Daniel T. Gilbert

Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 
Social Cognition
"Daniel Gilbert"
Mean distance: 14.12 (cluster 15)


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Edward E. Jones grad student 1981-1985 Princeton


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Thalia P. Wheatley research assistant 1989-1993
Patrick Malone grad student 1985 University of Texas
Matthew Dylan Lieberman grad student 1993-1999 Harvard
Jane E. Jenkins grad student 2000 Harvard
Nancy M. Puccinelli grad student 2000 Harvard
Erin E. Driver-Linn grad student 2001 Harvard
Jeremy A. Blumenthal grad student 2002 Harvard
Sarit A. Golub grad student 2004 Harvard
Rebecca J. Norwick grad student 2005 Harvard
Carey K. Morewedge grad student 2006 Harvard
Eugene M. Caruso grad student 2007 Harvard
Karim S. Kassam grad student 2004-2010 Harvard
Lisa L. Shu grad student 2012 Harvard
Gus Cooney grad student 2011-2017 Harvard (PsychTree)
Kevin Nicholas Ochsner post-doc Harvard
BETA: Related publications


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Mastroianni AM, Gilbert DT. (2023) The illusion of moral decline. Nature. 618: 782-789
Westgate EC, Wilson TD, Buttrick NR, et al. (2021) What makes thinking for pleasure pleasurable? Emotion (Washington, D.C.)
Mastroianni AM, Gilbert DT, Cooney G, et al. (2021) Do conversations end when people want them to? Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 118
Quoidbach J, Gilbert DT, Wilson TD. (2020) Your life satisfaction will change more than you think: A comment on Harris and Busseri (2019) Journal of Research in Personality. 86: 103937
Buttrick N, Choi H, Wilson TD, et al. (2018) Cross-cultural consistency and relativity in the enjoyment of thinking versus doing. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Levari DE, Gilbert DT, Wilson TD, et al. (2018) Prevalence-induced concept change in human judgment. Science (New York, N.Y.). 360: 1465-1467
Westgate EC, Wilson TD, Gilbert DT. (2017) With a Little Help for Our Thoughts: Making It Easier to Think for Pleasure. Emotion (Washington, D.C.)
Cooney G, Gilbert DT, Wilson TD. (2017) The Novelty Penalty. Psychological Science. 956797616685870
Alahmadi S, Buttrick NR, Gilbert DT, et al. (2017) You can do it if you really try: The effects of motivation on thinking for pleasure Motivation and Emotion. 41: 545-561
Cooney G, Gilbert DT, Wilson TD. (2016) When fairness matters less than we expect. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
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