Robert C. Drugan - Publications

University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, United States 
stress pharmacology

69 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2024 Robison CL, Madore V, Cova N, Drugan RC, Charntikov S. Individual corticosterone response to intermittent swim stress predicts a shift in economic demand for ethanol from pre- stress to post-stress in male rats. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology. PMID 38464299 DOI: 10.1101/2024.02.26.582066  0.399
2019 Stafford NP, Kazan TN, Donovan CM, Hart EE, Drugan RC, Charntikov S. Individual Vulnerability to Stress Is Associated With Increased Demand for Intravenous Heroin Self-administration in Rats. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 13: 134. PMID 31293400 DOI: 10.3389/Fnbeh.2019.00134  0.799
2018 Donner NC, Kubala KH, Hassell JE, Lieb MW, Nguyen KT, Heinze JD, Drugan RC, Maier SF, Lowry CA. Two models of inescapable stress increasemRNA expression in the anxiety-related dorsomedial part of the dorsal raphe nucleus. Neurobiology of Stress. 8: 68-81. PMID 29520369 DOI: 10.1016/J.Ynstr.2018.01.003  0.554
2015 Stafford NP, Jones AM, Drugan RC. Ultrasonic vocalizations during intermittent swim stress forecasts resilience in a subsequent juvenile social exploration test of anxiety. Behavioural Brain Research. 287: 196-9. PMID 25823762 DOI: 10.1016/J.Bbr.2015.03.041  0.802
2014 Christianson JP, Flyer-Adams JG, Drugan RC, Amat J, Daut RA, Foilb AR, Watkins LR, Maier SF. Learned stressor resistance requires extracellular signal-regulated kinase in the prefrontal cortex. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 8: 348. PMID 25324750 DOI: 10.3389/Fnbeh.2014.00348  0.763
2014 Drugan RC, Warner TA, Papallo TA, Castracane LL, Stafford NP. Ultrasonic vocalizations during intermittent swim stress forecasts resilience in subsequent forced swim and spatial learning tests. Behavioural Brain Research. 259: 41-4. PMID 24475493 DOI: 10.1016/J.Bbr.2013.10.029  0.799
2013 Drugan RC, Warner TA, Papallo TA, Castracane LL, Stafford NP. Ultrasonic vocalizations during intermittent swim stress forecasts resilience in subsequent forced swim and spatial learning tests. Behavioural Brain Research. PMID 24513417 DOI: 10.1016/j.bbr.2013.10.029  0.729
2013 Warner TA, Stafford NP, Rompala GR, Van Hoogenstyn AJ, Elgert E, Drugan RC. Intermittent swim stress causes Morris water maze performance deficits in a massed-learning trial procedure that are exacerbated by reboxetine. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 113: 12-9. PMID 24120767 DOI: 10.1016/J.Pbb.2013.09.014  0.758
2013 Drugan RC, Hibl PT, Kelly KJ, Dady KF, Hale MW, Lowry CA. Prior cold water swim stress alters immobility in the forced swim test and associated activation of serotonergic neurons in the rat dorsal raphe nucleus. Neuroscience. 253: 221-34. PMID 23999122 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroscience.2013.08.038  0.395
2013 Warner TA, Libman MK, Wooten KL, Drugan RC. Sex differences associated with intermittent swim stress. Stress (Amsterdam, Netherlands). 16: 655-63. PMID 23930864 DOI: 10.3109/10253890.2013.825767  0.67
2013 Drugan RC, Christianson JP, Warner TA, Kent S. Resilience in shock and swim stress models of depression. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 7: 14. PMID 23450843 DOI: 10.3389/Fnbeh.2013.00014  0.802
2013 Christianson JP, Drugan RC, Flyer JG, Watkins LR, Maier SF. Anxiogenic effects of brief swim stress are sensitive to stress history. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry. 44: 17-22. PMID 23357538 DOI: 10.1016/J.Pnpbp.2013.01.011  0.789
2012 Warner TA, Drugan RC. Morris water maze performance deficit produced by intermittent swim stress is partially mediated by norepinephrine. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 101: 24-34. PMID 22119910 DOI: 10.1016/J.Pbb.2011.11.009  0.688
2012 Eren S, Drugan RC, Hazi A, Flannery G, Kent S. Coping in an intermittent swim stress paradigm compromises natural killer cell activity in rats. Behavioural Brain Research. 227: 291-4. PMID 22085883 DOI: 10.1016/J.Bbr.2011.10.044  0.548
2011 Stiller AL, Drugan RC, Hazi A, Kent SP. Stress resilience and vulnerability: the association with rearing conditions, endocrine function, immunology, and anxious behavior. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 36: 1383-95. PMID 21530089 DOI: 10.1016/J.Psyneuen.2011.03.012  0.572
2010 Drugan RC, Macomber H, Warner TA. Intermittent and continuous swim stress-induced behavioral depression: sensitivity to norepinephrine- and serotonin-selective antidepressants. Psychopharmacology. 212: 85-91. PMID 20623107 DOI: 10.1007/S00213-010-1935-3  0.701
2009 Drugan RC, Christianson JP, Stine WW, Soucy DP. Swim stress-induced ultrasonic vocalizations forecast resilience in rats. Behavioural Brain Research. 202: 142-5. PMID 19447291 DOI: 10.1016/J.Bbr.2009.03.021  0.776
2008 Christianson JP, Rabbett S, Lyckland J, Drugan RC. The immobility produced by intermittent swim stress is not mediated by serotonin. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 89: 412-23. PMID 18295323 DOI: 10.1016/J.Pbb.2008.01.017  0.694
2007 Drugan RC, Wiedholz LM, Holt A, Kent S, Christianson JP. Environmental and immune stressors enhance alcohol-induced motor ataxia in rat. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 86: 125-31. PMID 17270258 DOI: 10.1016/J.Pbb.2006.12.016  0.673
2006 Levay EA, Govic A, Hazi A, Flannery G, Christianson J, Drugan RC, Kent S. Endocrine and immunological correlates of behaviorally identified swim stress resilient and vulnerable rats. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. 20: 488-97. PMID 16309884 DOI: 10.1016/J.Bbi.2005.10.004  0.773
2005 Drugan RC, Eren S, Hazi A, Silva J, Christianson JP, Kent S. Impact of water temperature and stressor controllability on swim stress-induced changes in body temperature, serum corticosterone, and immobility in rats. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 82: 397-403. PMID 16236352 DOI: 10.1016/J.Pbb.2005.09.011  0.742
2005 Christianson JP, Drugan RC. Intermittent cold water swim stress increases immobility and interferes with escape performance in rat. Behavioural Brain Research. 165: 58-62. PMID 16126286 DOI: 10.1016/J.Bbr.2005.06.028  0.77
2002 Tayyabkhan TR, Mammola BN, Drugan RC. A comparison of female and male rats' ETOH-induced ataxia and exploration following restraint or swim stress. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 72: 335-42. PMID 11900804 DOI: 10.1016/S0091-3057(01)00765-1  0.525
2001 Brown PL, Hurley C, Repucci N, Drugan RC. Behavioral analysis of stress controllability effects in a new swim stress paradigm. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 68: 263-72. PMID 11267631 DOI: 10.1016/S0091-3057(00)00460-3  0.581
1999 Burk JA, Glode BM, Drugan RC, Mair RG. Effects of chlordiazepoxide and FG 7142 on a rat model of diencephalic amnesia as measured by delayed-matching-to-sample performance. Psychopharmacology. 142: 413-20. PMID 10229067 DOI: 10.1007/S002130050907  0.33
1999 Austin M, Myles V, Brown PL, Mammola B, Drugan RC. FG 7142- and restraint-induced alterations in the ataxic effects of alcohol and midazolam in rats are time dependent. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 62: 45-51. PMID 9972844 DOI: 10.1016/S0091-3057(98)00147-6  0.437
1997 Drugan RC, Basile AS, Ha JH, Healy D, Ferland RJ. Analysis of the importance of controllable versus uncontrollable stress on subsequent behavioral and physiological functioning. Brain Research. Brain Research Protocols. 2: 69-74. PMID 9438074 DOI: 10.1016/S1385-299X(97)00031-7  0.53
1996 Drugan RC. Peripheral benzodiazepine receptors: molecular pharmacology to possible physiological significance in stress-induced hypertension. Clinical Neuropharmacology. 19: 475-96. PMID 8937787 DOI: 10.1097/00002826-199619060-00002  0.393
1996 Drugan RC, Coyle TS, Healy DJ, Chen S. Stress controllability influences the ataxic properties of both ethanol and midazolam in the rat. Behavioral Neuroscience. 110: 360-7. PMID 8731063 DOI: 10.1037//0735-7044.110.2.360  0.477
1996 Healy DJ, Drugan RC. Escapable stress modulates retention of spatial learning in rats: Preliminary evidence for involvement of neurosteroids Psychobiology. 24: 110-117. DOI: 10.3758/Bf03331961  0.522
1995 Drugan RC, Holmes PV, Scher DM, Luczak S, Oh H, Ferland RJ. Environmentally induced changes in peripheral benzodiazepine receptors are stressor and tissue specific. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 50: 551-62. PMID 7617701 DOI: 10.1016/0091-3057(94)00341-6  0.695
1994 Holmes PV, Drugan RC. Stress-induced regulation of the renal peripheral benzodiazepine receptor: possible role of the renin-angiotensin system. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 19: 43-54. PMID 9210211 DOI: 10.1016/0306-4530(94)90058-2  0.648
1994 Drugan RC, Basile AS, Ha JH, Ferland RJ. The protective effects of stress control may be mediated by increased brain levels of benzodiazepine receptor agonists. Brain Research. 661: 127-36. PMID 7834364 DOI: 10.1016/0006-8993(94)91189-4  0.527
1993 Meng ID, Drugan RC. Sex differences in open-field behavior in response to the beta-carboline FG 7142 in rats. Physiology & Behavior. 54: 701-5. PMID 8248346 DOI: 10.1016/0031-9384(93)90079-U  0.407
1993 Drugan RC, Park R, Kaufman L, Holmes PV. Etiology of the sexual dimorphism in renal peripheral benzodiazepine receptor response to stress in rats. Hormones and Behavior. 27: 348-65. PMID 8225258 DOI: 10.1006/Hbeh.1993.1026  0.66
1993 Holmes PV, Drugan RC. Amygdaloid central nucleus lesions and cholinergic blockade attenuate the response of the renal peripheral benzodiazepine receptor to stress. Brain Research. 621: 1-9. PMID 8221058 DOI: 10.1016/0006-8993(93)90291-T  0.706
1993 Drugan RC, Paul SM, Crawley JN. Decreased forebrain [35S]TBPS binding and increased [3H]muscimol binding in rats that do not develop stress-induced behavioral depression. Brain Research. 631: 270-6. PMID 8131055 DOI: 10.1016/0006-8993(93)91545-4  0.566
1992 Holmes PV, Stringer AP, Drugan RC. Impact of psychological dynamics of stress on the peripheral benzodiazepine receptor. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 42: 437-44. PMID 1329114 DOI: 10.1016/0091-3057(92)90137-5  0.69
1992 Drugan RC, Scher DM, Sarabanchong V, Guglielmi A, Meng I, Chang J, Bloom K, Sylvia S, Holmes P. Controllability and duration of stress alter central nervous system depressant-induced sleep time in rats. Behavioral Neuroscience. 106: 682-9. PMID 1323971 DOI: 10.1037//0735-7044.106.4.682  0.633
1992 Holmes PV, Drugan RC. Angiotensin II rapidly modulates the renal peripheral benzodiazepine receptor. European Journal of Pharmacology. 226: 189-90. PMID 1322309 DOI: 10.1016/0922-4106(92)90184-W  0.604
1991 Holmes PV, Drugan RC. Differential effects of anxiogenic central and peripheral benzodiazepine receptor ligands in tests of learning and memory. Psychopharmacology. 104: 249-54. PMID 1652145 DOI: 10.1007/Bf02244187  0.602
1991 Drugan RC, Holmes PV. Central and peripheral benzodiazepine receptors: involvement in an organism's response to physical and psychological stress. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 15: 277-98. PMID 1649423 DOI: 10.1016/S0149-7634(05)80007-7  0.631
1991 Drugan RC, Holmes PV, Stringer AP. Sexual dimorphism of stress-induced changes in renal peripheral benzodiazepine receptors in rat. Neuropharmacology. 30: 413-6. PMID 1649421 DOI: 10.1016/0028-3908(91)90069-N  0.642
1990 Drugan RC, Holmes PV, Stringer AP. Pentobarbital blocks the stress-induced decrease in [3H]Ro 5-4864 binding in rat kidney. Brain Research. 535: 151-4. PMID 1963342 DOI: 10.1016/0006-8993(90)91834-4  0.701
1989 Drugan RC, Skolnick P, Paul SM, Crawley JN. A pretest procedure reliably predicts performance in two animal models of inescapable stress. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 33: 649-54. PMID 2587607 DOI: 10.1016/0091-3057(89)90403-6  0.576
1989 Drugan RC, Morrow AL, Weizman R, Weizman A, Deutsch SI, Crawley JN, Paul SM. Stress-induced behavioral depression in the rat is associated with a decrease in GABA receptor-mediated chloride ion flux and brain benzodiazepine receptor occupancy. Brain Research. 487: 45-51. PMID 2546650 DOI: 10.1016/0006-8993(89)90938-4  0.483
1988 Drugan RC, Basile AS, Crawley JN, Paul SM, Skolnick P. Characterization of stress-induced alterations in [3H] Ro5-4864 binding to peripheral benzodiazepine receptors in rat heart and kidney. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 30: 1015-20. PMID 2852369 DOI: 10.1016/0091-3057(88)90134-7  0.639
1987 Drugan RC, Basile AS, Crawley JN, Paul SM, Skolnick P. "Peripheral" benzodiazepine binding sites in the Maudsley reactive rat: selective decrease confined to peripheral tissues. Brain Research Bulletin. 18: 143-5. PMID 3030509 DOI: 10.1016/0361-9230(87)90044-X  0.507
1987 Drugan RC, Crawley JN, Paul SM, Skolnick P. Buspirone attenuates learned helplessness behavior in rats Drug Development Research. 10: 63-67. DOI: 10.1002/DDR.430100204  0.5
1987 Drugan RC, Crawley JN, Paul SM, Skolnick P. Buspirone attenuates learned helplessness behavior in rats Drug Development Research. 10: 63-67. DOI: 10.1002/Ddr.430100204  0.397
1986 Drugan RC, Skolnick P, Paul SM, Crawley JN. Low doses of muscimol produce anticonflict actions in the lateral septum of the rat. Neuropharmacology. 25: 203-5. PMID 3703171 DOI: 10.1016/0028-3908(86)90042-0  0.495
1986 Drugan RC, Maier SF. Control vs. lack of control over aversive stimuli: nonopioid-opioid analgesic consequences. Nida Research Monograph. 74: 71-89. PMID 3122055  0.384
1986 Drugan RC, Basile AS, Crawley JN, Paul SM, Skolnick P. Inescapable shock reduces [3H]Ro 5-4864 binding to "peripheral-type" benzodiazepine receptors in the rat. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 24: 1673-7. PMID 3016760 DOI: 10.1016/0091-3057(86)90504-6  0.532
1985 Drugan RC, McIntyre TD, Alpern HP, Maier SF. Coping and seizure susceptibility: control over shock protects against bicuculline-induced seizures. Brain Research. 342: 9-17. PMID 4041819 DOI: 10.1016/0006-8993(85)91347-2  0.786
1985 Drugan RC, Ader DN, Maier SF. Shock controllability and the nature of stress-induced analgesia. Behavioral Neuroscience. 99: 791-801. PMID 3843301 DOI: 10.1037//0735-7044.99.5.791  0.538
1985 Drugan RC, Maier SF, Skolnick P, Paul SM, Crawley JN. An anxiogenic benzodiazepine receptor ligand induces learned helplessness. European Journal of Pharmacology. 113: 453-7. PMID 2995072 DOI: 10.1016/0014-2999(85)90096-2  0.633
1984 Watkins LR, Drugan R, Hyson RL, Moye TB, Ryan SM, Mayer DJ, Maier SF. Opiate and non-opiate analgesia induced by inescapable tail-shock: effects of dorsolateral funiculus lesions and decerebration. Brain Research. 291: 325-36. PMID 6697193 DOI: 10.1016/0006-8993(84)91265-4  0.502
1984 Drugan RC, Ryan SM, Minor TR, Maier SF. Librium prevents the analgesia and shuttlebox escape deficit typically observed following inescapable shock. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 21: 749-54. PMID 6542677 DOI: 10.1016/S0091-3057(84)80014-3  0.68
1984 Williams JL, Drugan RC, Maier SF. Exposure to uncontrollable stress alters withdrawal from morphine. Behavioral Neuroscience. 98: 836-46. PMID 6541499 DOI: 10.1037//0735-7044.98.5.836  0.591
1983 Laudenslager ML, Ryan SM, Drugan RC, Hyson RL, Maier SF. Coping and immunosuppression: inescapable but not escapable shock suppresses lymphocyte proliferation. Science (New York, N.Y.). 221: 568-70. PMID 6603018 DOI: 10.1126/Science.6603018  0.515
1983 MacLennan AJ, Drugan RC, Maier SF. Long-term stress-induced analgesia blocked by scopolamine. Psychopharmacology. 80: 267-8. PMID 6412272 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00436167  0.518
1983 Drugan RC, Maier SF. Analgesic and opioid involvement in the shock-elicited activity and escape deficits produced by inescapable shock Learning and Motivation. 14: 30-47. DOI: 10.1016/0023-9690(83)90011-5  0.493
1982 Maier SF, Drugan RC, Grau JW. Controllability, coping behavior, and stress-induced analgesia in the rat. Pain. 12: 47-56. PMID 7199129 DOI: 10.1016/0304-3959(82)90169-5  0.649
1982 MacLennan AJ, Drugan RC, Hyson RL, Maier SF, Madden J, Barchas JD. Dissociation of long-term analgesia and the shuttle box escape deficit caused by inescapable shock. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology. 96: 904-12. PMID 7153387  0.478
1982 MacLennan AJ, Drugan RC, Hyson RL, Maier SF, Madden J, Barchas JD. Corticosterone: a critical factor in an opioid form of stress-induced analgesia. Science (New York, N.Y.). 215: 1530-2. PMID 7063862 DOI: 10.1126/Science.7063862  0.564
1982 Drugan RC, Moye TB, Maier SF. Opioid and nonopioid forms of stress-induced analgesia: some environmental determinants and characteristics. Behavioral and Neural Biology. 35: 251-64. PMID 6295357 DOI: 10.1016/S0163-1047(82)90689-6  0.537
1982 Hyson RL, Ashcraft LJ, Drugan RC, Grau JW, Maier SF. Extent and control of shock affects naltrexone sensitivity of stress-induced analgesia and reactivity to morphine. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 17: 1019-25. PMID 6294682 DOI: 10.1016/0091-3057(82)90488-9  0.62
1982 Drugan RC, Maier SF. The nature of the activity deficit produced by inescapable shock Animal Learning & Behavior. 10: 401-406. DOI: 10.3758/Bf03213726  0.507
1981 Drugan RC, Grau JW, Maier SF, Madden J, Barchas JD. Cross tolerance between morphine and the long-term analgesic reaction to inescapable shock. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 14: 677-82. PMID 7243845 DOI: 10.1016/0091-3057(81)90130-1  0.542
Show low-probability matches.