Swarthmore College

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Jonathan Seth Adelstein2002 Allan Schneider (research assistant)
Martha E. Arterberry Philip J. Kellman (research assistant)
Alexander T. BaughBehavioral Biology
Sam BuchlNeuroregeneration Psychology Psychology Psychology20122013 Malathi Thothathiri (research assistant), Jane E. Gillham (research assistant), Andrew Ward (research assistant)
Stephanie Michelle Camposchemosensory, communication, competition, lizards
Kim Cassidycognitive development Philip J. Kellman (research assistant)
Peiyao Chen Viorica Marian (grad student)
Christopher M. CiarleglioNeuroscience, Circadian rhythms, Development, Seasonality, Serotonin, Plasticity20022004 Kathleen K. Siwicki (research assistant)
Emily Wilkins ClarkTaste aversion, spatial learning19972001 Allan Schneider (research assistant)
Kirsten CondryInfant cognition and perception Philip J. Kellman (research assistant)
James CrowellVisual perception Philip J. Kellman (research assistant)
Lia R D'AlessandroMicroglia, Mitochondria, Neuroimmunology, Neuroscience
Dorothy DinnersteinPerception Wolfgang Köhler (post-doc)
Casey S M Ferraramulti-modal language, sign language, gesture, language acquisition, iconicity, aphasia Linguistics2012 Donna Jo Napoli (collaborator)
Jeffrey L. Gauthierhippocampus, navigation
Joshua H. Goldwyncomputational neuroscience
Richard M. HeldVisual perception Psychology19451948 Wolfgang Köhler (research assistant)
Sara M. Hiebert
Henry W KietzmanNeurodevelopment, Integrin Signaling, Gene-Environment Neuroscience20122014 Kathleen K. Siwicki (research assistant)
Jaegwon KimPhilosophy of Mind, Metaphysics, Epistemology
Wolfgang KöhlerPerception
C.J. MalangaMotivation, reward, addiction, autism, neuroteratology, drug discovery, drug development19871988 Jonathan Copeland (research assistant)
John Monterossojudgment and decision making, impulsivity, addiction, neuroeconomics Philip J. Kellman (research assistant), Barry Schwartz (research assistant)
Jacob Nachmias1952 Hans Wallach (grad student), Wolfgang Köhler (grad student)
Amir NainiPotassium channels19871988 Jonathan Copeland (research assistant)
Ulric Neisserretired Wolfgang Köhler (grad student)
Deborah Kemler NelsonPerceptual Development
Olivia D Perez
David L. RosenhanClinical psychology, forensic psychology, (Anti)Psychiatry
Barry SchwartzDecision Making,Creation of Values,Interaction of Morality and Self Interest, Work Satisfaction
Thomas F. ShipleyPerception, Spatial Cognition19891991 Philip J. Kellman (post-doc)
Molly E. SiegelAnimal behavior, reproductive endocrinology, neurobiology20112012 Kathleen K. Siwicki (research assistant)
Kathleen K. SiwickiCourtship conditioning, fruit flies, drosophila
Amy M. SpiegelBiological Psychology, Aging, Learning and Memory20032007 Allan Schneider (research assistant)
Jessica TurnerfMRI Philip J. Kellman (research assistant)
Lauren E. UllrichMemory, Mild cognitive impairment20042006 Kathleen K. Siwicki (research assistant)
Gretchen Van de WalleInfant perception and cognition Philip J. Kellman (research assistant)
Otto van LauensteinGestalt; Successive Comparison1933 Wolfgang Köhler (grad student)
Christopher G. VecseySleep, memory, cAMP signaling, neuropeptide regulation of behavior
Peter Vishton Philip J. Kellman (research assistant)
Vy A. Vovision, attention20092011 Kathleen K. Siwicki (research assistant)
Hans Wallach19361942 Wolfgang Köhler (research scientist)
Michael WertheimerPerception, Cognition, Psycholinguistics, History of Psychology Psychology Psychology1949 Hans Wallach (research assistant), Solomon E. Asch (research assistant)
Jill C. WildongerCharacterizing how discreet functional domains in neurons are created by investigating how proteins are trafficked; combining in vitro approaches with in vivo live-cell imagining in the developing fruit fly. Kathleen K. Siwicki (research assistant)
Benjamin D. Zinszer Psychology20062008 Raymond E Phinney (research assistant)