Duncan E. Astle
Affiliations: | Experimental Psychology | University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom | |
2012- | MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge, England, United Kingdom |
Executive control, AttentionGoogle:
"Duncan Astle"Mean distance: 15.56 (cluster 29) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add traineeIoannis Sarigiannidis | grad student | 2013-2014 | |
Alexander L. Anwyl-Irvine | grad student | 2017-2022 | Cambridge |
Giacomo Bignardi | grad student | 2017-2022 | Cambridge |
Joe Bathelt | post-doc | 2015- | MRC-CBU |
Edwin S. Dalmaijer | post-doc | 2017-2021 | Cambridge |
Roma Siugzdaite | post-doc | 2018-2021 | MRC CBU Cambridge |
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Bignardi G, Mareva S, Astle DE. (2023) Parental socioeconomic status weakly predicts specific cognitive and academic skills beyond general cognitive ability. Developmental Science. e13451 |
Dalmaijer ES, Nord CL, Astle DE. (2022) Statistical power for cluster analysis. Bmc Bioinformatics. 23: 205 |
Brkić D, Ng-Cordell E, O'Brien S, et al. (2022) FarmApp: a new assessment of cognitive control and memory for children and young people with neurodevelopmental difficulties. Child Neuropsychology : a Journal On Normal and Abnormal Development in Childhood and Adolescence. 1-19 |
Dalmaijer ES, Gibbons SG, Bignardi G, et al. (2021) Direct and indirect links between children's socio-economic status and education: pathways via mental health, attitude, and cognition. Current Psychology (New Brunswick, N.J.). 42: 9637-9651 |
Bignardi G, Dalmaijer ES, Astle DE. (2021) Testing the specificity of environmental risk factors for developmental outcomes. Child Development |
Jones JS, Astle DE. (2021) Segregation and integration of the functional connectome in neurodevelopmentally 'at risk' children. Developmental Science. e13209 |
Astle DE, Holmes J, Kievit R, et al. (2021) Annual Research Review: The transdiagnostic revolution in neurodevelopmental disorders. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines |
Anwyl-Irvine AL, Dalmaijer ES, Quinn AJ, et al. (2021) Subjective SES is Associated with Children's Neurophysiological Response to Auditory Oddballs. Cerebral Cortex Communications. 2: tgaa092 |
Uh S, Dalmaijer ES, Siugzdaite R, et al. (2021) Two Pathways to Self-Harm in Adolescence. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry |
Bathelt J, Vignoles A, Astle DE. (2021) Just a phase? Mapping the transition of behavioural problems from childhood to adolescence. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology |