Casper Johannes Erkelens, Ph.D.

1985-1988 Physiology Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Netherlands 
 1989-2011 Physics Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands 
 2011- Psychology Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands 
Eye movements, Visual system
"Casper J Erkelens"

Mean distance: 13.88 (cluster 23)
Cross-listing: PsychTree

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Erkelens CJ. (2016) Equidistant Intervals in Perspective Photographs and Paintings. I-Perception. 7: 2041669516662666
de Jong MC, Hendriks RJ, Vansteensel MJ, et al. (2016) Intracranial Recordings of Occipital Cortex Responses to Illusory Visual Events. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 36: 6297-311
Erkelens CJ. (2015) The Perspective Structure of Visual Space. I-Perception. 6: 2041669515613672
Erkelens CJ. (2015) Perception of Perspective Angles. I-Perception. 6: 2041669515593022
Erkelens CJ. (2015) The extent of visual space inferred from perspective angles. I-Perception. 6: 5-14
Erkelens C. (2015) Evidence for Obliqueness of Angles as a Cue to Planar Surface Slant Found in Extremely Simple Symmetrical Shapes Symmetry. 7: 241-254
Erkelens C. (2014) The retinal correlate of linear perspective in slant perception F1000research. 14: 730-730
Erkelens CJ. (2013) Computation and measurement of slant specified by linear perspective. Journal of Vision. 13: 16
Erkelens CJ. (2013) Virtual slant explains perceived slant, distortion, and motion in pictorial scenes. Perception. 42: 253-70
Erkelens CJ. (2012) Contribution of disparity to the perception of 3D shape as revealed by bistability of stereoscopic Necker cubes. Seeing and Perceiving. 25: 561-76
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