David Rose, B.Sc, Ph.D, M.Phil.

1979- Psychology University of Surrey, Guildford, England, United Kingdom 
Visual system, consciousness, philosophy of science
"David Rose"
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Colin Blakemore grad student 1971-1974 Cambridge
Peter Lipton grad student 1996-1997 (Philosophy Tree)
Gabriel Horn post-doc 1975-1977 University of Bristol
Richard Gregory post-doc 1975-1979 University of Bristol
Randolph Blake post-doc 1986-1988 Northwestern


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Neil Parry research assistant 1983-1984 University of Manchester
Helen Fisher research assistant 1999-2001 Kings College London
Paul Sowden grad student 1992-1995 University of Winchester
Doug Barrett grad student 1999-2002 University of Leicester
Dora Brown grad student 1999-2002 University of Surrey
Tanya J. Clarke grad student 2002-2006 University of Surrey
BETA: Related publications


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Rose D. (2022) More on realism, phenomenology, and causation, in reply to Cheng. Perception. 3010066221127368
Rose D. (2022) George Orwell, objectivity, and the reality behind illusions. Perception. 3010066221094756
Rose D. (2019) The Painter in the Head: A New Fallacy? Perception. 301006619836354
Strasburger H, Huber J, Rose D. (2018) Ewald Hering's (1899) On the Limits of Visual Acuity: A Translation and Commentary: With a Supplement on Alfred Volkmann's (1863) Physiological Investigations in the Field of Optics. I-Perception. 9: 2041669518763675
Rose D. (2018) Shapiro, A. G., & Todorović, D. (Eds.). The Oxford Compendium of Visual Illusions Shapiro A. G. Todorović D. (Eds.). The Oxford Compendium of Visual Illusions . New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2017; 834 pp.: ISBN 9780199794607, £162.50/US$250.00 Hardback. Perception. 301006618778214
Longworth C, Deakins J, Rose D, et al. (2016) The nature of self-esteem and its relationship to anxiety and depression in adult acquired brain injury. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. 1-17
Rose D, Brown D. (2015) Idealism and materialism in perception. Perception. 44: 423-35
Rose D. (2015) Corrected: If that dress isn’t really blue and black, then does it even exist? Colour realism and the paradoxes of idealism F1000research. 4
Rose D, Bressan P. (2013) Intersection points of subjective contours in the reversed Poggendorff illusion F1000research. 4
Rose D, Bressan P. (2013) Poggendorff illusion with all-second-order contours F1000research. 4
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