People with institution matching "BCCN Berlin": Advanced Search | |||||
Name | Institution | Area | Added by | Date | Carsten Allefeld (Info) | BCCN Berlin | data analysis methods | allefeld | 2014‑04‑30 | Sim | Benjamin Blankertz (Info) | TU Berlin | kgoergen | 2012‑10‑24 | Sim | Michael Brecht (Info) | HU Berlin | arthur | 2007‑09‑24 | Sim | Kai Görgen (Info) | BCCN Berlin | Computational Neuroscience; Systems Neuroscience | kgoergen | 2012‑10‑24 | Sim | John Dylan Haynes (Info) | Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience | psychophysics & fmri; visual cognition | kathleen | 2005‑07‑25 | Sim | Martin N. Hebart (Info) | Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences | Cognitive Neuroscience | precuneus | 2012‑09‑28 | Sim | Jakob Heinzle (Info) | ETH/Uni Zurich, BCCN Berlin, ETH/Uni Zurich | Neural Computation, fMRI | jheinzle | 2007‑08‑07 | Sim | Moritz Litten (Info) | Universität Berlin | stmmdphd | 2008‑04‑08 | Sim | Leonor Michaelis (Info) | Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research | oxidation-reduction processes | stmmdphd | 2008‑04‑08 | Sim | Klaus-Robert Müller (Info) | TU Berlin | Machine Learning | felixwichmann | 2008‑07‑11 | Sim | Carlo F. Reverberi (Info) | alessio.toraldo | 2008‑03‑28 | Sim | Felix A. Wichmann (Info) | Universität Tübingen | Psychophysics, Vision, Statistics, Computational Modelling | fj | 2007‑01‑16 | Sim | Laurenz Wiskott (Info) | HU Berlin | sprekeler | 2008‑09‑06 | Sim |
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