Ronald Lee, Ph.D.

2006 City University of New York, New York, NY, United States 
Behavioral Psychology, Special Education, Clinical Psychology
"Ronald Lee"
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Peter Sturmey grad student 2006 CUNY
 (The effects of script -fading and a Lag -1 schedule on varied social responding in children with autism.)
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Bukala M, Hu MY, Lee R, et al. (2015) The effects of work-reinforcer schedules on performance and preference in students with autism. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. 48: 215-20
Lee R, Sturmey P. (2014) The effects of script-fading and a Lag-1 schedule on varied social responding in children with autism Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders. 8: 440-448
Lee R, Sturmey P, Fields L. (2007) Schedule-Induced and Operant Mechanisms that Influence Response Variability: A Review and Implications for Future Investigations The Psychological Record. 57: 429-455
Lee R, Sturmey P. (2006) The effects of lag schedules and preferred materials on variable responding in students with autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 36: 421-8
Sturmey P, Lee R, Reyer H, et al. (2003) Assessing preferences for staff: Some pilot data Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy. 31: 103-107
Lee R, McComas JJ, Jawor J. (2002) The effects of differential and lag reinforcement schedules on varied verbal responding by individuals with autism. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. 35: 391-402
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