John M. Henderson
Affiliations: | Psychology | University of California, Davis, Davis, CA |
cognitive psychology, visual cognitionWebsite:
"John Henderson"Mean distance: 15.93 (cluster 15) | S | N | B | C | P |
Cross-listing: PsychTree
Sign in to add mentorAlexander Pollatsek | grad student | 1983-1988 | U Mass Amherst |
Keith Rayner | grad student | 1983-1988 | U Mass Amherst |
Sign in to add traineeMellisa Ann Boyle | research assistant | 2005-2007 | Michigan State |
Andrew R. Hollingworth | grad student | 2000 | Michigan State |
Monica S. Castelhano | grad student | 2005 | Michigan State |
Daniel A. Gajewski | grad student | 2006 | Michigan State |
George Malcolm | grad student | 2007-2010 | Edinburgh |
Konstantinos Tsagkaridis | grad student | 2007-2010 | Edinburgh |
Andrew X Stewart | grad student | 2010-2012 | UC Davis |
Michi Matsukura | post-doc | Edinburgh | |
Melissa L-H Vo | post-doc | Edinburgh | |
Jessica Goold | post-doc | 2017- | UC Davis |
Deborah A. Cronin | post-doc | 2018- | UC Davis |
James R. Brockmole | post-doc | 2003-2005 | Michigan State |
Tim J Smith | post-doc | 2007-2010 | Edinburgh |
Steven G. Luke | post-doc | 2011-2013 | USC |
Joseph C. Schmidt | post-doc | 2012-2014 | USC |
Wonil Choi | post-doc | 2013-2016 | UC Davis |
Matthew W. Lowder | post-doc | 2914-2017 | UC Davis |
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Oakes LM, Hayes TR, Klotz SM, et al. (2024) The role of local meaning in infants' fixations of natural scenes. Infancy : the Official Journal of the International Society On Infant Studies |
Upadhyayula A, Henderson JM. (2024) Spatiotemporal jump detection during continuous film viewing: Insights from a flicker paradigm. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics |
Peacock CE, Hall EH, Henderson JM. (2023) Objects are selected for attention based upon meaning during passive scene viewing. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review |
Rehrig G, Hayes TR, Henderson JM, et al. (2022) Visual attention during seeing for speaking in healthy aging. Psychology and Aging |
Hayes TR, Henderson JM. (2022) Scene inversion reveals distinct patterns of attention to semantically interpreted and uninterpreted features. Cognition. 229: 105231 |
Loh Z, Hall EH, Cronin D, et al. (2022) Working memory control predicts fixation duration in scene-viewing. Psychological Research |
Ramey MM, Henderson JM, Yonelinas AP. (2022) Eye movements dissociate between perceiving, sensing, and unconscious change detection in scenes. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review |
Peacock CE, Singh P, Hayes TR, et al. (2022) EXPRESS: Searching for meaning: local scene semantics guide attention during natural visual search in scenes. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (2006). 17470218221101334 |
Rehrig G, Barker M, Peacock CE, et al. (2022) Look at what I can do: Object affordances guide visual attention while speakers describe potential actions. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics |
Kiat JE, Hayes TR, Henderson JM, et al. (2021) Rapid Extraction of the Spatial Distribution of Physical Saliency and Semantic Informativeness from Natural Scenes in the Human Brain. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience |