Woo-kyoung Ahn

Yale University, New Haven, CT 
categorization, causal reasoning
"Woo-kyoung Ahn"
Mean distance: 14.93 (cluster 15)


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Michael Pacer research assistant 2008-2009 Yale
Nancy S. Kim grad student 2002 Yale
Martin J. Dennis grad student 2004 Yale
Christian Luhmann grad student 2000-2006 Vanderbilt
Jessecae K. Marsh grad student 2008 Yale
Caroline C. Proctor grad student 2008 Yale
Benjamin M. Rottman grad student 2011 Yale
Eric G. Taylor post-doc 2010- Yale
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Kim NS, Johnson SG, Ahn WK, et al. (2017) The effect of abstract versus concrete framing on judgments of biological and psychological bases of behavior. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications. 2: 17
Kim NS, Ahn WK, Johnson SG, et al. (2015) The Influence of Framing on Clinicians' Judgments of the Biological Basis of Behaviors. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Applied
Lebowitz MS, Ahn WK, Oltman K. (2015) Sometimes more competent, but always less warm: Perceptions of biologically oriented mental-health clinicians. The International Journal of Social Psychiatry
Lebowitz MS, Ahn WK. (2014) Effects of biological explanations for mental disorders on clinicians' empathy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 111: 17786-90
Lebowitz MS, Pyun JJ, Ahn WK. (2014) Biological explanations of generalized anxiety disorder: effects on beliefs about prognosis and responsibility. Psychiatric Services (Washington, D.C.). 65: 498-503
Ahn WK, Taylor EG, Kato D, et al. (2013) Causal essentialism in kinds. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (2006). 66: 1113-30
Marsh JK, Ahn WK. (2012) Memory for Patient Information as a Function of Experience in Mental Health. Applied Cognitive Psychology. 26: 462-474
Taylor EG, Ahn WK. (2012) Causal imprinting in causal structure learning. Cognitive Psychology. 65: 381-413
Lebowitz MS, Ahn WK. (2012) Combining biomedical accounts of mental disorders with treatability information to reduce mental illness stigma. Psychiatric Services (Washington, D.C.). 63: 496-9
Rottman BM, Ahn WK. (2011) Effect of grouping of evidence types on learning about interactions between observed and unobserved causes. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 37: 1432-48
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