Similar researchers to Timothy Holgate: Advanced Search
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Timothy C. Holgate (Info) Clemson University (Physics Tree) Materials Science Engineering, Inorganic Chemistry pq 2016‑03‑20 Sim
Merry Bullock (Info) (PsychTree) development merryb 2011‑09‑30 Sim(0.3)
Timothy M. Lohman (Info) Washington University (Chemistry Tree) DNA helicases, SSB proteins, DNA repair, thermodynamics, kinetics lohman 2013‑06‑11 Sim(0.3)
Justin Rawley (Info) Wake Forest School of Medicine pq 2015‑08‑14 Sim(0.33)
Kanchustambham Vijayalakshmi (Info) Stanford (Chemistry Tree) connectingresearchers 2019‑07‑19 Sim(0.36)
Denys Biriukov (Info) IOCB Prague (Chemistry Tree) connectingresearchers 2019‑07‑19 Sim(0.37)
Sean Kelly (Info) Harvard (Philosophy Tree) sinnundbedeutung 2018‑12‑19 Sim(0.37)
Roberto Iglesias-Prieto (Info) UNAM (Marine Ecology Tree) DKemp 2013‑02‑07 Sim(0.37)
John A Resko (Info) OHSU RobertASteiner 2020‑05‑24 Sim(0.4)
Rosa Viana (Info) Instituto de Biomedicina de Valencia carmunoz 2021‑03‑18 Sim(0.41)
Doh C. Shin (Info) University of Missouri - Columbia (PoliSci Tree) General pq 2016‑05‑30 Sim(0.42)
Abu Thomas (Info) Northwestern (Physics Tree) Quantum Optics ub313 2013‑08‑18 Sim(0.43)
Robert L. Carroll (Info) McGill (Evolution Tree) tetsuto 2011‑11‑09 Sim(0.43)
Rosemary S. Turingan (Info) U Mass Amherst (Chemistry Tree) transcription, rna pq 2015‑10‑05 Sim(0.44)
Borut Mavko (Info) Jožef Stefan Institute (E-Tree) cizelj 2020‑11‑24 Sim(0.44)
Cathy NP Lui (Info) Hong Kong Baptist University CathyLui 2014‑08‑29 Sim(0.44)
Stephan Lammel (Info) UC Berkeley Dopamine System lammel 2012‑03‑10 Sim(0.44)
Greg Rosocha (Info) University of Toronto (Chemistry Tree) rbatey 2016‑12‑02 Sim(0.44)
Brandon E. Campitelli (Info) University of Toronto (Evolution Tree) jstinchcombe 2011‑09‑08 Sim(0.45)
Frederick D. Chattaway (Info) Oxford (Chemistry Tree) dtheobald 2011‑10‑25 Sim(0.45)
David Rempel (Info) University of California Physical Ergonomics, Biomechanics, musculoskeletal systems drdannr 2011‑04‑22 Sim(0.45)
Arash Tavakkol (Info) Sharif University of Technology (Computer Science Tree) Computer Architecture, High-performance Computing, Parallel and Distributed Algorithms, High-performance Storage Systems, Memory Systems arasht 2016‑11‑09 Sim(0.47)
Jan W. Gooch (Info) Georgia Tech (Chemistry Tree) Polymer Chemistry, Materials Chemistry, Green Chemistry tarselli 2015‑07‑27 Sim(0.47)
Andrea Poli (Info) Scuola Normale Superiore Alzheimer disease, Visual system, Extracellular matrix andrea.poli 2009‑07‑12 Sim(0.48)
Yijun Cui (Info) UCLA GeoSun 2015‑03‑01 Sim(0.48)
Seungil Ro (Info) University of Nevada, Reno (Physics Tree) Medical Biophysics, Molecular Biology, Animal Physiology Biology pq 2016‑05‑19 Sim(0.48)
Ludwig Gattermann (Info) University of Freiburg (Chemistry Tree) aromatic hydrocarbons jandh 2011‑08‑30 Sim(0.48)
Charles Drummond Ellis (Info) King's College (Physics Tree) nuclear physics jandh 2011‑07‑27 Sim(0.49)
Franklin M. Baez (Info) Cornell (Computer Science Tree) Electronics and Electrical Engineering pq 2016‑03‑24 Sim(0.49)
Yijin Yan (Info) University of Pittsburgh yandong 2016‑04‑15 Sim(0.49)
Pia Thörngren Engblom (Info) Stockholm University (Physics Tree) soderstrom 2011‑06‑17 Sim(0.5)
Chaim Dryzun (Info) Hebrew University (Chemistry Tree) Theortical Chemistry ChaimDryzun1980 2017‑01‑17 Sim(0.5)
Norman Henry Giles (Info) Yale (Chemistry Tree) genetic analysis of biochemical pathways jandh 2013‑11‑20 Sim(0.5)
Elizabeth R. Didie (Info) Drexel Clinical Psychology pq 2017‑01‑04 Sim(0.5)
Mark S. Bulmer (Info) Boston University Entomology Biology, Genetics pq 2016‑05‑20 Sim(0.5)
Francois Jobert (Info) Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umea, Sweden (Chemistry Tree) StephanieRobert 2020‑01‑11 Sim(0.51)
Patrick J. Guiry (Info) University College Dublin (Ireland) (CSD Tree) balajirokade 2017‑02‑28 Sim(0.51)
Badr F. Albanna (Info) UC Berkeley, Fordham University theoretical neuroscience, information theory, non-equilibrium statistical mechanics balbanna 2010‑08‑16 Sim(0.51)
Paul M. Lahti (Info) U Mass Amherst (Chemistry Tree) Spectra/properties of conjugated molecules and electronic materials lahti 2013‑08‑19 Sim(0.51)
Alice C Mignerey (Info) University of Maryland (Chemistry Tree) Nuclear, abminp 2013‑08‑19 Sim(0.51)
Alejandro Pisanty (Info) Facultad de Química UNAM (Chemistry Tree) electronic structure, education apisanty 2013‑02‑02 Sim(0.53)
Maher A. Mahdy (Info) Indiana University of Pennsylvania (Literature Tree) American Literature, Ethnic and Racial Studies pq 2016‑05‑11 Sim(0.53)
Keith Wisecarver (Info) University of Tulsa (E-Tree) Chemical Engineering pq 2016‑06‑20 Sim(0.53)
Alison G. Boyer (Info) University of Tennessee, Knoxville (Terrestrial Ecology Tree) morgane 2011‑08‑25 Sim(0.53)
Walter Kauzmann (Info) Princeton (Chemistry Tree) physical chemistry and biochemistry jandh 2012‑03‑13 Sim(0.53)
James K. Chen (Info) Stanford chemical biology, developmental biology jkchen 2013‑06‑26 Sim(0.53)
Dominique Pelletier (Info) Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal (Canada) (Physics Tree) Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Medical Biophysics, General Biophysics pq 2016‑05‑28 Sim(0.54)
Luis Actis (Info) Miami University (ID Tree) Bacteriology gaddyja 2014‑04‑24 Sim(0.54)
George Kildare Miley (Info) Leiden (Astronomy Tree) radio astronomy jandh 2016‑12‑31 Sim(0.54)
Alyssa M. Braun (Info) UT Austin pq 2015‑10‑05 Sim(0.54)
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