Similar researchers to Mathias Wernet: Advanced Search
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Mathias Wernet (Info) Stanford PQAtTheClavier 2017‑07‑31
Breanna Ford (Info) UC Berkeley (Chemistry Tree) Endocrinology/Toxicology breannadrew 2013‑03‑29 Sim(0.22)
Esther T. Stoeckli (Info) University of Zurich, Institute of Zoology veralein 2009‑07‑31 Sim(0.23)
Chin-An Wang (Info) Queens University eye movement, reading, attention joshwang 2010‑11‑19 Sim(0.24)
Zhihua Feng (Info) USC Schwann cells, Neuromuscular junctions pq 2015‑10‑13 Sim(0.26)
William T. Simonson (Info) UW Madison (Cell Biology Tree) Cell Biology pq 2016‑03‑16 Sim(0.26)
Ryuta Koyama (Info) Tokyo University gaya 2010‑04‑20 Sim(0.26)
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Beverly Emanuel (Info) Penn (GenetiTree) keeneyjg 2013‑11‑18 Sim(0.27)
Peng Lin (Info) Xiamen University (Marine Ecology Tree) xmmangrove 2015‑08‑09 Sim(0.27)
Myoung-Geun Song (Info) University of Nevada, Reno (Chemistry Tree) physical organic chemistry pq 2015‑10‑04 Sim(0.27)
Qiang Wang (Info) Fudan University, China alexolodkin 2019‑11‑17 Sim(0.27)
Xiaowu Zhang (Info) Brandeis (Cell Biology Tree) Cell Biology, Molecular Biology pq 2016‑01‑25 Sim(0.28)
R. Erik Edens (Info) University of Iowa (Chemistry Tree) Linhardt 2017‑08‑09 Sim(0.28)
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Andreas Prokop (Info) The University of Manchester Synapse formation, axonal growth, Drosophila Michael 2009‑07‑28 Sim(0.3)
David Michael Aronoff (Info) Vanderbilt Medical School Reproductive Immunology and Infectious Diseases daronoff 2018‑10‑14 Sim(0.3)
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Haleh Yazdi (Info) UCSD davidbarner 2020‑12‑24 Sim(0.32)
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Toshiyuki Harumoto (Info) Kyoto University (Japan) (FlyTree) mima120itsuki517 2019‑12‑07 Sim(0.33)
Barbara J. Crain (Info) Johns Hopkins patterns and mechanisms of neuronal vulnerability in different disease states george.perry 2010‑06‑12 Sim(0.33)
Zachary T. Schafer (Info) Notre Dame (Chemistry Tree) Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Oncology pq 2016‑03‑08 Sim(0.33)
Lisa V. Goodrich (Info) Harvard Medical School auditory system visquene007 2008‑09‑15 Sim(0.33)
Evelina Thunell (Info) Department of Clinical Neuroscience Karolinska Institutet jolen 2021‑02‑24 Sim(0.33)
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Brian J. Duistermars (Info) UCLA neurobiology markfrye 2010‑01‑16 Sim(0.33)
Jaedong Lee (Info) Korea University qksksk657 2015‑08‑25 Sim(0.33)
Michel Cayouette (Info) IRCM Pierre 2011‑07‑12 Sim(0.33)
Christine E. Holt (Info) Cambridge Axon growth and guidance wharris 2006‑08‑27 Sim(0.34)
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Meghan E. Brundage (Info) University of Cincinnati Schwann cell development pq 2015‑10‑14 Sim(0.34)
Sam Pleasure (Info) UCSF Cortical Development spleasure 2006‑11‑01 Sim(0.34)
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Carl L. Alsberg (Info) UC Berkeley (Chemistry Tree) protein metabolism, maize deterioration, sea mussels nutritive value, cell activity mechanisms, mold metabolism, fermentation theories jandh 2014‑01‑23 Sim(0.34)
Miguel A. Garcia (Info) Stanford bzuchero 2018‑11‑03 Sim(0.34)
Hanan Hindy (Info) University of Abertay (E-Tree) SupervisorX 2018‑06‑17 Sim(0.34)
Eduardo Solessio (Info) SUNY Upstate Medical University Retina gengbret 2010‑01‑09 Sim(0.35)
Joshua R. Sanes (Info) Harvard tamily 2005‑12‑01 Sim(0.35)
Amanda Blythe Diekman (Info) Miami University (PsychTree) Social Roles (Gender, Occupational, Family), Communal Goals, STEM Careers BrianWilkey 2013‑09‑25 Sim(0.35)
Kevin M. Wright (Info) OHSU Neural development, genetics kwrigh16 2009‑01‑20 Sim(0.35)
Isaak Rust (Info) University of Port Elizabeth (Evolution Tree) MEHJones 2018‑11‑09 Sim(0.35)
Gloria Fernández (Info) UCSF brico 2011‑12‑17 Sim(0.36)
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