Gita V. Johar

Columbia University, New York, NY 
Marketing Business Administration, Social Psychology
"Gita Johar"
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Anne L. Roggeveen grad student 2001 Columbia
Anirban Mukhopadhyay grad student 2004 Columbia
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Bellis Ed, Johar GV. (2020) Autonomous Shopping Systems: Identifying and Overcoming Barriers to Consumer Adoption Journal of Retailing. 96: 74-87
Chung J, Johar GV. (2018) The Seesaw Self: Possessions, Identity (De)activation, and Task Performance Journal of Marketing Research. 55: 752-765
Noseworthy TJ, Murray KB, Muro FD, et al. (2018) When Two Wrongs Make a Right: Using Conjunctive Enablers to Enhance Evaluations for Extremely Incongruent New Products Journal of Consumer Research. 44: 1379-1396
Jun Y, Meng R, Johar GV. (2017) Perceived social presence reduces fact-checking. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Dahl DW, Fischer E, Johar GV, et al. (2017) Making Sense from (Apparent) Senselessness: The JCR Lens Journal of Consumer Research. 44: 719-723
Faraji-Rad A, Melumad S, Johar GV. (2017) Consumer desire for control as a barrier to new product adoption Journal of Consumer Psychology. 27: 347-354
Dahl D, Fischer E, Johar G, et al. (2016) Tutorials in Consumer Research Journal of Consumer Research. 43: 199-199
Weiss L, Johar GV. (2016) Products as Self-Evaluation Standards: When Owned and Unowned Products Have Opposite Effects on Self-Judgment Journal of Consumer Research. 42: 915-930
Johar GV. (2016) Mistaken Inferences from Advertising Conversations: A Modest Research Agenda Journal of Advertising. 45: 318-325
Dahl D, Fischer E, Johar G, et al. (2015) The evolution of jcr: A view through the eyes of its editors Journal of Consumer Research. 42: 1-4
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