Harvard Medical School

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Mohamed Abazeed Pathology Matthew Meyerson (post-doc)
Francisco AboitizComparative neuroanatomy, cognitive neuroscience Albert M. Galaburda (grad student)
Carmela R. AbrahamAmyloidosis, Alzheimer disease Neurobiology Dennis J. Selkoe (grad student), Huntington Potter (grad student)
Victoria E. AbrairaNeurobiology20032009 Lisa V. Goodrich (grad student)
Amitai AbramovitchNeuropsychology, Neuropsychiatry, ADHD, OCD, Impulsivity, Compulsivity
Katarzyna P. Adamala20072013 Jack W. Szostak (grad student)
Mehdi Aghdaeevision John A. Assad (grad student)
David Aguilar Daniel J. Lodge (grad student)
Elias AizenmanZinc, Potassium Channels, Apoptosis, Redox, NMDA, TOPA19851987 Stuart A. Lipton (post-doc)
Olu AjiloreBiological psychiatry19901992 Robert Stickgold (research assistant)
Kambiz Nassirpour AlavianParkinson's Horst Hubertus Simon (grad student)
Onder Albayram Medicine20142018 kun ping lu (post-doc)
Mark AlbersPhysiological Function and the Pathogenic Actions of Genes Implicated in Neurodegenerative Diseases
David Albers Neurology19971999 David G. Standaert (post-doc)
Ilayda Alkislar20192022 David D. Ginty (research assistant)
Douglas W. AllanNeuronal termination differentiation Stefan Thor (grad student)
Jay Allard
Jessica Allen20012002 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Jonathan E. AlpertDepression/Psychiatry
Veronica A. Alvarezsynaptic physiology and morphology, addiction Bernardo L. Sabatini (post-doc)
Adelbert Ames IIIRetinal Physiology, electrolytes in nervous tissue
Adelbert Ames, Jr.Visual perception, Binocular vision, Illusions19261928 Walter B. Lancaster (research scientist)
Mark Lawrence Andermannvisual system, mouse behavior R Clay Reid (grad student)
Susan L Andersen
Matthew Peter AndersonAutism, Epilepsy, Brain Development19972005 Susumu Tonegawa (post-doc), Michael J. Welsh (grad student)
Matthew P. Anderson
Brian AndrewsElectron microscopy, calcium Spyros Artavanis-Tsakonas (post-doc)
Miklos Antalvisual thalamus Wade G. Regehr (post-doc)
Todd E. AnthonyGenetic dissection of neural circuits that control stress-induced behavioral states
Rockwell R AnyohaBehavior Neuroscience2017 Sandeep Robert Datta (grad student)
Jessica Lynn Applerauditory system, circuit assembly, development
Michael Arcarovisual system Neurobiology2015 Margaret Livingstone (post-doc)
Hector Arciniega
Paola Arlotta20002006 Jeffrey D. Macklis (post-doc)
Marcelo Armendarizsystems neuroscience, computational neuroscience Gabriel Kreiman (post-doc)
Heather A. ArnettNeuroinflammation, multiple sclerosis20022004 Charles D. Stiles (post-doc)
Donald Arnoldion channels19971999 David E. Clapham (post-doc)
Dany Arsenault
Spyros Artavanis-Tsakonasnotch signaling
Meenakshi M AsokanNeuroscience, plasticity, hearing research Otolaryngology20162021 Daniel B. Polley (grad student)
John A. Assadattention, motivation19851991 David P. Corey (grad student)
Kutay Deniz AtabayNeurogenetics, Neurodevelopment, Neuroregeneration
Bulent AtamanActivity-dependent regulation of neurons and synapses2009 Michael E. Greenberg (post-doc)
Sarah Augood Neurology19971999 David G. Standaert (post-doc)
Tomer Avidor-Reisscilia, cell biology
Evelyn Avilés Neurobiology Lisa V. Goodrich (post-doc)
James B. AyerNeurology19071908 Myrtelle May Canavan (post-doc)
Anthony W. Azevedo20122015 Rachel I. Wilson (post-doc)
Eiman AzimDevelopment and function of motor control circuits20062010 Jason G. Emsley (collaborator), Jeffrey D. Macklis (grad student)
Hilmar Bading19891993 Michael E. Greenberg (post-doc)
Aaron Baer Clinical Neuroscience Division, Laboratory of Neuroscience, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School20032004 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Percival Baileyneurology, neurosurgery Harvey Williams Cushing (post-doc)
Orville T. BaileyNeuropathology Gilbert Horrax (post-doc), Stanley Cobb (post-doc), Tracy Putnam (post-doc), Derek Ernst Denny-Brown (post-doc)
Lukas Baitsch Jean Zhao (post-doc)
Lakshya BajajGenetics, Cell and molecular biology, Epigenetics, Biochemistry Genetics2019 Scott G. Kennedy (post-doc)
Chris Bakalcell morphogenesis, systems biology, mechanotransduction, cell imaging Genetics Norbert Perrimon (post-doc)
Allison E. BakerNeural Circuits, Physiology, Behavior Rachel I. Wilson (grad student)
Srividya Balasubramaniansonic hedgehog signaling
Brian A. Baldo19921993 Jeffrey D. Macklis (research assistant)
Thomas Ballinger Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory20092012 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
William E. Ballinger, Jr.Neuropathology Moses Judah Folkman (research scientist)
Matthew R. Banghartbehavioral reinforcement, analgesia, opioids, photochemistry2008 Bernardo L. Sabatini (post-doc)
Zheng-Zheng Bao Constance L. Cepko (post-doc)
Ben A. Barresglia19841990 David P. Corey (grad student)
John N. Barrettstress Edwin Furshpan (post-doc), David Potter (grad student)
Ellen F. Barrett Edwin Furshpan (post-doc), David Potter (post-doc)
Tim Bartels20092011 Dennis J. Selkoe (post-doc)
Asa Barth-Maron Neurobiology20152014 Michael E. Greenberg (research assistant), Rachel I. Wilson (grad student)
Marc Bartolihuman genetics, myology neurology19992001 Jonathan B. Cohen (post-doc)
Oded Barzelay Bertrand Delgutte (post-doc)
Radhika BasheerSleep
Isle Bastille Neurobiology Lisa V. Goodrich (grad student)
Alo C. Basustress, NMDA, psychiatric disease20052011 Joseph T. Coyle (post-doc)
Helen S. BateupMolecular mechanisms of synapse and circuit plasticity2008 Bernardo L. Sabatini (post-doc)
Robert W. BaughmanCholinergic system Torsten Wiesel (post-doc)
Parveen BawaNeuroscience, spinal cord, reflexes, motoneuron Physiology and Biophysics19821983 Elwood Henneman (post-doc)
Jeremy E. Bazinet20112015 Michael E. Greenberg (research assistant)
Bruce P. Beanion channels
Marjorie BeeghlyDevelopmental Science (Psychology) Developmental Medicine Edward Z. Tronick (research scientist)
David R. BeierENU mutagenesis, forebrain and cerebral cortex development Philip Leder (post-doc)
Michael BeierleinSynaptic transmission, Cortical circuitry20022007 Wade G. Regehr (post-doc)
Barbara S. Beltzneurogenesis Edward Kravitz (post-doc)
Baruj BenacerrafImmunology
Francine M. Benes
Thomas L. Benjamin
Christopher BenjaminEpilepsy, Memory, fMRI, Reading, Dyslexia20112012 Nadine Gaab (research scientist), Simon K. Warfield (post-doc)
Darwin K. Bergcholinergic system, development Zach W. Hall (post-doc), Gerald Fischbach (post-doc)
Nancy Berliner Philip Leder (post-doc)
Rachel Berman
Sabina BerrettaExtracellular matrix/neuron/glia interactions in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder
Eric Berry Clinical Neuroscience Division, Laboratory of Neuroscience, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School19992001 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Antoine BesnardHippocampal function in cognition and mood
Peter j. Bexvision
Semir Beyaz
Vikas BhandawatOlfaction Rachel I. Wilson (post-doc)
Rohan BhattacharyaStem cells, disease models, leukemia, immunology Pediatrics, Hematology/Oncology2024 Leonard I. Zon (post-doc)
Dionnet L. BhattiMotivated behavior, Neural Circuits, Neuromodulators Neurobiology2019 Gord J. Fishell (grad student)
Amico Bignami
Johannes BillComputational neuroscience, computational cognitive science, neuromorphic engineering
Marc D. BinderMotoneurons Physiology and Biophysics19821983 Elwood Henneman (research scientist)
Stephanie Blachon Tomer Avidor-Reiss (post-doc)
Seth BlackshawCell fate specification19992004 Constance L. Cepko (post-doc)
Craig Blackstone
Craig BlackstoneCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology Neurology19981999 David G. Standaert (research scientist)
Kimbria Blake Immunology20152020 Isaac Chiu (grad student)
Gary G. BlasdelVisual cortex
Christine Blaumueller Spyros Artavanis-Tsakonas (post-doc)
John BlenisCell biology
Dawn Blitz Wade G. Regehr (post-doc)
Brenda L. Bloodgood20072012 Michael E. Greenberg (post-doc)
Laurel Bobrow Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory20071010 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Vadim Y. Bolshakov
Paolo BonatoRehabilitation engineering, Biomechanics of movement, Electromyography
Vincent BoninSensory processing20062011 R Clay Reid (post-doc)
Azad BonniDevelopment, Morphogenesis, Signal Transduction, Apoptosis19911999 Michael E. Greenberg (grad student)
Richard T. BornVisual system David Hubel (post-doc), Margaret Livingstone (post-doc)
Lisa M. Boulangerbrain development and plasticity; immune proteins in the brain19992004 Carla J. Shatz (post-doc)
Gabriella L. BoultingStem Cell, Neurodegenerative diseases Neurobiology2012 Michael E. Greenberg (post-doc)
Henry Pickering BowditchPhysiology
D. Cristopher BraggNeuroscience20002004 Xandra Owens Breakefield (post-doc), James C. Ritchie (research assistant)
David H Branninnate behavior, olfaction
Heather C. Brenhouse20062008 Susan L Andersen (post-doc)
Robert Stafford Bridges
Samuel G. Brill-Weil
Amy BrockCell Biology, Molecular Biology, General Biophysics Sui Huang (post-doc)
Jeremy P. Brockesregeneration, stem cells19721975 Zach W. Hall (post-doc)
Solange P. Brown Richard H. Masland (grad student)
Courtney Brown
Anne Brunetneural stem cells, neurogenesis, aging Michael E. Greenberg (post-doc)
Rachael D. Brust2008 Susan M. Dymecki (grad student)
Gregory S. Bryman
Kathleen M. BuckleySynaptic vesicle biogenesis
Steven J. Burden Gerald Fischbach (grad student)
Ashley I. BushAlzheimer's Disease, metals, zinc, copper, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, ALS, neurodegeneration19921994 Rudolph E. Tanzi (post-doc)
George Bush
Georgia Bushell
Volker BusskampVisual system, vision restoration, optogenetic tools, microRNA2011 George M. Church (post-doc)
Daniel A. ButtsInformation theory, coding, estimation, vision Carla J. Shatz (post-doc)
Roberta CagnettaNeurobiology Cell BIology Dept. of Cell Biology2023 John Flanagan (collaborator), John Flanagan (post-doc)
Li CaiNeural Development and Disorders19972000 Constance L. Cepko (post-doc)
Xuyu CaiNeurogenesis
Sean W. CainCircadian Rhythms, Sleep, Sex Differences20062009 Charles Czeisler (post-doc)
Barak CaineBehavioral Pharmacology of Stimulant Drugs and Brain Dopamine Systems Jack Mendelson (research scientist)
Myrtelle May CanavanNeuropathology19051920 Elmer E. Southard (research scientist)
Walter Bradford CannonPhysiology Henry Pickering Bowditch (grad student)
Georgina CanoNeuroscience Clifford B. Saper (post-doc)
Horacio Cantiello
David O. Carpenter1964 Elwood Henneman (grad student)
Holly Carrington Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory2020 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Adam G. Carter20022006 Bernardo L. Sabatini (post-doc)
Christopher R CashmanMitochondria genetics, peripheral nerve degeneration, peripheral nerve regeneration Neurology2021 Craig Blackstone (post-doc)
Corinne CatherClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Rehabilitation and Therapy, Gerontology Edie Greene (grad student)
John P. Caulfield Marilyn Farquhar (grad student)
Verne S. Caviness, Jr.Neurology, child neurology, cortical development19691971 Richard L. Sidman (post-doc)
Constance L. Cepkodevelopment of the central nervous system of vertebrates, with an emphasis on the development of the retina; mechanisms of photoreceptor degeneration, and gene therapy for prevention of blindness
Maria Chahrour20092014 Chris A. Walsh (post-doc)
Nancy Chamberlinrespiratory neuroanatomy and physiology
Anna Chambers Daniel B. Polley (grad student)
Rui B. ChangSensory biology, autonomic physiology, vagus nerve
Rakshita A. CharanParkinson's disease, Parkin
Nirmalya ChatterjeeMetabolism
Soumya ChatterjeeVisual cortex R Clay Reid (post-doc)
Chinfei Chensynaptic physiology, visual system development19962000 Wade G. Regehr (post-doc), Roderick MacKinnon (post-doc), Peter Hess (grad student)
Jinhui Chen20012004 Jeffrey D. Macklis (post-doc)
Yao Chen Bernardo L. Sabatini (post-doc)
Yulong ChenSignaling, Epigenetic Regulation, and Molecular Neuropharmacology Robert R. Rando (post-doc)
Michael C. ChenSleep2012 Jun Lu (post-doc)
J. Jean ChenfMRI methodology, brain physiology, multimodal imaging in aging David H. Salat (post-doc)
Christopher H. Chen
Justine Chen Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory2020 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Wenqiang Chendrug addiction, depression, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease
Dong-Feng ChenBrain regeneration
Zheng-Yi ChenDevelopment, Function, and Disease State of the Inner Ear
Hwai-Jong Chengaxon guidance John Flanagan (grad student)
Anjen ChennDevelopmental Neuroscience Chris A. Walsh (post-doc)
Timothy J. CherryRetinal Development20012002 Chris A. Walsh (research assistant)
Andy ChessOlfaction
Selmaan Chettih Neurobiology2013 Christopher Harvey (grad student)
Nai-Kong V. Cheung Immunology Baruj Benacerraf (grad student)
Vincent A. Chiappinelli19771980 Richard E. Zigmond (post-doc)
E. Antonio ChioccaThe biology and experimental therapeutics of malignant brain tumors
Yeang H. ChngVisual system, visual cortex
Jun-Hyeong ChoSynaptic Plasticity, Learning and Memory20082012 Vadim Y. Bolshakov (post-doc)
So Yoen Choi Immunology2020 Isaac Chiu (post-doc)
Seungwon ChoiSomatosensory system
I-han Chou Clinical Neuroscience Division, Laboratory of Neuroscience19921993 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Alexi ChoueiriNeurotechnology, Bioengineering, Neuroengineering, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology Neurobiology Michael E. Greenberg (research scientist)
Brian W ChowNeuroscience Neurobiology2013 Chenghua Gu (grad student)
Budhaditya Chowdhurybehavioral neurogenetics Edward Kravitz (post-doc)
Yunxiang Chu
Kameron Kjelleren ClaytonAuditory neuroscience
Jonathan B. Cohen nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChR) and GABAa receptors
Justine E CohenfMRI, sex differences, depression Psychiatry Jill Goldstein (post-doc)
Adam S. Cohen Clinical Neuroscience Division, Laboratory of Neuroscience, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School20042006 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Frederick A. Coller Walter Bradford Cannon (grad student)
Matthew F Colliesomatosensation, motor cpgs Neurobiology2020 Rachel I. Wilson (grad student)
Keith Conners
Erin Connor Clinical Neuroscience Division, Laboratory of Neuroscience, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School20032005 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Taylor Copeland Neurobiology Lisa V. Goodrich (grad student)
Joseph C. Corbophotoreceptor transcriptional networks20022005 Constance L. Cepko (post-doc)
Claire Cordella
David P. CoreyIon channels, hair cells19741975 Ann E. Stuart (research assistant)
Sara Corriveau
Katharina E. CoskerRetrograde signaling Rosalind A. Segal (post-doc)
Beth A Costine-Bartelltraumatic brain injury, post-traumatic epilepsy, GABA receptors Neurology20152020 Kevin Staley (research scientist)
Douglas A. CotancheAuditory system
Gillian Coughlan
Christopher W. Cowan
Joseph T. Coyleglutamate
Jennifer Renee CromerClinical Neuropsychology
John J. Crowley2004 Wade G. Regehr (post-doc)
Timothy A. Currier Glenn David Rosen (research assistant), Albert M. Galaburda (research assistant)
Luciano Custo GreigDevelopment2009 Jeffrey D. Macklis (grad student)
Charles CzeislerNeurobiology of the Human Circadian Pacemaker Martin Moore-Ede (post-doc)
Kirk R. DaffnerCognitive aging, attention, novelty processing Marsel Mesulam (research scientist)
Onur DagliyanCell Signaling Department of Neurobiology Michael E. Greenberg (post-doc)
Lionel S. DahanLTP, memory, alzheimer, dopamine20032003 Bernat Kocsis (post-doc)
Doris Dahl Amico Bignami (collaborator)
Brian Dahlben Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory20122014 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Yu Yuki DaiSomatosensation, social behaviors, ASDs
Antonio Damasioneurology, neuropsychology Norman Geschwind (post-doc)
Francisco Max DamicoOphthalmology, Visual Neuroscience Lucy H. Young (post-doc)
Yang DanVisual Cortex R Clay Reid (post-doc)
Sandeep Robert Dattacircuits, innate responses, olfaction20042004 Bernardo L. Sabatini (post-doc), Stephen D. Liberles (collaborator)
Akash DatwaniCNS development, plasticity & degeneration Carla J. Shatz (post-doc)
Elizabeth David Clinical Neuroscience Division, Laboratory of Neuroscience, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School20002001 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Charles Davidson Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory20062008 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Christopher P DavisMolecular biology, gene expression, chromatin, neurodevelopment Neurobiology2018 Michael E. Greenberg (post-doc)
Bernard D. Davisbacterial genetics1940 Edwin Joseph Cohn (grad student)
Mitchell L. Dayauditory neurophysiology Bertrand Delgutte (post-doc)
Richard De La Garza, IIAddiction Neuroscience19961999 Bertha Madras (post-doc)
Joseph DeGutisSustained Attention, Cognitive Training, Face Recognition William P. Milberg (research scientist)
Donato del Camino Gary Yellen (post-doc)
Bertrand DelgutteAuditory system
Susan Demeo
Matthew DeSalvoEpilepsy20102011 Frances Jensen (grad student)
Peter DewsBehavioral pharmacology Otto Krayer (research scientist)
Carlos Manlio Díaz GarcíaNeuroscience2014 Gary Yellen (post-doc)
Daniel G. DillonEmotion Regulation2006 Diego Pizzagalli (post-doc)
Jun DingBasal ganglia, Parkinson disease, synaptic plasticity Bernardo L. Sabatini (post-doc)
Christopher Dodd Clinical Neuroscience Division, Laboratory of Neuroscience, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School19981999 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Ricardo E. Dolmetsch Michael E. Greenberg (post-doc)
Min DongClostridial neurotoxins
Robert Donnino Clinical Neuroscience Division, Laboratory of Neuroscience19951996 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Ryan T. Dosumu-JohnsonVocal Learning2011 Susan M. Dymecki (grad student)
Daniel B. DrachmanNeuromuscular diseases, myathenia gravis, trophic regulation of muscle Derek Ernst Denny-Brown (research scientist)
Mark Dreusicke Clinical Neuroscience Division, Laboratory of Neuroscience, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School20042006 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Laura Nicole DriscollG-protein coupled receptors Neurobiology2012 Christopher Harvey (grad student)
Noah R. Druckenbrod Lisa V. Goodrich (post-doc)
Jan DrugowitschStatistical computations and neuronal mechanisms underlying complex decisions and behavior under uncertainty
Catherine Dubreuil David Van Vactor (post-doc)
Anthone Dunah Neurology19972000 David G. Standaert (post-doc)
Michael A. DyerNeurogenesis Constance L. Cepko (post-doc)
Susan M. DymeckiHindbrain Development, Intersectional Fate Mapping
Senan Ebrahim20152019 Sydney S. Cash (grad student)
Cesar Echavarriavisual neuroscience20122014 Roger Tootell (research assistant)
Donald K. EddingtonCochlear Implants
John ElfarPeripheral neurotrauma, muscle atrophy Neurobiology19982000 John A. Assad (grad student)
David R. Elmaleh Radiology Department Zvi Rappoport (grad student)
Alan J. Emanuel Neurobiology20162022 David D. Ginty (post-doc)
Jason G. Emsleydevelopment, stem cells, glia20022008 Jeffrey D. Macklis (post-doc)
Elizabeth Carson EngleDevelopmental Neuroscience and Disease Pediatrics19921997 Alan H. Beggs (post-doc)
Michaela M EnnisComputational Psychiatry
Hal Ersner-Hershfieldemotion, aging Clinical Neuroscience Division, Laboratory of Neuroscience, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School20012003 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Yasmin Escobedo-Lozoya Genetics2018 Susan M. Dymecki (post-doc)
Neir EshelSystems and cognitive neuroscience, electrophysiology, optogenetics, fMRI, TMS, dopamine, computation Naoshige Uchida (grad student)
Emad Eskandar John A. Assad (post-doc), Garth Rees Cosgrove (post-doc)
Michael EstermanVisual attention, binding, synesthesia William P. Milberg (grad student)
Peter EvansBiogenic amine GPCRs Edward Kravitz (post-doc)
Kathryn E Evans
Megan Fagan
Ryann Fame20072013 Jeffrey D. Macklis (grad student)
Karl FarrowNeural Circuits, Retina, Visual System, Fly Richard H. Masland (post-doc)
Mel B. FeanyIn our laboratory we have created fruit fly models of human neurological diseases, including Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and a number of less common disorders Kathleen M. Buckley (grad student), Welcome Bender (post-doc)
Donna Fekete19791984 David K. Ryugo (grad student)
David A. Feldheim19942001 John Flanagan (post-doc)
David E. Fencsik Jeremy M. Wolfe (post-doc)
Sara J. Fenstermacher Neurobiology Rosalind A. Segal (grad student)
Maria de la Paz Fernandezcircadian rhythms and social behaviors Neurobiology20082013 Edward Kravitz (post-doc)
María de la Paz FernándezAggression Edward Kravitz (post-doc), María Fernanda Ceriani (grad student)
Diasynou (Diasinou) FioravanteSynaptic plasticity, learning, memory20062014 Wade G. Regehr (post-doc)
Yvette E. FisherCircuit computation, sensory processing Neurobiology2016 Rachel I. Wilson (post-doc)
Charles Miller Fisher,
Jamie K. Fitzgerald
John Flanagan
William W. FlemingPharmacology19571960 Ullrich Trendelenburg (post-doc)
Robert FlemingNotch Spyros Artavanis-Tsakonas (post-doc)
Ann C. FoleyAnimal Physiology Biology Mark Mercola (post-doc)
Moses Judah Folkmanangiogenesis research1957 Robert E. Gross (grad student)
Alexander Forbes19061910 Walter Bradford Cannon (grad student)
Charles Patrick FranceBehavioral pharmacology William H. Morse (post-doc)
Eric Frank Edwin Furshpan (grad student)
Michelle M. Frank Neurobiology20162021 Lisa V. Goodrich (grad student)
Blaise deBonneval FrederickfMRI, NIRS, cerebral hemodynamics, NMR, sodium Psychiatry19951997 Perry Renshaw (post-doc)
Eli Fredman Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory20122014 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
David J. FreedmanNeurophysiology of visual learning and memory20032008 John A. Assad (post-doc)
Winrich A. Freiwaldvisual system, face perception, attention, systems neuroscience20032005 Margaret Livingstone (post-doc)
Rose Fricker-Gates19982000 Jeffrey D. Macklis (post-doc)
Edwin Furshpan
Nadine Gaablanguage processing, reading development, developmental dyslexia, fMRI, brain, cognitive neuroscience
Harrison W. GabelmiRNA, C. elegans development and lifespan Neurobiology Michael E. Greenberg (post-doc)
Albert M. GalaburdaNeuroscience Norman Geschwind (post-doc), Friedrich Sanides (post-doc), Thomas L. Kemper (post-doc)
Robert Galambos Alexander Forbes (grad student)
Catherine Gallorineurobiology Cell Biology20182024 Stephen D. Liberles (research assistant)
Wendy Galpern Neurology20022003 David G. Standaert (post-doc)
Stephanie C. GantzG protein-coupled receptors, synaptic transmission, ion channels Neurobiology20152016 Bruce P. Bean (post-doc)
Monte Gates19972000 Jeffrey D. Macklis (post-doc)
Preston GeParkinson's disease
Nigel GebodhVisual system, Brain stimulation, tDCS, Physiology, EEG20132014 Felipe Fregni (research assistant)
Masha V. Gelfand
Dmitry Gerashchenkosleep neurobiology
Samuel GershmanComputational cognitive neuroscience of learning and memory
Norman GeschwindBehavioral neurology, language1951 Marcus Singer (grad student)
Shahab GhorashiPerception, Psychophysics, Visual Attention, Schizophrenia20092013 Kevin Spencer (post-doc)
Aurnab GhoseDevelopment and organisation of neural circuits David Van Vactor (post-doc)
Satrajit S. GhoshNeuroinformatics, Neuroimaging, Speech communication
Andrew J. Giesselsynaptic physiology, neuromodulation
Caitlin Gilbertneuroscience, epigenomics, epigenetics, evolution, language Neurobiology20132015 Michael E. Greenberg (research assistant)
John C. GillNeuroendocrine, reproduction Ursula B. Kaiser (post-doc)
Daniel Gilliam Neurobiology2017 Michael E. Greenberg (grad student)
Winthrop F GillisBehavior, Learning, Action Sequencing, Internal State, Olfaction
David D. Gintysignaling, neurotrophins, development, trophic factors Michael E. Greenberg (post-doc)
Michelle Giwerc
Joseph G. Gleeson Chris A. Walsh (post-doc)
Lindsey L. Glickfeldvisual cortex Department of Neurobiology20122013 R Clay Reid (post-doc), John HR Maunsell (post-doc)
Shom Goel Jean Zhao (post-doc)
Jeffrey A. GoldenPatterning and Cell Migration in the Developing Nervous System Constance L. Cepko (post-doc)
Joshua Goldenberg Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory20182020 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Daniel Goldowitz Richard L. Sidman (post-doc)
David A. GoldsteinBiophysics19601962 Arthur K. Solomon (post-doc)
Avram Goldsteinopioid pharmacology Otto Krayer (grad student)
Jill Goldstein
Camille Gomez-Labergevisual system2012 Richard T. Born (post-doc)
Heinrich S. GompfSleep, circadian
Tamir GonencryoEM of membrane proteins Thomas (Tom) Walz (post-doc)
Xue Gong Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory20152016 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Daniel A. Goodenough
Howard M. GoodmanGenetics & molecular biology
Lisa V. Goodrichauditory system
Joshua Gooleycircadian rhythms
Jayachandran Gopalakrishnan Tomer Avidor-Reiss (post-doc)
June Gotocortical development, TSC, hydrocephalus Translational Medicine20072012 David J. Kwiakowski (post-doc)
Ivan Goussakov Vadim Y. Bolshakov (post-doc)
Nathan W. Gouwens2005 Bernardo L. Sabatini (grad student)
Tom N. GrammatopoulosCell Biology, Neuroscience Biology Neurology20042006 David G. Standaert (post-doc)
Adam J. Grangerneuroscience, electrophsyiology, synaptic plasticity Neurobiology2013 Bernardo L. Sabatini (post-doc)
Jesse GrayHow transcriptional networks rewire neuronal circuits
Ashton GraybielSpatial Orientation Howard B. Sprague (research scientist)
Alan I. Green Joseph J. Schildkraut (grad student)
Kathryn Green Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory20122014 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Michael E. GreenbergNeuronal Transcription & Translation, Plasticity, Development, Synapse
Paul L. GreerNeurobiology2010 Sandeep Robert Datta (post-doc)
Richard I Gregory
Eric C Griffith
Carlye Griggs19992001 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Brian Grimwade Spyros Artavanis-Tsakonas (post-doc)
Chenghua GuNervous and Vascular System Development
Yiran GuFear Memory Psychiatry Vadim Y. Bolshakov (post-doc)
Francois P. Guillemot Constance L. Cepko (post-doc)
James (Jim) F. GusellaHuntington's Disease
Johanna Lee GutlernerScience Curriculum
Edgar HaberImmunochemistry
Ralf Haefner2013 Richard T. Born (post-doc)
David A. HaflerMultiple Sclerosis and Neuroimmunology19831986 Howard L. Weiner (post-doc)
Stephen J. Haggartyneuroplasticity, chromatin, neural stem cells
Ariel Hairston Jayeeta Basu (research assistant)
David J. Hall19851989 Charles D. Stiles (post-doc)
Penelope Hallett Neurology20022006 David G. Standaert (post-doc)
Gus F. HalwaniAuditory-Motor Interactions, White matter Neuroimaging Gottfried Schlaug (grad student), Donald K. Eddington (grad student)
Allison E. HamilosBasal ganglia, dopamine, timing, behavioral stochasticity Neurobiology2016 John A. Assad (grad student)
Kyung-Seok Han2017 Wade G. Regehr (post-doc)
Annie Handler2019 David D. Ginty (post-doc)
Keren Haroush Shaul Hochstein (grad student)
James M. Harrismolecular neuro
Gordon J. Harris
William A. Harrisneural development19761980 Torsten Wiesel (post-doc)
Louis S. HarrisPharmacology, opioid, pain, analgesics1958 Frederick C. Uhle (grad student)
Andrew L. Harrisconnexin channels19841985 Daniel A. Goodenough (post-doc)
Ronald M. Harris-Warrick Edward Kravitz (post-doc)
Anne C. Hart
David Hartley Spyros Artavanis-Tsakonas (post-doc)
Kenichi N. Hartmansynaptic plasticity2006 Carla J. Shatz (grad student)
Till S. HartmannVisual system20122019 Richard T. Born (post-doc)
H Criss HartzellIon Channels, Cell Signaling, Electrophysioloogy19731976 Stephen W. Kuffler (post-doc)
Christopher Harvey
Corey HarwellCellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Cortical Circuit Assembly
Javeria Ali HashmiPain, Neuroimaging Neurology Tal Kenet (post-doc)
Gal HaspelNeuroethology20042006 Anne C. Hart (post-doc)
Kathryn Hawley Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory20092011 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Edward HawrotMolecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology, General Biophysics Paul H. Patterson (post-doc)
Shigang He Richard H. Masland (post-doc)
Joshua Paul Head Neurobiology20142016 David D. Ginty (research assistant)
Selig HechtSensory biophysics19221924 Lawrence Joseph Henderson (post-doc)
Kenneth M. Heilmanattention, apraxia, language Derek Ernst Denny-Brown (post-doc)
Maxwell Heiman
Steven John Henleaxon guidance Lisa V. Goodrich (post-doc)
Elwood Henneman
Virginia Herdon Spyros Artavanis-Tsakonas (post-doc)
Cynthia Hernit-Grant19951997 Jeffrey D. Macklis (post-doc)
Todd HerringtonParietal cortex, Attention
Peter HessCalcium Channels
Ariel Edward HightAuditory System, Cortical Plasticity, Neuroprosthetics
Michael James HigleySystems and Synaptic neuroscience20072010 Bernardo L. Sabatini (post-doc)
John G. Hildebrandneurobiology, neurophysiology, olfaction, insect neuroethology19691972 Edward Kravitz (post-doc)
David Grant Colburn Hildebrand Neurobiology20152016 Wei-Chung Allen Lee (post-doc)
Anthony D. Hillcortical development Chris A. Walsh (post-doc)
Huey Hing Spyros Artavanis-Tsakonas (post-doc)
Yoji HiranoBiological psychiatry, Schizophrenia2011 Kevin Spencer (research scientist)
Hajime Hirasawa Akimichi Kaneko (research scientist)
Mark H. Histedcortex stimulation optogenetics computation20092016 R Clay Reid (post-doc), Vincent Bonin (collaborator), John HR Maunsell (post-doc)
Allan Hobson
Oliver Wendell Holmes
Miguel HolmgrenMolecular Neurophysiology Gary Yellen (post-doc)
Laura M. Holsenobesity, food motivation, depression, fMRI
Daphne Holtpsychiatry, functional neuroanatomy
John P. HornSynaptic Integration19801983 Torsten Wiesel (post-doc), Stephen W. Kuffler (post-doc)
Eran HornsteinALS, motor neuron, miRNA20032005 Clifford J. Tabin (post-doc)
Lingfeng Hou Neurobiology20162022 John A. Assad (grad student)
James C. HoukMotor systems Elwood Henneman (post-doc)
Piers DL HoweVisual system2003 Margaret Livingstone (post-doc)
Yamini J. Howe
William Henry HowellPhysiology18911892 Henry Pickering Bowditch (post-doc)
Lillian Hsu
Wenqin Huaxonal channel and network function Bruce P. Bean (post-doc)
Huang Huan
Kee Wui Huang
Ju HuangSynapse
Robert HuberNeuroethology19891992 Edward Kravitz (post-doc)
James Huettnerglutamate receptors, stem cells Neurobiology Bruce P. Bean (post-doc)
Court HullNeural Circuits, Cerebellum Wade G. Regehr (post-doc)
Yin P. (Rex) Hung20082012 Gary Yellen (grad student)
Albert Hung Neurology20002001 David G. Standaert (research scientist)
Reid HuntPharmacology
Elizabeth E. Hursleep, neuroanatomy, basal forebrain Clifford B. Saper (post-doc)
Gregory D. Hurlbut Spyros Artavanis-Tsakonas (post-doc)
Steven E. Hyman Howard M. Goodman (post-doc)
Minsuk Hyun2014 Bernardo L. Sabatini (grad student)
Leena Ali Ibrahim
Leena Ali Ibrahim
Yasuo Iharahttp://www.researchprofiles.collexis.com/jad/expert.asp?u_id=59 Dennis J. Selkoe (research scientist)
Yoshiho IkeuchiAxon growth, protein synthesis, motor nerve20072013 Azad Bonni (post-doc)
Jaime ImitolaNeural stem cells and Neuroimmunology Evan Y. Snyder (post-doc), Samia J. Khoury (post-doc)
Donald E. Ingberbiologically inspired engineering Moses Judah Folkman (post-doc), James D. Jamieson (grad student)
Nancy Y. IpNeuroscience Richard E. Zigmond (grad student)
Ole IsacsonNeuroregeneration
Giuliano IurilliOlfactory system Sandeep Robert Datta (post-doc)
Maryna V IvanchenkoHearing, Vision, Gene Therapy, Neuroscience
Denis Jabaudondevelopmental neurobiology20042008 Jeffrey D. Macklis (post-doc), Jason G. Emsley (collaborator)
Skyler L. Jackmansynaptic physiology Wade G. Regehr (post-doc)
Laurie Jackson-GrusbyEpigenetics, Cancer stem cells19871992 Philip Leder (grad student)
Amanda Jacobson Immunology20192020 Isaac Chiu (post-doc)
Anna Jaffe Neurobiology2018 Christopher Harvey (grad student)
Craig E. Jahrglutamate receptors, glutamate transporters, synaptic transmission Thomas M. Jessell (post-doc)
Tatjana C JakobsVisual system, glaucoma, retinal ganglion cells, astrocytes20002009 Richard H. Masland (post-doc)
Amy Jassen TurncliffmRNA expression linkage to receptor activity20032005 Bertha Madras (post-doc)
James M. Jeanne Rachel I. Wilson (post-doc)
Patricia (Tricia) Jensen Susan M. Dymecki (post-doc)
Frances JensenEpilepsy, Development
Thomas M. JessellSynaptic development Gerald Fischbach (post-doc)
Yang JiangVisual perception / Memory / Neuroimaging19951996 Richard T. Born (post-doc)
Chennan Jin Neurobiology20222024 Rachel I. Wilson (research assistant)
Kristin Johanson Spyros Artavanis-Tsakonas (post-doc)
Karl G. JohnsonDevelopment, axon guidance, synaptogenesis20012005 David Van Vactor (post-doc)
Anna P. Jost Cell Biology2014 Orion D. Weiner (grad student)
Pascal S. Kaeser
C. Ronald Kahn
Ursula B. KaiserNeuroendocrine, reproduction
Eileen S. Cohen Kane Anatomy D Kent Morest (grad student)
Akimichi Kanekoretinal neurophysiology David Hubel (grad student), Torsten Wiesel (grad student)
Incheol Kangvisual neurophysiology20062013 John HR Maunsell (post-doc)
Sona KangType II diabetes
Patrick O. KanoldAuditory system, Visual system, Development20002006 Carla J. Shatz (post-doc)
Yossi Kaplan Neurobiology2015 Dragana Rogulja (post-doc)
Lisa Kaplan Clinical Neuroscience Division, Laboratory of Neuroscience19921993 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Prakash KaraTwo-photon calcium imaging, binocular disparity, postnatal development, critical periods R Clay Reid (post-doc)
Maria Karapelou
K. Domenica KaravitakiHearing David P. Corey (post-doc)
Gabrielle KardonMuscle, development, regeneration, evolution Genetics19982004 Clifford J. Tabin (post-doc)
Sarina Karmacharya Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory20152018 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Morris J. KarnovskyPathological Anatomy
Yuta KatsumiAffect, memory, aging, intrinsic functional connectivity
Jonathan L. KatzBehavioral Pharmacology19781980 William H. Morse (post-doc)
Marc J. Kaufman Bertha Madras (post-doc)
Walter Kaufmannneurobiologic basis of mental retardation Albert M. Galaburda (post-doc)
Satvinder KaurSleep Neurobiology Priyattam J. Shiromani (post-doc), Clifford B. Saper (research scientist)
Bwarenaba KautuMolecular Neuroscience
Hokto KazamaSensory neuroscience2006 Rachel I. Wilson (post-doc), Akinao Nose (grad student)
Andrius Kazlauskas
Mark T Keating
Jonathan A. kelberCancer and Regenerative biology, receptor and non-receptor kinases Cell Biology and Ludwig Institute20172017 Joan S. Brugge (research scientist)
Ray Kelleher
Raymond KelleherCognition and Cognitive Disorders; the Role of Translational Regulation
Roger KelleherBehavioral pharmacology Otto Krayer (research scientist)
Ann Elizabeth KelleyLearning and Behavior, Glutamate, Dopamine, Basal Ganglia, Mesolimbic pathway, Food Intake Walle J. H. Nauta (post-doc)
Regis B. Kellyneuro-signaling and long-term memory1971 Zach W. Hall (post-doc)
Scott G. Kennedy
Kimberly Sayer Kerr Genetics19982005 Norbert Perrimon (research assistant)
Catherine KerrSomatosensory Attention in Meditation20052011 Christopher I. Moore (post-doc)
Zayd M. Khaliq Neurobiology Bruce P. Bean (post-doc)
Mehak M. KhanDeep cerebellar nuclei, synaptic plasticity, neuronal excitability Neurobiology2017 Wade G. Regehr (grad student)
Usman Khan Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory20062008 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Mudasir Ahmad KhandaySleep research Neurology2017 Clifford B. Saper (post-doc)
Michael Kharas George Q. Daley (post-doc)
Lena Khibnik2011 Bernardo L. Sabatini (post-doc)
Samia J. Khoury Neuroimmunology
Samia Joseph Khoury
Ron Kikinissurgical planning, neuroimaging
Douglas S. KimNeuroscience20022008 Constance L. Cepko (post-doc)
Kwang-Soo KimMolecular Mechanisms of Catecholaminergic-specific Gene Regulation
Mee-Ohk KimHuntington's disease Neurology20042006 David G. Standaert (research scientist)
Jongseong Kimsingle molecule biophysics Timothy A. Springer (grad student)
Jejoong KimSchizophrenia, Motion perception, Biological motion, fMRI, working memory Yue Chen (post-doc)
Junchul Kimgenetics, neural circuitry, hippocampus2005 Susan M. Dymecki (post-doc)
Tae-Kyung KimActivity-regulated genetic program20022009 Michael E. Greenberg (post-doc)
Tae KimSleep2008 Robert W. McCarley (post-doc), Radhika Basheer (post-doc)
Albert H. KimCancer biology, Neurobiology Azad Bonni (post-doc)
Minsu KimConnectomics Neurobiology20192022 Wei-Chung Allen Lee (research assistant)
Sunny Kim
Matthew Kimble Clinical Neuroscience Division, Laboratory of Neuroscience19911993 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Fumitaka KimuraBarrel cortex, plasticity Robert W. Baughman (post-doc)
Rebecca King
Craig Howard KinsleyNeuroscience, neuroendocrinology, animal behavior Robert Stafford Bridges (grad student)
Chris KintnerNeurogenesis, neural induction, cilia, Xenopus, cadherins Douglas A. Melton (post-doc)
Shinichiro Kira2014 Christopher Harvey (grad student)
Molly J. KirkVoltage Imaging and Drosophila Biology Neurology Neurobiology20132015 Bradley T. Hyman (research assistant), R Clay Reid (research assistant)
Noriyuki Kishi2003 Jeffrey D. Macklis (post-doc)
Elizabeth Klerman
Meredith Klump Clinical Neuroscience Division, Laboratory of Neuroscience, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School20022004 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Evdokiya Knyazhanskaya Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory2019 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Philip C. KoVisual memory and attention20022005 William P. Milberg (research assistant), Regina McGlinchey (research assistant), David T. Wilkinson (research assistant)
James B. Koblerphysiology, voice
Bernat Kocsis
Sodikdjon A. Kodirovsynaptic transmission Ich U. Me (research scientist)
Thomas KoeglspergerParkinson's disease (PD)20082011 Dennis J. Selkoe (post-doc)
Inga Katharina KoerteEffects of traumatic brain injury on the brain’s structure function and development, neuroimaging, concussion, chronic traumatic encephalopathy, diffusion MRI, sex differences, brain development
Robert Koffie
Isaac KohaneIntegrative genomics of cancer and development
Vasileios KokkinosEpilepsy Surgery, Epilepsy, Clinical Neurophysiology, Neurophysiology of Sleep, Functional Neuroimaging, Cortical Electrical Stimulation
Dong KongNeural Circuitry and Synaptic Plasticity of Neuron-Metabolism20112013 Bernardo L. Sabatini (post-doc)
Edward H. Koohttp://www.researchprofiles.collexis.com/jad/expert.asp?u_id=62 Dennis J. Selkoe (post-doc)
Julie Korenberg Albert M. Galaburda (grad student)
Walter J. KoroshetzNeurology, stroke, neurotoxicity, Huntington's disease Neurology19842009 Edwin Furshpan (post-doc), David P. Corey (post-doc), Charles Miller Fisher, (research scientist)
Matthew Koskowski
Hans KosterlitzEnkephalin19531954 Otto Krayer (research scientist)
Dora Kovacsmolecular events underlying neurodegeneration in aging, and particularly in Alzheimer’s disease Rudolph E. Tanzi (post-doc)
Dorothy M. Kovealgenetically encoded fluorescent biosensors Neurobiology2016 Gary Yellen (post-doc)
Yevgenia Kozorovitskiy20082014 Bernardo L. Sabatini (post-doc)
Dimitri KraincCell Biology, Disease, Molecular Neuroscience, Neurobiology of Disease Neurology20002001 David G. Standaert (research scientist)
Edward KravitzTransmitter biochemistry Stephen W. Kuffler (research scientist)
Otto KrayerAutonomic nervous system
Lauren J Kreeger2019 Lisa V. Goodrich (post-doc)
Ashley Kricun
Fenna KrienenfMRI, human connectome, connectivity, cerebellum, prefrontal cortex Genetics Steven McCarroll (post-doc)
Jeroen Krijgsveld20032003 Steven P. Gygi (post-doc)
Aaron T KuanConnectomics
Raju S Kucherlapatigenetics
Karsten Kueppenbender Neurology19971999 David G. Standaert (post-doc)
Stephen W. KufflerVisual system
Louis KunkelHuman genetics, muscular dystrophy Samuel A. Latt (post-doc)
Chung-Chin KuoSodium channels19931994 Bruce P. Bean (post-doc)
Anna Kutschireiter Neurobiology20192022 Jan Drugowitsch (post-doc)
David J. Kwiakowski
MiYoung KwonVisual perception, Low vision, pattern recognition2012 Peter j. Bex (post-doc)
Young Kwon Genetics Norbert Perrimon (grad student)
Hyungbae KwonSynapse/Circuit plasticity20082012 Bernardo L. Sabatini (post-doc)
Jun Soo Kwon Robert W. McCarley (post-doc)
Debbie La Plante
Baptiste LacosteNeurovascular Neurobiology20122015 Chenghua Gu (post-doc)
Rosa Lafer-Sousavision, color, cognition20082013 Bevil R. Conway (research assistant)
Nicole Lai Immunology20142019 Isaac Chiu (grad student)
Jasmin LalondeNeuronal transcription, calcium signaling, plasticity, synapse, neural stem cells, biological psychiatry20122017 Stephen J. Haggarty (post-doc)
Lois A. LampsonImmunobiology of the Nervous System and its Tumors
Walter B. Lancaster
Story C. Landis19741983 Richard L. Sidman (grad student), David Potter (research scientist), Edwin Furshpan (research scientist), Paul H. Patterson (collaborator)
Salomon Z. LangerMonoamines Ullrich Trendelenburg (grad student)
Peter T. Lansbury, Jr.http://www.researchprofiles.collexis.com/jad/expert.asp?u_id=78
Erik Larsenauditory physiology, efferents M. Charles Liberman (grad student)
Samuel A. Latt Bert Lester Vallee (grad student)
Lauren Lau
Alexander LaVenture
Sue Law Clinical Neuroscience Division, Laboratory of Neuroscience19931994 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Michael Lawlor20072011 Alan H. Beggs (post-doc)
Kevin Juneos Mei LeNeuroscience Neurobiology20172019 Michael E. Greenberg (research assistant)
Aristides Leão Hallowell Davis (grad student)
Blair Leavitt19971999 Jeffrey D. Macklis (post-doc)
Philip LederGenetics
Jaeeon LeeAction selection, topography, circuit Neurobiology20152021 Bernardo L. Sabatini (grad student)
GaYoung Lee Neurobiology Cell Biology20162016 Thomas L. Schwarz (grad student), Stephen D. Liberles (post-doc)
Henry LeeBrain plasticity, GABA, rare disease Neurobiology20132020 Alexander Rotenberg (post-doc)
Beth Leeman Albert M. Galaburda (post-doc)
Ty Leespsychophysiology; development; cognition
Robert J. LefkowitzG protein-coupled receptors19701973 Edgar Haber (post-doc)
Brendan Peltonen Lehnert David D. Ginty (post-doc), Richard W. Aldrich (research assistant)
William Lennox
Alberto Leo Neurology20022003 David G. Standaert (research scientist)
Michael Letinsky U. J. McMahan (post-doc)
Simon LeVay David Hubel (post-doc)
Laura Levin-Gleba Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory20142016 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
David N Levinebehavioral neurology, cerebrovascular neurology,
Brian Levinememory, frontal lobes, traumatic brain injury, rehabilitation, neuropsychology, brain imaging William P. Milberg (grad student)
Elizabeth Lewis
Joshua Shing Shun Li Genetics2019 Norbert Perrimon (post-doc)
Hu Li Medicine George Q. Daley (post-doc)
Shun LiLearning, synaptic plasticity, BMI, motor systems
Zhiying LiNeuroscience, Optical methods Venkatesh N. Murthy (grad student)
Yan Lisynaptic transmission, synaptic plasticity Vadim Y. Bolshakov (post-doc)
Qian LiOlfactory system
Peng LiAlzheimer's disease, translational health science, cardiovascular control, health evaluation Division of Sleep Medicine20152018 Kun Hu (post-doc)
Jinhong Li Neurology19992002 David G. Standaert (post-doc)
Zecai Liang2013 Stephen D. Liberles (grad student)
Camilo Libedinsky
Stephen D. LiberlesOlfaction and pheromone signaling, Vagus nerve
M. Charles LibermanAuditory Neurophysiology1982 Nelson YS Kiang (grad student), David K. Ryugo (collaborator)
Jeff W. Lichtman1984 Eric Frank (post-doc)
Ronald K. H. LiemCytoskeleton19751978 Michael L. Shelanski (post-doc)
Laura E. Lillian Constance L. Cepko (post-doc)
Chun Limbehavioral neurology
Kah Leong LimMolecular Mechanisms underlying Parkinson’s disease Department of Pathology20022003 Azad Bonni (post-doc)
Emily R. LimanChemicals senses, TRP channels19921994 Linda B. Buck (post-doc), Peter Hess (grad student)
Yingxi LinSynapse Development Michael E. Greenberg (post-doc)
Zhicheng Lin
Emi Ling Neurobiology20112018 Michael E. Greenberg (grad student)
Stuart A. LiptonNeurodegenerative Disease Torsten Wiesel (post-doc)
Kalman Lissakneuroscience19371939 Walter Bradford Cannon (grad student)
Nadia Kathryn LittermanCerebellar granule neuron development
Liza Litvina
Zhihua LiuDrosophila, Behavior, Sleep2013 Dragana Rogulja (post-doc)
Lucy LiuNeurodegeneration, Lipid metabolism, neuron glia communication, Drosophila, mice Genetics2017 Norbert Perrimon (post-doc)
Shijia Liuneural circuits, systems neuroscience2022 Bernardo L. Sabatini (post-doc)
Hesheng LiuMemory, Language, Vision Randy L. Buckner (post-doc), Gabriel Kreiman (research scientist)
Frederick LiveseyCortical development19982001 Constance L. Cepko (post-doc)
Sofia B. Lizarraga Chris A. Walsh (post-doc)
Eng LoMechanisms of Cell Death in Stroke and Trauma
Julianna R. Locantore
Jeffrey A. LoebEpilepsy, Neuregulin Gerald Fischbach (post-doc)
Mary LoekenMolecular Regulation of Neural Tube Development
Cesare T. Lombroso
Jennifer B. LongSynaptic development20092014 David Van Vactor (post-doc)
Katherine Long Clinical Neuroscience Division, Laboratory of Neuroscience, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School20032005 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Joseph J. LoTurco19921994 Constance L. Cepko (post-doc)
Shan LouPain, Sensory neurons20072013 Qiufu Ma (grad student)
Isabel LowNavigation20132015 Maxwell Heiman (research assistant)
David D Lowe Genetics2020 Scott G. Kennedy (grad student)
Bradford LowellThe neural basis for hunger
Laura Lowerycell migration, cytoskeleton, axon guidance20082013 David Van Vactor (post-doc)
Carlos Manuel LoyaNeurobiology, microRNA, synapses, actin
Jun LuREM sleep,
Kun Ping LuMolecular mechanisms and treatments of Alzheimer's disease and cancer
kun ping lu
Natalia Luchkina Vadim Y. Bolshakov (post-doc)
Lisa C. LuciaCognitive neuroscience, memory, spatial cognition, perception Clinical Neuroscience Division, Laboratory of Neuroscience, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School20022005 Kevin Spencer (research assistant), Robert W. McCarley (research assistant), Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Joaquin V. Luco Physiology Physiology19371938 Walter Bradford Cannon (post-doc), Arturo Rosenblueth (post-doc)
Victor LuriaGenetics, Biophysics, Neuroscience
Hans Rudolf Lüscher Elwood Henneman (grad student)
Andrew Lutas20102015 Gary Yellen (grad student)
Kelsey Luu Biomedical Informatics20172020 Timothy J. Cherry (research assistant)
Ralph Lydic Martin Moore-Ede (post-doc)
Krissy A. LyonNeuroscience, serotonin Genetics2015 Susan M. Dymecki (grad student)
Monica Lyons Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory20182020 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Xiang Ma Constance L. Cepko (post-doc)
Le Ma
Marcy E. MacDonaldHuntington's disease, NCL
Richard B. MacDonald19942001 David P. Corey (grad student)
Jessica MacDonald2008 Jeffrey D. Macklis (post-doc)
Raymond J. MaciewiczPain, oculomotor control
Jeffrey P MacKeigancancer biology, cancer genomics, target identification, rare disease20032004 John Blenis (post-doc)
Jeffrey P. MacKeiganNeuroinflammation20032004 John Blenis (post-doc)
Jeffrey D. MacklisCortical Development and Regeneration Richard L. Sidman (grad student), Richard L. Sidman (post-doc)
Stephen L. Macknikvisual system, olfactory system, imaging, electrophysiology19962001 David Hubel (post-doc), Margaret Livingstone (grad student)
Paul D. MacLeanNeurology Stanley Cobb (grad student)
Anita A. Madan Clinical Neuroscience Division, Laboratory of Neuroscience, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School20002002 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Giacomo MaddaloniSerotonin System Genetics2018 Susan M. Dymecki (post-doc)
Bertha MadrasPsychobiology NEPRC Psychiatry20052006 Zhicheng Lin (collaborator)
Sanjay Magavi19982003 Jeffrey D. Macklis (grad student)
Stéphane F. MaisonHearing M. Charles Liberman (post-doc)
Marta Majdan Carla J. Shatz (post-doc)
Joseph MajzoubHypothalamic gene function and regulation
Shiva Ram MaleColour vision , Optometry & Vision science, Visual Psychophysics, Bionocular Vision, Visual Cognition, Culture and Colour, Psycholinguistics. Schepens Eye Research Institute-MEEI2023 Eli Peli (post-doc)
Wasim Q. MalikBrain-machine interfaces, two-photon calcium imaging, neural decoding, point process theory Maurizio Fava (research scientist)
Athar N. MalikNeural Circuits, Neuronal Transcription, Genomics, Neurosurgery20072013 Michael E. Greenberg (grad student)
Ryan T. MaloneyVision Neurobiology20182020 Matthew Y. Pecot (post-doc)
Gail MandelNeuronal cell identity, REST Thomas L. Benjamin (post-doc)
Gil Mandelbaum
Eden B. ManessOrexin; Attention; Schizophrenia Psychiatry2021 Robert E. Strecker (post-doc)
Arjun K. Manrai
Eleftheria Maratos-FlierHypothalamic regulation of central and systemic function related to energy balance
Seth Shatkin MargolisNeurobiology Michael E. Greenberg (post-doc)
Douglas B. Markant Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory20052008 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Katerina Markopoulou Spyros Artavanis-Tsakonas (post-doc)
Jeffrey E. MarkowitzBasal ganglia, biosensors, motor control, machine learning Neurobiology Neurobiology2016 Bernardo L. Sabatini (post-doc), Sandeep Robert Datta (post-doc)
Sean Marrettvision, neuroimaging1999 Roger Tootell (post-doc)
Susana Martinez-Condevisual system, vision, perception, eye movements, consciousness, awareness, art, illusions19972001 David Hubel (post-doc)
Juan-Ramón Martínez-François2010 Gary Yellen (post-doc)
Richard H. Masland Adelbert Ames III (post-doc), Donald Olding Hebb (grad student)
Peggy Mason19831987 Raymond J. Maciewicz (grad student)
Crystian I Massengill Neurobiology Mark Lawrence Andermann (grad student)
Kevin J. MastroNeuroimmune, Prefrontal Cortex, Basal ganglia
Seiji Masuda Robin Reed (post-doc)
Hiroaki MatsunamiOlfaction19962001 Linda B. Buck (post-doc)
John HR MaunsellVision
J. Patrick Mayovison, eye movements, cognition20112015 John HR Maunsell (post-doc)
David R. Mazumdersensory cortex, epilepsy Neurobiology20222025 Alexander Rotenberg (grad student)
Paola Mazzoni Clinical Neuroscience Division, Laboratory of Neuroscience19951997 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Carrie McAdamsEating Disorders; Neuroimaging; Identity R Clay Reid (post-doc)
Daniel McCaffrey Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory20112012 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Robert W. McCarleySchizophrenia, Neurobiology of Sleep and Dreaming
Steven McCarrollHuman genome variation, schizophrenia, and the molecular biology of neurons and microglia
Michael J. McConnellsomatic mosaicism, neuro-immuno development20042008 Carla J. Shatz (post-doc)
Regina McGlincheyAging, Amnesia1985 William P. Milberg (collaborator)
James W. McKearneyBehavioral Pharmacology19661969 William H. Morse (post-doc), Peter Dews (post-doc), Roger Kelleher (post-doc)
Kathleen McKee
Donald E. McMillan Peter Dews (post-doc), William H. Morse (grad student)
Ich U. Me
Ryan P. MearsNeurodevelopment, Schizophrenia, Inhibitory Gating2009 Kevin Spencer (post-doc)
Dimphna H. Meijer Charles D. Stiles (grad student)
Kathleen F. MeliaBehavioral Pharmacology, Vision Peter Dews (post-doc)
Haley E MelikianDopamine Transporters, psychostimulant addiction Neurobiology19972000 Kathleen M. Buckley (post-doc)
Nancy K. Mellodrug addiction
Shan Meltzer Neurobiology2017 David D. Ginty (post-doc)
Jinghao Menvirus entry BCMP2020 Stephen C. Harrison (grad student)
Lorne M. Mendellspinal cord, plasticity, neurotrophins, synapse, pain Elwood Henneman (post-doc)
Jack Mendelson
Zhiqiang MengCongnition Neuroscience20102017 James Rowlett (post-doc)
Karl MenningerPsychoanalysis1917 Elmer E. Southard (grad student)
Lotfi MerabetPlasticity Alvaro Pascual-Leone (grad student)
Amanda R. Merner
Susan Michaeliss.cerevisiae, membrane biology, ABC transporters, protein degradation mechanisms1982 Jonathan R. Beckwith (grad student)
Thomas MiconiComputational neuroscience, visual system, attention Rufin VanRullen (post-doc), Gabriel Kreiman (post-doc), Alastair Channon (grad student)
Susanna B. MierauDevelopment, sensory cortex, NMDA receptors, AMPA receptors
Lauren Mifflin Cell Biology2016 Junying Yuan (grad student)
William P. MilbergAphasia, Aging, Dementia and Risk for Dementia,
Lorin S. Milescu Neurobiology Bruce P. Bean (post-doc)
Gregory M. MillerNeuroscience Bertha Madras (post-doc)
Noah E P MilmanAlzheimer's disease, sleep, neurodevelopment, social behavior20192021 Elizabeth Klerman (research assistant)
Elliott S. Milner
Matthias Minderer2013 Christopher Harvey (grad student)
George Richards Minothematology
Isabelle M. Mintzbasal ganglia Bruce P. Bean (post-doc), Wade G. Regehr (post-doc)
John MislowNeural prosthetics, neurosurgery
Bartley Mitchell20012004 Jeffrey D. Macklis (post-doc)
Takeyuki Miyawaki
Perry MolinoffSignal transduction1967 Edward Kravitz (grad student)
Cynthia S Moncada-Reidauditory neuroscience, molecular neurobiology
Erik Mondrow Clinical Neuroscience Division, Laboratory of Neuroscience19891990 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Rebecca A. Mongeon2011 Gary Yellen (post-doc)
Edwin S. MonukiDevelopmental Biology Chris A. Walsh (post-doc)
Brandon MooreVision20112012 Margaret Livingstone (research assistant)
Alexandra K. MooreAuditory Cortex Neurobiology Rachel I. Wilson (grad student)
R Channing MooreAudition
Martin Moore-EdeCircadian rhythms, light, sleep
Ari S. MorcosDeep Learning, Decision Making, Systems Neuroscience, Neural Circuitry Neurobiology20122016 Christopher Harvey (grad student)
Laurel Sophia MorrisPsychiatry, neuropsychopharmacology David A. Silbersweig (research assistant)
Eric Morrow Constance L. Cepko (grad student), Chris A. Walsh (post-doc)
William H. MorseBehavioral pharmacology Otto Krayer (research scientist)
Jacqueline Rose Mosko Neurobiology20162019 David D. Ginty (research assistant)
Eric A. MoultonPain Anesthesia20052008 David Borsook (post-doc)
Julien Muffatstem cells, neurodegeneration, inflammation, pathological aging, microglia, neuro-immune Rudolph E. Tanzi (grad student)
Abhishek MukhopadhyayDevelopmental Neuroscience2009 Susan M. Dymecki (post-doc)
Eric M. Mulhall Neurobiology2015 David P. Corey (grad student)
Kenneth J. Mullersynaptic plasticity, regeneration19731975 John G. Nicholls (post-doc), U. J. McMahan (post-doc), Sanford L. Palay (post-doc)
Janet Mullingtonsleep
Eric Murillo-RodriguezSleep; endocannabinoids20012005 Priyattam J. Shiromani (post-doc)
Alexander J. Murphycortical development2011 Jeffrey D. Macklis (grad student)
William Parry Murphy
Joseph E. Murraytransplantation immunology1943 Arthur T. Hertig (grad student)
Gail Musenpsychology
Siva Nagappan-Chettiar Hisashi Umemori (grad student)
Jonathan (JoJo) J. NassiVisual system, functional anatomy, optogenetics20072011 Richard T. Born (post-doc)
Carla NauSodium channels; TRP channels; Local anesthetics; Pain plasticity Gary Strichartz (post-doc)
Victor M Navarro
Dylan Neel20182023 Isaac Chiu (grad student)
Richard Neubig pharmacolgy1980 Jonathan B. Cohen (grad student)
Shay Q. Neufeld Bernardo L. Sabatini (grad student)
Dominick Newell Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory20142016 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Leannah N Newman Neurobiology Neurobiology20172020 Wade G. Regehr (research assistant), Christopher H. Chen (research assistant)
Tuan Minh Nguyen
Vera Niederkoflerserotonergic neurons2010 Susan M. Dymecki (post-doc)
Margaret Niznikiewicz
Colin A. Nursecarotid body, hypoxia Neurobiology19711977 David Potter (grad student)
Cyril N.A NyankerhVisual Neuroscience Vision Rehabilitation20162018 Jae-Hyun Jung (grad student)
Donald O'Malley Richard H. Masland (grad student)
Katherine O'Neal Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory20142015 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Lindsay M. Oberman (Shenk)Empathy, Mirror Neurons, TMS, plasticity
Dimitry OfengeimNeurodegeneration Junying Yuan (post-doc)
Kenichi Ohki R Clay Reid (post-doc)
Hirokazu Ohta
Nana J Okada
Benjamin Okaty Susan M. Dymecki (post-doc)
Tatsuo Okubo Neurobiology2015 Rachel I. Wilson (post-doc)
Olubusola Olukoya Neurobiology Lisa V. Goodrich (grad student)
Adeola Oni-Orisan
Lauren Orefice Neurobiology20142018 David D. Ginty (post-doc)
Richard K. Orkand Stephen W. Kuffler (post-doc)
Martin Ornehypnosis1958 Robert W. White (grad student)
Vaclav OurednikStem cells, neuroregeneration19982001 Richard L. Sidman (research scientist)
Scott F. Owen20022004 David P. Corey (research assistant)
Edward K. Owusu-AnsahModeling Mitochondrial Stress Signaling Networks in Drosophila.20092014 Norbert Perrimon (post-doc)
P. Hande OzdinlerCell Biology, Molecular Neuroscience, Neurobiology of Disease, Systems Neuroscience20032008 Jeffrey D. Macklis (post-doc)
Kadir OzkanRegenerative Neuroscience, Induced Neurogenesis2010 Jeffrey D. Macklis (research scientist)
Christopher C. PackVisual system19982005 Richard T. Born (post-doc), Aaron R. Seitz (collaborator)
Camillo Padoa-Schioppa John A. Assad (post-doc)
Senthil Palanivelu Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory20192020 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Caroline Palavicino-Maggio Neurobiology Edward Kravitz (post-doc)
Sanford L. Palayneurocytology, synaptic structure William F. Windle (collaborator), William F. Windle (grad student)
Jai P. Pandey
Francisco J. ParadaCognitive Neuroscience, Social Neuroscience Kevin Spencer (post-doc)
Aravindakshan ParthasarathyHearing Research, Neurophysiology, Evoked Potentials Eaton-Peabody Labs, Mass Eye and Ear2014 Sharon G. Kujawa (post-doc)
Mahsa ParvizPediatric Neurology, Epilepsy, SSADH deficiency, Disorders of GABA metabolism
Paola Patella Neurobiology2015 Rachel I. Wilson (grad student)
Medha M. PathakIon channels20062010 David P. Corey (post-doc)
Paul H. Patterson David Potter (post-doc), Edwin Furshpan (post-doc)
David L. Paul Neurobiology Daniel A. Goodenough (grad student)
David J. PaulsenNumerical Cognition Neurobiology Daniel A. Goodenough (grad student)
Bruna S. PaulsenPluripotent Stem Cells
Matthew Y. PecotMolecular mechanisms underlying the assembly of neural circuits
Rui PeixotoSynaptic plasticity2012 Bernardo L. Sabatini (post-doc)
Paula Pelavin
Alaka Pellock
Virginia Penhune Clinical Neuroscience Division, Laboratory of Neuroscience19881990 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Raniero L. Peru Edward Kravitz (post-doc)
Ralph Emilio Petersonsystems neuroscience, ethology, behavior, auditory neuroscience, computational neuroscience Neurobiology20132019 Sandeep Robert Datta (research assistant)
Michael PetridesBehavioral Neuroscience Norman Geschwind (research scientist)
Noah Pettit Neurobiology2015 Christopher Harvey (grad student)
John S. PezarisVisual Prosthesis, Functional Microcircuitry R Clay Reid (post-doc)
Jasper S PhelpsNeuroscience Neurobiology20162021 Wei-Chung Allen Lee (grad student)
Anna Philpott Marc W. Kirschner (post-doc)
Xianhua PiaoCell-extracellular matrix interaction in brain development and malformation
Valeria Piazza20062010 David P. Corey (post-doc)
Felipe pinho-ribeiro
Elena Piskounova Children's Hospital Boston20072011 Richard I Gregory (grad student)
Skyler S. Placedecision making, non-verbal behavior, mate choice20042006 Jeremy M. Wolfe (research assistant)
Mark R. Plummer Peter Hess (post-doc)
Daniel B. PolleyAuditory System
Elizabeth Pollina20082014 Anne Brunet (grad student)
Carlos Ramon PonceVisual system, motion processing Gabriel Kreiman (post-doc)
David Potter
Gabrielle PouchelonGABAergic interneuron development, cortical circuits
Claudia PradaAlzheimer's, melatonin
Kara G. Pratt Paul A. Rosenberg (research assistant)
Daniel Z. Press Albert M. Galaburda (post-doc)
Nicholas S. PriceVisual system20052009 Richard T. Born (post-doc)
Byron H PriceSystems Neuroscience, Sensory Systems, Active Sensing, Sensorimotor Control, Reinforcement Learning Neurobiology2023 Sandeep Robert Datta (post-doc)
Catherine ProenzaSinoatrial node, HCN channels20022005 Gary Yellen (post-doc)
Nick Prunier Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory2020 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Dale Purves19681971 John G. Nicholls (post-doc)
Lijun Qineuroscience Neurobiology2019 David D. Ginty (grad student)
Bridget N. Queenan Cell Biology2003 Joan S. Brugge (research assistant)
Sara Rabbit
Arnold R RabinRetinal Electrophysiology
Samuel RabkinHSV Vectors for Cancer Therapy
Tommi RaijHuman, TMS, MEG, EEG, fMRI, Tractography, Physiology, Neuropsychiatry, Source modeling, Instrumentation
Rajendhran RajakumarEvo-Devo, Developmental Genetics, Epigenetics, Integrative Physiology Genetics2017 Norbert Perrimon (post-doc)
Pasko Rakic Paul Ivan Yakovlev (post-doc)
Indira M. Ramanion channels, synaptic transmission19961998 Bruce P. Bean (post-doc)
Ricardo Noel RamirezImmunology, genomics, chromatin, networks
Chen RanInternal sensory system Department of Cell Biology2017 Stephen D. Liberles (post-doc)
Robert R. RandoBiochemistry of Vision
Kimberly L. RappNeuroendocrine, Sleep, Rhythms
Stine RasmussenNeural stem cells and Inflammation Jaime Imitola (grad student)
Andrew Rausch Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory20082010 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Supratim RayGamma Oscillations, Attention, Vision, Somatosensory, 20082012 John HR Maunsell (post-doc)
Stephen A. Raymond
Sasha RayshubskiyDrosophila systems neuroscience2014 Rachel I. Wilson (grad student)
Robin ReedmRNA nuclear export, splicing
Randall R. ReedOlfaction Philip Leder (post-doc)
Kristina J. Rehm Rosalind A. Segal (post-doc)
Louis F. ReichardtNeuronal development19741977 Paul H. Patterson (post-doc), Torsten Wiesel (post-doc)
R Clay ReidVisual system Patrick O. Kanold (collaborator)
Wisam ReidComputational Neuroscience, Auditory Neuroscience, Biological Intelligence, Machine Learning, Spatial Audio SHBT2019 Anne Takesian (grad student)
Benjamin Reid Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory20162019 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Pamela Reinagelvisual system, computation & theory19972002 R Clay Reid (post-doc)
Kimberly Reinhold Bernardo L. Sabatini (post-doc)
Perry Renshaw
William Renthalneuroscience2014 Michael E. Greenberg (post-doc)
Kerry J. ResslerMolecular Biology, Genetics, and Neural Circuitry of Fear in Animals and Human Fear-Related Disorders
Juan G. Reyes19791984 Dale John Benos (grad student)
Richard Van Rhoads Clinical Neuroscience Division, Laboratory of Neuroscience19951996 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Ryan Richardson20112016 Pamela A. Silver (grad student)
Jenny L. RichmondInfant memory and brain development Charles A. Nelson (post-doc)
Ann Rittenhouse Richard E. Zigmond (post-doc), Peter Hess (post-doc)
Elizabeth Rizzoni Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory2018 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Keiramarie Robertson Neurobiology20152019 Bernardo L. Sabatini (research assistant)
Edwin Robertsonmemory
Joshua S. RodeferBehavioral Pharmacology Roger D. Spealman (post-doc)
Dragana RoguljaSleep
Santiago RompaniVisual System, development, lineage, virology2005 Constance L. Cepko (grad student)
Stephen D. RoperChemosensory Neuroscience Stephen W. Kuffler (post-doc)
Jonathan Rosand Neurology Walter J. Koroshetz (post-doc)
Matthew Frederick RoseNeurodevelopment
Glenn David RosenDyslexia; brain QTLs Albert M. Galaburda (post-doc)
Paul A. Rosenbergglutamate transporters
Valerie F. RosenbergClinical Psychology, Mental Health, Women's Studies Clinical Neuroscience Division, Laboratory of Neuroscience, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School20012002 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Botond M. RoskaVisual system, Retina20022005 Constance L. Cepko (post-doc)
Laura Rosnow
William N. Ross Ann E. Stuart (post-doc)
Sarah E. Ross
Jaime M. Rossmitochondrial dysfunction and epigenetic alterations in aging, brain aging, and neurodegenerative diseases Genetics2015 David Sinclair (post-doc)
Elsa RossignolEpilepsy Gord J. Fishell (post-doc)
Brad S. RothbergK+ channels19992002 Gary Yellen (post-doc)
Shlomo Rotshenkerregeneration, microglia U. J. McMahan (post-doc)
Guy A. RouleauNeurogenetics James (Jim) F. Gusella (grad student)
Demetris K. Roumis Neurobiology20092012 R Clay Reid (research assistant)
Philippe P. Roux Cell Biology20022006 John Blenis (post-doc)
Dheeraj S. RoyThalamus, Cognition, Psychiatric Disorders20112012 Stephen D. Liberles (research assistant), Gilad Barnea (collaborator)
Caroline A. RunyanVisual Cortex Neurobiology2012 Christopher Harvey (post-doc)
Charles O. RutledgeNeuropharmacology19631966 Roger Kelleher (grad student), Norman Weiner (grad student)
Sujung Ryu Gary Yellen (post-doc)
Bernardo L. SabatiniSynaptic Transmission and Plasticity19941998 Wade G. Regehr (grad student)
Cameron Sadegh2008 Jeffrey D. Macklis (grad student)
Rona Sadja Eitan Reuveny (grad student)
Patrick K. Safo
Tim Sainburgneuroethology Neurobiology2022 Sandeep Robert Datta (post-doc)
David H. SalatRadiology Jeri S. Janowsky (grad student)
Julie Sandell Richard H. Masland (post-doc)
Ivan J. SantiagoVisual system development20142013 Matthew Y. Pecot (grad student), Tadmiri R. Venkatesh (research assistant)
Yero Saponjian20082011 Brian Tseng (grad student)
Arunesh SarasNeurobiology Neurobiology20192020 Matthew Y. Pecot (post-doc)
Peter B. Sargent Department of Neurobiology19711975 Zach W. Hall (grad student)
Souvarish Sarkar Pathology2018 Mel B. Feany (post-doc)
Raffaele SarnataroSleep, sleep homeostasis Department of Genetics20162016 Constance L. Cepko (grad student)
Yuka Sasaki Roger Tootell (post-doc)
Takashi R. SatoVisual system, two photon imaging20032004 Wade G. Regehr (post-doc)
Jessica Lizette Saulnier Bernardo L. Sabatini (research assistant)
Arpiar Bruce SaundersBasal Ganglia Circuitry Bernardo L. Sabatini (grad student), Steven McCarroll (post-doc)
Norman Saunders Neurobiology Jack Diamond (grad student)
Kayle S. SawyerNeuroscience Biology, Behavioral Psychology20092014 Gordon J. Harris (grad student)
Thomas Scammellsleep anatomy and physiology, narcolepsy
Melitta SchachnerCell adhesion molecules Richard L. Sidman (post-doc)
Peter F. Schade Neurobiology Neurobiology20192019 Margaret Livingstone (research assistant), Margaret Livingstone (collaborator)
Samantha M SchaefferHippocampal Network Dynamics Neurobiology Neurobiology Neurobiology20152017 Mustafa Sahin (research assistant), Jonathan O. Lipton (collaborator), Meera E. Modi (collaborator)
Aaron Schain Instructor in Anesthesiology Jaime Grutzendler (grad student)
Benjamin D. SchankerPsychiatric & Neurodevelopmental Genetics
Anna C. Schapirolearning, memory, sleep Psychiatry2015 Robert Stickgold (post-doc)
Clemens ScherzerTranslational Genomics of Parkinson’s Disease: Cause, Cures, Diagnostics
Joseph J. SchildkrautBiological psychiatry, catecholamines
R. I. SchoenfeldBehavioral pharmacology, Anxiety models
Stephen M. Schuetze Daniel A. Goodenough (post-doc)
Daniel P. Schwartz Clinical Neuroscience Division, Laboratory of Neuroscience, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School20022004 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Nelson Scottgale Spyros Artavanis-Tsakonas (post-doc)
Megason, SeanDevelopment of the spinal cord and inner ear using in toto imaging in zebrafish
Michael M. SegalNeurogenetics, channelopathies, epilepsy, microisland cultures19871992 Edwin Furshpan (post-doc)
Aaron R. SeitzSensory Systems, Perceptual Learning20022005 John A. Assad (post-doc)
Terrence J. SejnowskiComputation & Theory19791982 Stephen W. Kuffler (post-doc)
Dennis J. Selkoehttp://www.researchprofiles.collexis.com/jad/expert.asp?u_id=1 19751977 Michael L. Shelanski (post-doc)
Anindya K. SenSpinal Muscular Atrophy20052007 Spyros Artavanis-Tsakonas (post-doc), Brian D. McCabe (grad student)
Bettina SeriAuditory System
Julia E. SeroCell biology20022009 Donald E. Ingber (grad student)
Khalid ShahTherapeutic and diagnostic stem cells for neurological disorders
Luke Shaheenauditory system M. Charles Liberman (grad student)
Mark H. ShalinskyBrain rhythms
Farnaz Sharif
Nutan Sharma Neurology20012006 David G. Standaert (post-doc)
Slater SharpNeuroscience Neurobiology2018 Sandeep Robert Datta (grad student)
Carla J. ShatzDevelopment, visual system19761978 Torsten Wiesel (post-doc), David Hubel (grad student), Pasko Rakic (post-doc)
Volney Sheenforebrain dysgenesis19931997 Jeffrey D. Macklis (grad student)
Lavinia SheetsAuditory System, Ribbon Synapse, Noise Damage, Synapse Regeneration
Jie ShenMolecular Basis of Alzheimer’s Disease and Parkinson’s Disease
Jun ShenGenes involved in the development and function of the cerebral cortex20032012 David P. Corey (post-doc)
Morgan ShengSynaptic Plasticity19861990 Michael E. Greenberg (grad student)
Martha Elizabeth Shentonschizophrenia, neuroimaging, diffusion tensor imaging, magnetic resonance imaging, MRI, PTSD Robert W. McCarley (research scientist)
Gordon M. G. ShepherdCortical Microcircuitry19861993 David P. Corey (grad student)
Gordon M. ShepherdOlfaction Derek Ernst Denny-Brown (grad student)
Gordon Frederick ShermanDyslexia Albert M. Galaburda (grad student)
Andrea R. Sherwood Clinical Neuroscience Division, Laboratory of Neuroscience19931996 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Ryong-Moon Shinsynaptic mechanisms Vadim Y. Bolshakov (post-doc)
Seth L. Shipmanneuroscience, electrophysiology, synaptic transmission, neurodevelopment, synthetic biology
Priyattam J. ShiromaniCataplexy
Sara Shnider2006 Jeffrey D. Macklis (grad student)
Prerana ShresthaNeuroscience20022003 John Blenis (research assistant)
Brikha R. Shresthaauditory system, development2013 Lisa V. Goodrich (post-doc)
Richard L. SidmanNeuropathology, neuroimaging, neuronal migration, genetics19601967 Norman Weiner (collaborator), George B. Wislocki (grad student)
Philip SiekevitzMolecular biology of PSDs Paul C. Zamecnik (post-doc)
Annelise Silva Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory20182020 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Mauro S.B. SilvaNeuroendocrinology
Jerry SilverAxon guidance, spinal cord injury19741976 Richard L. Sidman (post-doc)
Marisa M. SilveriAlcohol, adolescence, neuroimaging20012003 Marc J. Kaufman (post-doc)
Richard J. Simacerebellum,20082012 Edward Kravitz (research assistant)
Lawrence C. SincichVisual cortex1999 Gary G. Blasdel (grad student)
Marcus SingerNeuroanatomy, developmental neurobiology19421948 George B. Wislocki (post-doc)
Austen Sitko Neurobiology Lisa V. Goodrich (post-doc)
Kathleen K. SiwickiCourtship conditioning, fruit flies, drosophila Edward Kravitz (grad student)
Clarke R. Slaterneuromuscular junction19661969 Edward Kravitz (post-doc)
Stephen EP Smithautism20082011 Matthew Peter Anderson (post-doc)
Homer William Smithrenal physiology19231925 Walter Bradford Cannon (post-doc)
Daniel Eric SmithVisual System
Olive C. Smith
Lois EH Smith
Richard S. SmithNeurobiology, Ion channels, cortex, sodium channels Genetics and Genomics Chris A. Walsh (post-doc)
R. Scott Smith
Katherine Smith Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory20062012 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Kelsey Smith
Lloyd Smith Clinical Neuroscience Division, Laboratory of Neuroscience, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School19921993 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Charles B. SmithMonoamines, opioids, drugs of abuse19611966 Peter Dews (grad student), Ullrich Trendelenburg (grad student)
Evan Y. Snyder Constance L. Cepko (post-doc)
U. Shivraj Sohur Neurology20062006 Jeffrey D. Macklis (post-doc), David G. Standaert (research scientist)
Gilberto Jose Soler-llavinaSynaptic physiology, calcium imaging, plasticity, consumption of fine whiskey20012007 Bernardo L. Sabatini (grad student)
Jonathan Solinger
Nathaniel Somes Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory20162018 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Hannah Somhegyi2013 Dragana Rogulja (grad student)
R. Brian SommervilleNeuromuscular disease19981999 Edwin Furshpan (research assistant)
Bryan J. Song2014 Dragana Rogulja (grad student)
Yuyu SongNeuroscience, neurodegeneration, cell biology, biochemistry, translational research, therapeutics
Peter Sorgersystems biology, cancer
Karin Elaine SorraNeuroscience Kristen M. Harris (grad student)
Mari SosaHippocampal Learning and Memory20102012 Richard T. Born (research assistant)
Constantino SoteloCerebellar system19651967 Sanford L. Palay (post-doc)
Elmer E. SouthardNeuropathology, psychiatry
Magdalena Spencer Clinical Neuroscience Division, Laboratory of Neuroscience, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School20012003 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Kevin Spencerhow cognitive processes arise from the dynamics of neural systems, time-frequency EEG, computational modeling, neural bases of sensory processing & perception and executive control in healthy and schizophrenic individuals.
Nicholas C. SpitzerNeurotransmitter switching, Neuroplasticity Edwin Furshpan (grad student), David Potter (grad student)
Howard B. Sprague
Timothy A. SpringerImmunology
Padmapriya Srinivasan
Kevin Staley
David G. StandaertParkinson's disease19791982 Edward Kravitz (research assistant)
David Ernest Stark
Sarah StarossomNeural stem cells and Inflammation20082011 Jaime Imitola (grad student)
Judith Stegmullerneurodevelopment, neurodegeneration, UPS20032008 Azad Bonni (post-doc)
Charles D. Stilesdevelopmental neurobiology
Kai-Florian StorchCircadian, Chronobiology, Genetics Charles Weitz (post-doc)
Lynn Stravinski
Robert E. Strecker
Anthony Stretton Edward Kravitz (grad student)
Gary StrichartzPersistent pain, Molecular and Cellular Mechanism
Michael P. StrykerDevelopment, Visual system19751978 David Hubel (post-doc)
Ann E. StuartEducational software in neurophysiology19691971 Zach W. Hall (post-doc)
David A Stumpfbiochemistry, mitochondrial disorders, lysosomal disorders Neurology Cesare T. Lombroso (post-doc)
Lewis Sudarsky Charles F Barlow (post-doc)
Nicola Sumorok Clinical Neuroscience Division, Laboratory of Neuroscience, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School20012003 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Daniel SunGanglion cell apoptosis
Yi Eve SunNeural stem cells and epigenetics Michael E. Greenberg (post-doc)
J Gregor Sutcliffemolecular neuroscience19771981 Walter Gilbert (grad student)
Jonathan Sutton Clinical Neuroscience Division, Laboratory of Neuroscience, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School19982000 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Sophia Swago Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory20162018 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Kenton Jon SwartzIon channels Neurobiology Neurobiology19931997 Bruce P. Bean (grad student), Roderick MacKinnon (post-doc)
Talis Swisher
Kathryn J. Swoboda Neurology19961998 Alan H. Beggs (post-doc)
Valerie Sydnor Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory20152018 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Josh SykenVisual system Carla J. Shatz (post-doc)
Danielle Synderman Clinical Neuroscience Division, Laboratory of Neuroscience, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School19981999 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Yoshi TagawaVisual system20002004 Carla J. Shatz (post-doc)
David A. TalmageNeuregulin Pathology19831988 Thomas L. Benjamin (post-doc)
Dimira TambunanNeurogenetics, Cortical Development20112013 Maria Chiara Manzini (research assistant)
Kaloyan Stefanov Tanev Laboratory of Neuroscience, Department of Psychiatry20112018 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (grad student)
Mathew C. Tantamaoptical biosensors to study metabolic and oxidative stress in neurodegeneration associated with Parkinson’s disease20082014 Gary Yellen (post-doc)
Rudolph E. Tanzihttp://www.researchprofiles.collexis.com/jad/expert.asp?u_id=11 James (Jim) F. Gusella (grad student)
Tamara TasoffEEG, Schizophrenia
Stephen B Tatterbrain and pituitary tumors, image-guided neurosurgery, stereotactic radiosurgery, deep brain stimulation, trigeminal neuralgia, human brain catecholamine measurement19921997 Ole Isacson (post-doc)
Sudhir Gopal TattikotaHematopoiesis, Diabetes Genetics2016 Norbert Perrimon (post-doc)
Sohail Tavazoie Bernardo L. Sabatini (post-doc)
Christopher Patrick Taylorpattern vision, aging, glaucoma, autism, myopia 20112013 Peter Bex (post-doc)
Eric TaylorChild psychiatry, Child neuropsychiatry Keith Conners (grad student)
Nesibe Z TemizOlfaction, Development, Neural Circuits Boston Children`s Hospital20142016 Clifford Woolf (grad student)
Douglas P TerryMRI, fMRI, DTI, schizophrenia, emotion, alzheimers, dementia Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory20072010 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Kankshi Thakur
Stephen ThankachanBrain stem locomotor system, Cataplexy, Rhythm Clifford B. Saper (research scientist), Jun Lu (research scientist)
Suzanne Tharin2007 Jeffrey D. Macklis (post-doc)
Stephen C. Thornquist
Jennifer W. Tideyaddiction, behavioral pharmacology, psychopharmacology, behavior19941996 Jack Bergman (post-doc)
Iris Titos Vivancos2014 Dragana Rogulja (post-doc)
Mark Todtenkopf Psychiatry19921997 Francine M. Benes (research assistant)
Leslie P. TolbertDevelopment Cell Biology and Anatomy19781981 John G. Hildebrand (post-doc), D Kent Morest (grad student)
Alexis Andrie ToliverNeurobiology Neurobiology20152017 David D. Ginty (research assistant)
Sarah Toner Clinical Neuroscience Division, Laboratory of Neuroscience, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School20002002 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Roger TootellVisual cortex
Louis J. Toth19962001 John A. Assad (post-doc)
Ullrich TrendelenburgAutonomic nervous system Otto Krayer (research scientist)
Barry Andrew TrimmerInvertebrate neurobiology, robotics Edward Kravitz (post-doc)
George H. Trksak
Alex Trottvisual system, corticocortical feedback2011 Richard T. Born (grad student)
Tatsuya TsukaharaOlfactory system2014 Sandeep Robert Datta (post-doc)
Evgeny Tsvetkovsynaptic transmission. synaptic plasticity Vadim Y. Bolshakov (post-doc)
Luis M. TuestaAddiction
Keith Tullysynaptic transmission, synaptic plasticity Vadim Y. Bolshakov (post-doc)
Josef Tureceksynaptic transmission Neurobiology20192019 Wade G. Regehr (grad student), David D. Ginty (post-doc)
John C. Tuthillbrains and trains Neurobiology20122015 Rachel I. Wilson (post-doc)
H Richard Tyler Neurology Derek Ernst Denny-Brown (post-doc)
Christopher P. Tzeng Neurobiology20122019 Michael E. Greenberg (grad student)
Nicole J. UllrichNeuro-oncology
Benjamin D Umanssensory neuroscience Department of Cell Biology20142019 Stephen D. Liberles (grad student)
Hisashi UmemoriSynapse formation
W Martin UsreyVision R Clay Reid (post-doc)
Alexandra Vaccaro Neurobiology2016 Dragana Rogulja (post-doc)
David C. Van EssenVisual system David Hubel (post-doc), Torsten Wiesel (post-doc)
Gary Van Hoesen1969 Deepak Pandya (post-doc)
Lucas S. Van OrdenMonoamines, immunohistochemistry19661967 Ullrich Trendelenburg (post-doc)
David Van VactorDevelopment, axon guidance, synaptogenesis Corey S. Goodman (post-doc)
Pierre VanderhaeghenDevelopmental neurobiology John Flanagan (post-doc)
Wim Vanduffelvisual cortex organization and function Roger Tootell (post-doc)
Eric R VaughnMolecular and Behavioral Neuroscience Neurobiology2017 Catherine Dulac (grad student)
Vasanth Vedantham Stephen C. Cannon (grad student)
Hugo Vega-Ramirez
Bram-Ernst VerhoefVisual system, attention, shape, disparity2012 John HR Maunsell (post-doc)
Christopher D. VerricoAddiction Neuroscience Bertha Madras (post-doc)
Brynn Vessey Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory2019 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
George Vidal20062007 Carla J. Shatz (research assistant)
Marc Vidal
Mauricio F. VillamartDCS, TMS, brain stimulation Neurology and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation20112013 Felipe Fregni (post-doc)
Justin L. VincentCognitive Neuroscience2013 Margaret Livingstone (post-doc)
Bradley W. Vinescognitive neuroscience, music, stroke rehabilitation, non-invasive brain stimulation - transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)20052007 Gottfried Schlaug (post-doc)
Melissa A. VollrathNeurobiology20022008 David P. Corey (post-doc)
Mai-Anh T. Vumotivation, learning, memory, dopamine, fiber photometry, fMRI, in vivo rodent electrophysiology Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory20092012 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Wolfgang Wagner2007 M. Charles Liberman (grad student)
Daniel Wagner Systems Biology2019 Allon M. Klein (post-doc)
Erin J. WamsleyPsychobiology, Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Neuroscience
Sean K. Wang20152021 Constance L. Cepko (grad student)
Yandan WangNeuroscience Stephen D. Liberles (grad student)
Binxu WangVisual system, Computational modeling, Generative model, Geometry
Youzhen Wang19961998 Jeffrey D. Macklis (post-doc)
Chih-Chieh WangSynaptic Physiology2013 Wade G. Regehr (post-doc)
Alice Wang Neurobiology2012 Christopher Harvey (post-doc)
Christopher P. Wardsleep, learning and memory Robert E. Strecker (post-doc), Robert W. McCarley (post-doc)
Simon K. WarfieldMRI, DTI, fMRI, Epilepsy, Pediatric Imaging, Tuberous Sclerosis Complex
David P. Waterman Cell Biology20092012 Daniel Finley (research assistant)
Roxanna M. WebberCortical coding, thalamocortical transformations, somatosensory, adaptation20062012 David P. Corey (post-doc)
Daniel R. WeinbergerSchizophrenia, Imaging, Genetics Joseph J. Schildkraut (post-doc)
Norman WeinerNeuropharmacology, neurochemistry, catecholamines19611966 Ullrich Trendelenburg (research scientist)
Caleb WeinrebComputational analysis of behavior
Keiko Weir Neurobiology20142016 Bruce P. Bean (research assistant)
Charles WeitzMolecular Biology of Mammalian Circadian Clocks
Lindsay A. Welikovitch Neurology2021 Bradley T. Hyman (post-doc)
David K. WelshCircadian Rhythms Steven M. Reppert (grad student)
Anne E. Westactivity-regulated transcription, synaptic development19901996 Kathleen M. Buckley (grad student)
Elena A WesteindeOlfaction, Lateral Entorhinal Cortex, Navigation, Drosophila Central Complex Department of Neurobiology2020 Rachel I. Wilson (grad student)
Monte WesterfieldMolecular genetics of human disease; Usher syndrome19791980 Eric Frank (research scientist)
Christopher WeyrerNeurophysiology, Synaptic Transmission, Synaptic Plasticity Department of Neurobiology Department of Neurobiology20152018 Wade G. Regehr (grad student), Wade G. Regehr (collaborator)
Jessica Whited Clifford J. Tabin (post-doc)
Thomas WhitfordSchizophrenia, EEG, ERP, cognitive neuroscience20082010 Kevin Spencer (post-doc)
Jonathon Paul Whitton Daniel B. Polley (grad student)
Laura Wiegand
Ziv WilliamsNeurosurgery, Neuroprosthetics Emad Eskandar (grad student)
Julie A. Williamssleep, immune system, drosophila19961998 Steven M. Reppert (post-doc)
Erika Williams
Ross S. WilliamsonAuditory systems neuroscience
Anne Marie Wills Neurology20052006 David G. Standaert (post-doc)
Rachel I. Wilson
Peter Wilson-Braun Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory20192020 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Carol Winett
Carla Carol WinterRegeneration; Brainstem; Single-cell Neurobiology2019 Zhigang He (grad student)
George B. WislockiComparative anatomy
Sarah L. Withey20172019 Bertha Madras (post-doc)
Rochelle M. WittShh-proteoglycan Interactions
Laurens WitterCerebellum, Electrophysiology, in vitro, in vivo Neurobiology20132016 Wade G. Regehr (post-doc)
Michael WolfeMolecular Mechanisms of Neurodegenerative Diseases and Therapeutic Approaches
Raymond C.S. WongElectrophysiology Tobias Elze (post-doc)
Tsung-Ung WooCortex and schizophrenia
Sophie Woolston Clinical Neuroscience Division, Laboratory of Neuroscience, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School20032004 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Long-Jun WuGlia, Ion channel, pain, memory20082012 David E. Clapham (post-doc)
Richard J. WurtmanCell membrane Peter Dews (grad student)
Thomas Wuttke2008 Jeffrey D. Macklis (post-doc)
Jun XuBombyx and Drosophila genetics Genetics2019 Norbert Perrimon (post-doc)
Matthew A. Xu-Friedman19972004 Wade G. Regehr (post-doc)
Talene A. Yacoubian Neurology20052007 David G. Standaert (post-doc)
Paul Ivan YakovlevNeurology, neuropathology, brain development, myelination
Emre YaksiSytems Neuroscience Rachel I. Wilson (post-doc)
Xianjie YangDevelopment of the vertebrate eye and retina19891996 Constance L. Cepko (post-doc)
chun yangsleep2010 Robert W. McCarley (post-doc)
Yingzi Yang Lee Niswander (grad student)
Nicole Yang Immunology20152022 Isaac Chiu (post-doc)
Bruce YanknerMolecular Genetics of Aging and Neurodegenerative Disorders
Wei-Dong YaoSynaptic plasticity and remodeling, dopamine
Ee-Lynn Yap Neurobiology2014 Michael E. Greenberg (grad student)
Barry Yedbonicknotch Spyros Artavanis-Tsakonas (post-doc)
Ann Yee U. J. McMahan (post-doc)
Gary YellenIon Channel Biophysics, Metabolism and Excitability
Charles Yergatian
Robert Mearns YerkesPrimatology19131917 Elmer E. Southard (research scientist)
Joanne Yewneuropeptides
Seung-Yun Yoo20042007 Chris A. Walsh (post-doc)
Yuko YotsumotoCognitive Neuroscience Yuka Sasaki (post-doc)
Ali YousefiNeurostatistics, Neural Engineering
Dou Yustem cells
Hong Yu
Wei-Ming YuAuditory System Neurobiology20092015 Lisa V. Goodrich (post-doc)
Junying YuanMechanisms of Programmed Cell Death
Xiaomin Yuevisual system20072011 Roger Tootell (post-doc)
Andrea R Yungaxon guidance Neurobiology20132018 Lisa V. Goodrich (grad student)
Daniel Zaksas John A. Assad (post-doc)
Paul C. ZamecnikProtein biosynthesis and anti-sense DNA
Gen ZenNeurogenesis
Stephen ZhangBehavioral neurogenetics20142018 Dragana Rogulja (grad student), Michael A. Crickmore (grad student), Dragana Rogulja (grad student), Michael A. Crickmore (grad student)
Le ZhangEpigenetics Jordan Kreidberg (post-doc)
Feng Zhang Genetics2011 George M. Church (post-doc)
Hanxiong Zhang Neurobiology2017 Bruce P. Bean (grad student)
Xiaochang ZhangBrain development and disorders Human Genetics20112017 Chris A. Walsh (post-doc)
Dong ZhangMolecular Genetics of RNA Processing and Behavior2006 Stephen J. Elledge (post-doc)
Jean ZhaoPI3K, malignant transformation
Bin ZhengCell Biology
Jie ZhengBiophysics Neurobiology Gabriel Kreiman (post-doc)
Zhaolan (Joe) Zhou Michael E. Greenberg (post-doc), Robin Reed (grad student)
Yu-Dong ZhouSynaptic physiology, epilepsy, adult neurogenesis
Anni Zhu Eli S. Fredman20142015 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Jonathan D. ZirinDrosophila development