People with institution matching "Helmholtz Institut, Neurherberg": Advanced Search
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André Aleman (Info) RUG cognitive neuropsychiatry rkessels 2009‑11‑10 Sim
Ineke Brands (Info) Zuwe Hofpoort Woerden diabetes, neuropsychology rkessels 2009‑11‑10 Sim
Jan Brascamp (Info) Michigan State Visual system, psychophysics, TMS, fMRI, computational modeling, eye tracking janbrascamp 2007‑10‑08 Sim
Edward De Haan (Info) Amsterdam Neuropsychology Verstraten 2006‑07‑13 Sim
Maartje Cathelijne de Jong (Info) Helmholtz Institut, Neurherberg visual system M.C.deJong 2009‑02‑19 Sim
H. Chris Dijkerman (Info) Utrecht Neuropsychology, motor control, somatosensory dijkerman 2007‑01‑03 Sim
Titia Gebuis (Info) Helmholtz Institut, Neurherberg Numerical Cognition titiagebuis 2008‑12‑30 Sim
Roy Kessels (Info) Radboud University Nijmegen memory; neuropsychology; spatial cognition rkessels 2009‑11‑10 Sim
Tomas H. Knapen (Info) Utrecht Visual system, psychophysics janbrascamp 2007‑10‑08 Sim
Zoe Kourtzi (Info) University of Birmingham visual cognitive neuroscience nkanwisher 2006‑10‑01 Sim
Barbara Montagne (Info) Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre rkessels 2009‑11‑10 Sim
Carinne Piekema (Info) FC Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging "Memory, associative memory, Medial Temporla Lobe" carpie 2007‑04‑27 Sim
Albert Postma (Info) Utrecht clinical neuropsychology volcekov 2008‑03‑11 Sim
Mascha van 't Wout (Info) University of Arizona social cognition rkessels 2009‑11‑10 Sim
Marieke van Asselen (Info) University of Coimbra rkessels 2009‑11‑10 Sim
Raymond van Ee (Info) Utrecht Biophysics, clinical physics Verstraten 2005‑09‑27 Sim
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