Laurent Itti

University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States 
Visual system
"Laurent Itti"
Mean distance: 12.82 (cluster 29)


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Jochen Braun grad student 1997-1999 Caltech
Christof Koch grad student 2000 Caltech
 (Models of bottom-up and top-down visual attention.)


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Tommaso Furlanello grad student
Randolph Charles Voorhies grad student USC
Elnaz Nouri grad student 2009- USC
Chen Zhang grad student 2012-
Jianwei Lu grad student 2006 USC
Vidhya Navalpakkam grad student 2006 USC
Ran Carmi grad student 2007 USC
Terrell N. Mundhenk grad student 2009 USC
Christian Garcia Siagian grad student 2003-2009 USC
Po-He Tseng grad student 2006-2012 USC
Nader Noori grad student 2013 USC
Farhan R. Baluch grad student 2006-2013 USC
Ali Borji post-doc 2010- Institute for research in fundamental sciences
Brian J. White post-doc 2006-2007 Queen's
BETA: Related publications


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Heeman J, White BJ, Van der Stigchel S, et al. (2024) Saliency response in superior colliculus at the future saccade goal predicts fixation duration during free viewing of dynamic scenes. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Habibi M, Oertel WH, White BJ, et al. (2022) Eye tracking identifies biomarkers in α-synucleinopathies versus progressive supranuclear palsy. Journal of Neurology
Oster J, Huang J, White BJ, et al. (2022) Pupillary responses to differences in luminance, color and set size. Experimental Brain Research
Wen S, Yin A, Furlanello T, et al. (2021) Rapid adaptation of brain-computer interfaces to new neuronal ensembles or participants via generative modelling. Nature Biomedical Engineering
Wen S, Yin A, Tseng PH, et al. (2021) Capturing spike train temporal pattern with wavelet average coefficient for brain machine interface. Scientific Reports. 11: 19020
Leksut JT, Zhao J, Itti L. (2020) Learning visual variation for object recognition Image and Vision Computing. 98: 103912
White BJ, Itti L, Munoz DP. (2019) Superior colliculus encodes visual saliency during smooth pursuit eye movements. The European Journal of Neuroscience
Zhang C, Paolozza A, Tseng PH, et al. (2019) Detection of Children/Youth With Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Through Eye Movement, Psychometric, and Neuroimaging Data. Frontiers in Neurology. 10: 80
Tanner J, Itti L. (2019) A top-down saliency model with goal relevance. Journal of Vision. 19: 11
White BJ, Kan JY, Itti L, et al. (2019) Laminar organization of the superior colliculus priority map Journal of Vision. 19: 133a
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