People with institution matching "UNC Greensboro": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Jennifer L. Coffman (Info) UNC Chapel Hill pq 2015‑11‑04 Sim
Olivia K. Cook (Info) University of North Carolina - Greensboro Children's Cognitive Development okcook 2021‑10‑14 Sim
Kari Eddington (Info) UNC Greensboro apapa 2016‑02‑25 Sim
Jenny Fiedler (Info) UNC Chapel Hill episodic memory, prospective memory jfiedler 2022‑08‑17 Sim
Hongmei Li-Byarlay (Info) UIUC, NCSU, Purdue, Central State University genetic analysis of social behavior hmli 2011‑03‑09 Sim
Olav Rueppel (Info) UNC Greensboro hmli 2015‑10‑29 Sim
Timothy J. Strauman (Info) Duke Clinical Psychology pq 2016‑01‑27 Sim
Christopher Wahlheim (Info) Washington University pq 2015‑10‑10 Sim
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