Katharine A. Blackwell

University of Colorado, Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States 
cognitive development, cognitive flexibility
"Katharine Blackwell"
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Yuko Munakata grad student 2005-2010 CU Boulder
 (Mechanisms of cognitive control: Contributions from working memory and inhibition to task switching.)
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Chevalier N, Kurth S, Doucette MR, et al. (2015) Myelination Is Associated with Processing Speed in Early Childhood: Preliminary Insights. Plos One. 10: e0139897
Blackwell KA, Chatham CH, Wiseheart M, et al. (2014) A developmental window into trade-offs in executive function: the case of task switching versus response inhibition in 6-year-olds. Neuropsychologia. 62: 356-64
Blackwell KA, Munakata Y. (2014) Costs and benefits linked to developments in cognitive control. Developmental Science. 17: 203-11
Cepeda NJ, Blackwell KA, Munakata Y. (2013) Speed isn't everything: complex processing speed measures mask individual differences and developmental changes in executive control. Developmental Science. 16: 269-86
Blackwell KA, Cepeda NJ, Munakata Y. (2009) When simple things are meaningful: working memory strength predicts children's cognitive flexibility. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 103: 241-9
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