Ronald G. Downey
Affiliations: | Department of Psychology | Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, United States |
Industrial Psychology, Management Business AdministrationGoogle:
"Ronald Downey"Mean distance: 11874
Sign in to add traineeRichard G. Best | grad student | 2002 | Kansas State University |
Larry W. Bunce | grad student | 2002 | Kansas State University |
Renee F. Slick | grad student | 2002 | Kansas State University |
Terrance W. Gaylord | grad student | 2003 | Kansas State University |
Kang-Hyun Shin | grad student | 2003 | Kansas State University |
Meridith P. Selden | grad student | 2006 | Kansas State University |
Andrew J. Wefald | grad student | 2008 | Kansas State University |
Neena Gopalan | grad student | 2011 | Kansas State University |
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Wefald AJ, Smith MR, Gopalan N, et al. (2017) Workplace Vigor as a Distinct Positive Organizational Behavior Construct: Evaluating the Construct Validity of the Shirom-Melamed Vigor Measure (SMVM) Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal. 29: 197-220 |
Wefald AJ, Mills MJ, Smith MR, et al. (2012) A Comparison of Three Job Engagement Measures: Examining their Factorial and Criterion-Related Validity. Applied Psychology. Health and Well-Being. 4: 67-90 |
Steele JP, Rupayana DD, Mills MJ, et al. (2012) Relative importance and utility of positive worker states: a review and empirical examination. The Journal of Psychology. 146: 617-50 |
Selden MP, Downey RG. (2012) Workplace hostility: defining and measuring the occurrence of hostility in the workforce. Work (Reading, Mass.). 42: 93-105 |
Smith MR, Rasmussen JL, Mills MJ, et al. (2012) Stress and performance: do service orientation and emotional energy moderate the relationship? Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. 17: 116-28 |
Wefald AJ, Katz JP, Downey RG, et al. (2010) Organizational slack and performance: The impact of outliers Journal of Applied Business Research. 26: 1-10 |
Wefald AJ, Katz JP, Downey RG, et al. (2010) Organizational slack, firm performance, and the role of industry Journal of Managerial Issues. 22: 70-87 |
Wefald AJ, Downey RG. (2009) Construct dimensionality of engagement and its relation with satisfaction. The Journal of Psychology. 143: 91-111 |
Wefald AJ, Downey RG. (2009) Job engagement in organizations: Fad, fashion, or folderol? Journal of Organizational Behavior. 30: 141-145 |
Benton SL, Downey RG, Glider PJ, et al. (2008) College students' norm perception predicts reported use of protective behavioral strategies for alcohol consumption. Journal of Studies On Alcohol and Drugs. 69: 859-65 |