Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Per AndersenLTP, learning & memory John Carew Eccles (grad student)
Paula Barrett
Philip J. Batterham20082011 Helen Christensen (grad student)
Marthinus Bekker20142019 Kathleen Griffiths (grad student), Philip J. Batterham (grad student), Paula Barrett (grad student), Alison L. Calear (grad student)
John M. BekkersSynaptic transmission, olfaction
Mark C. BellinghamSynaptic and respiratory neurobiology19961999 Stephen J. Redman (grad student), Janusz Lipski (grad student), Bruce Walmsley (research scientist)
Madhusoothanan Bhagavathi PerumalMicrocircuits
Brian BillupsSynaptic transmission
Peter O. Bishop19681976 Geoff Henry (collaborator)
Tobi Boch Greg J. Stuart (grad student)
Tobias Bock Greg J. Stuart (grad student), Ad Aertsen (research assistant)
George S. Boyandevelopment of insect nervous system G. Adrian Horridge (grad student)
Jean-Didier Breton Greg J. Stuart (post-doc)
Robin Broersen2019 Greg J. Stuart (post-doc)
Judith A. Buchholz
Janet Bultitude20042004 Anne Marie Aimola Davies (grad student)
Kristal E. CainBehavioral endocrinology, sex differences Naomi Langmore (post-doc), Andrew Cockburn (post-doc)
Alison L. Calear
Michael B. CalfordSensory systems, Adult cortical plasticity, Stroke
Allison CameronVisual system Trevor D. Lamb (post-doc)
Melanie C.W. CampbellVisual Optics19781982 Abbie Angharad Hughes (grad student)
Mic Canazzini Greg J. Stuart (post-doc)
Carlos Cassanello Research School of Psychology20082013 David R. Badcock (post-doc), Mark Edwards (post-doc)
David ChalmersConsiousness
Allen Cheung Mandyam V. Srinivasan (grad student)
Julian Choy Eccles Institute of Neuroscience20112014 John M. Bekkers (post-doc)
Peter Christendata matching, data mining
John D. ClementsSynaptic transmission19961999 John M. Bekkers (collaborator)
Andrew Cockburn
William M. ConnellyThalamus, Inhibition, GABA2015 Greg J. Stuart (post-doc)
Michael Cook Psychology1968 Gavin N. Seagrim (grad student)
Anna I. Cowan Christian Stricker (post-doc)
Alexandre S. Cristino
Nathan A. CrowderVisual Sciences2003 Michael R. Ibbotson (post-doc)
David Curtis John Carew Eccles (grad student)
Dennis M. Daceyretina19831984 Jonathan Stone (post-doc)
Christopher Dickman
Anita A. DisneyNeuromodulation, Cerebral Cortex.19981999 Michael B. Calford (research assistant)
Bogdan DreherVisual system, neurophysiology19691972 Michael R. Ibbotson (collaborator), Peter O. Bishop (post-doc)
Roger A DuBoisNeuropsychiatry, Neuroscience, Autism Developmental Neurobiology19932000 Richard Freeman Mark (post-doc)
Arthur Duggan
John Carew EcclesSynapses János Szentágothai (collaborator)
Mark EdwardsVisual perception, psychophysics
Paul Fatt John Carew Eccles (post-doc)
Simon J. Foote
Peter William GageIon channels19631966 John I. Hubbard (grad student)
Cecil GibbPsychology, Leadership, Factor analysis, Educational testing
Barbara J. GillamVision, Psychophysics Psychology1964 Gavin N. Seagrim (grad student)
Stephanie Goodhew Psychology20112012 Jay Pratt (post-doc)
John A. GreenwoodVisual perception, psychophysics20042007 Mark Edwards (grad student)
Kathleen Griffiths
Allan T. Gulledgeneocortex, hippocampus, neurophysiology, acetylcholine, serotonin20002005 Greg J. Stuart (post-doc)
Monica R HandlerGeochemistry Vickie C. Bennett (grad student)
Shigang He William R. Levick (grad student)
Geoff HenryVision, Neurophysiology
Markus A. HietanenVisual system20082006 Michael R. Ibbotson (grad student), Michael R. Ibbotson (post-doc)
Klaus-Peter HoffmannVision Peter O. Bishop (post-doc)
Andy Hogg
Suraj Honnuraiahneuroscience, dendritic physiology, neural computation Eccles Institute of Neuroscience Eccles Institute of Neuroscience Eccles Institute of Neuroscience20162021 Greg J. Stuart (grad student), John M. Bekkers (collaborator), Ehsan Arabzadeh (collaborator)
Peter Vincent Horne Psychology1972 Gavin N. Seagrim (grad student)
G. Adrian HorridgeInsect vision
Linda Kathryn Hort Psychology1982 Gavin N. Seagrim (grad student)
Jonathon HowardMotor Proteins, Cytoskeleton Neurobiology1983 Allan W. Snyder (grad student)
Helena Huang Eccles Institute of Neuroscience20112015 John M. Bekkers (grad student)
John I. HubbardSynaptic Transmission19581961 John Carew Eccles (grad student)
Brendan HutchinsonConsciousness, Inattentional blindness, EEG Psychology Psychology2022 Bradley N. Jack (grad student), Kristen Pammer (grad student)
William D. Hutchisonmovement disorders, basal ganglia19861989 David Curtis (grad student), Arthur Duggan (grad student)
Michael R. IbbotsonVisual Sciences Mandyam V. Srinivasan (post-doc), Richard Freeman Mark (research scientist)
Sahar IdreesWireless Communication
Kaori Ikeda20042008 Greg J. Stuart (grad student), John M. Bekkers (grad student)
Masao Ito19591962 John Carew Eccles (research scientist)
Bradley N. JackCognitive neuroscience, Vision research, EEG, ERP, Psychology, Perception, Awareness, MMN, vMMN
JLP Jarvinen Trevor D. Lamb (post-doc)
Jeffrey Raymond JohnstoneVision, hearing, public health19671970 Richard Freeman Mark (grad student)
Victoria P.A. Johnstone Clarke Raymond (grad student)
Scott Jones Greg J. Stuart (grad student)
Björn M. Kampacortical plasticity20032005 Greg J. Stuart (grad student)
Bernard KatzSynaptic Physiology19391944 John Carew Eccles (post-doc)
Jenny Kien G. Adrian Horridge (grad student)
Maarten HP Kole Greg J. Stuart (post-doc)
Wlodzimierz M. Kozak19611963 Peter O. Bishop (grad student)
Stephen W. KufflerVisual system19381944 John Carew Eccles (grad student)
Rajeev Kumar Centre for Mental Health Research Anthony F Jorm (grad student)
Trevor D. LambVisual system
Emmanuel M. LandauNeuroscience Biology1969 John I. Hubbard (grad student)
Michelle LandstromSongbird development, Songbird communication, Vocal learning School of Botany and Zoology20062008 Naomi Langmore (grad student)
Naomi LangmoreEvolution, Behavioural Ecology
Simon LaughlinVisual system, energy efficiency, neural circuit design, natural image statistics, information theory, noise constraints, optimal coding Neurobiology19701974 G. Adrian Horridge (grad student)
Johannes J. Letzkus Greg J. Stuart (grad student)
Audie LeventhalVisual system Jonathan Stone (post-doc)
William R. Levick
Peter Lillywhite G. Adrian Horridge (grad student)
Rebecca LimVestibular, Auditory, Electrophysiology, Biophysics
Rodolfo R. Llináschannel physiology, cerebellum, thalamus, cortex, synaptic transmission, MEG, inferior olive, calcium currents1965 John Carew Eccles (grad student)
Fabio LongordoVision Greg J. Stuart (post-doc)
Ted MaddessVIsual System Neurobilogy19811985 G. Adrian Horridge (grad student)
Omar AR Mahroo Trevor D. Lamb (grad student)
Richard Freeman MarkNeurobiology
Vikki M. Marshall Simon J. Foote (research scientist)
Josué Martínez-Moreno Research School of Earth Sciences20172021 Andy Hogg (grad student)
David McKinnonIon channels, evolution, regulation of gene expression19841987 Peter William Gage (grad student)
Randolf MenzelOlfaction Neurobiology G. Adrian Horridge (research scientist)
Andrew MethaVision, Adaptive Optics, Physiological Optics, Color Vision, Neurophysiology, Retina19982000 Michael B. Calford (post-doc)
Ricardo Miledi John Carew Eccles (post-doc)
Ashutosh Mohan Christian Stricker (grad student)
Adele Morrison Research School of Earth Sciences Andy Hogg (grad student)
Raoul A. Mulder Andrew Cockburn (grad student)
Madeleine J. Nicol
Brendan J. O'Brienvisual system, retina, ganglion cells, voltage gated sodium channels
Jacinta O'Hagan
Megan L. O'Mara
John Oakeshott
Tetsuro Ogawa John Carew Eccles (post-doc)
Guy Orban Peter O. Bishop (post-doc)
Clyde W. Oyster William R. Levick (post-doc)
Romina Palermo
Kristen PammerCognitive psychology, Cognitive neuroscience, Visual attention, Language, Applied cognitive psychology, Driving, Reading, Dyslexiahazard detection in driving, situational awareness, dyslexia, reading, and indigenous literacy
Charles G. Phillips John Carew Eccles (post-doc)
John W. Phillis1961 David Curtis (grad student)
Roman Richard PoznanskiIntegrative Neuroscience Neurobiology William R. Levick (grad student), G. Adrian Horridge (grad student)
Nicholas S. PriceVisual system20022005 Michael R. Ibbotson (grad student)
Stephen C. ProvostLearning, Psychopharmacology
David QuastelSynaptic transmission David Curtis (research scientist)
Farid Rahimi
Wilfrid RallDendrites John Carew Eccles (post-doc)
Clarke Raymondmemory
Stephen J. Redmanspinal cord physiology Michael Friedlander (collaborator)
Robert RodieckVisual system and the retina19621965 Peter O. Bishop (grad student)
Stephen Rudinski Greg J. Stuart (grad student)
Yuri B. SaalmannNeuroscience Michael B. Calford (grad student)
Pankaj SahAmygdala, SK channels19951998 Roger A. Nicoll (post-doc), John M. Bekkers (collaborator)
Joseph Sambrook1965 Frank Fenner (grad student)
Gavin N. Seagrim
S Murray Shermanthalamus and cortex19701972 Peter O. Bishop (post-doc), Jonathan Stone (collaborator)
Monica SkjerveVisual neglect20062011 Anne Marie Aimola Davies (grad student)
Judith Anne Slee Psychology1976 Gavin N. Seagrim (grad student)
Taimoor SohailOceanography Research School of Earth Sciences Research School of Earth Sciences Research School of Earth Sciences20162020 Bishakhdatta Gayen (grad student), Andy Hogg (collaborator), Andy Hogg (grad student)
Mandyam V. SrinivasanInsect Vision Neurobiology G. Adrian Horridge (research scientist)
Jonathan Stone
Piergiorgio StrataCerebellum19651968 John Carew Eccles (post-doc)
Christian StrickerSynaptic transmission in CNS Stephen J. Redman (post-doc)
Greg J. Stuartsynaptic integration19881991 Stephen J. Redman (grad student)
Norimitsu SuzukiOlfactory cortex
Ellen S. Takahashi William R. Levick (post-doc)
Malinda Tantirigama
Guilherme Testa-Silva Greg J. Stuart (post-doc)
Larry N. Thibos John Curtin School of Medical Research19751983 William R. Levick (post-doc)
Alison Todd John Curtin School of Medical Research20152015 Brian Billups (research assistant)
Ahmad Rizky UmarInternational Relations International Relations Jacinta O'Hagan (grad student)
Kunjam Vallamvisual system, psychophysics, glaucoma
David Ian VaneyRetinal anatomy19751979 Abbie Angharad Hughes (grad student)
Bruce WalmsleyNeurophysiology
Heinz Wässle William R. Levick (post-doc)
John Douglas Glenton WatsonVisual system, brain imaging, fMRI, PET, cognition
Paul Whitington G. Adrian Horridge (grad student)
Elzbieta Wieniawa-Narkiewicz19791983 Abbie Angharad Hughes (grad student)
Stephen R. Williamscortical neurons19992003 Greg J. Stuart (post-doc)
William D. Willispain physiology John Carew Eccles (post-doc)
Martin Wilson G. Adrian Horridge (post-doc)
Rachel Wong19831986 Abbie Angharad Hughes (grad student)
Raymond C.S. WongElectrophysiology Ted Maddess (grad student)