stanford
BETA: Related publications


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Wandell BA, Goossens T, Brainard DH. (2024) Deriving the cone fundamentals: a subspace intersection method. Proceedings. Biological Sciences. 291: 20240347
Hermes D, Wu H, Kerr AB, et al. (2022) Measuring brain beats: Cardiac-aligned fast functional magnetic resonance imaging signals. Human Brain Mapping
Wandell BA, Brainard DH, Cottaris NP. (2022) Visual encoding: Principles and software. Progress in Brain Research. 273: 199-229
Lyu Z, Jiang H, Xiao F, et al. (2021) Simulations of fluorescence imaging in the oral cavity. Biomedical Optics Express. 12: 4276-4292
Lerma-Usabiaga G, Winawer J, Wandell BA. (2021) Population receptive field shapes in early visual cortex are nearly circular. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Masuda Y, Takemura H, Terao M, et al. (2020) V1 Projection Zone Signals in Human Macular Degeneration Depend on Task Despite Absence of Visual Stimulus. Current Biology : Cb
Cottaris NP, Wandell BA, Rieke F, et al. (2020) A computational observer model of spatial contrast sensitivity: Effects of photocurrent encoding, fixational eye movements, and inference engine. Journal of Vision. 20: 17
Lerma-Usabiaga G, Benson N, Winawer J, et al. (2020) A validation framework for neuroimaging software: The case of populationĀ receptive fields. Plos Computational Biology. 16: e1007924
Lian T, MacKenzie KJ, Brainard DH, et al. (2019) Ray tracing 3D spectral scenes through human optics models. Journal of Vision. 19: 23
Ding X, Radonjic A, Cottaris NP, et al. (2019) Computational-observer analysis of illumination discrimination. Journal of Vision. 19: 11
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